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Azure Sage
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  • I PMed Justin about it.....I was so nervous! He told me my sig DID meet forum requirements though, I'm SO relieved! :sweat:

    Now I can tell people that if more still come after me about it~ ^^

    I just noticed...is your new avie from [pixiv]? I picked up the same picture from there~ :3
    There's actually been a lot of nice new stuff over there recently.

    Did you see this one? I'll give you the full size cuz I thought it was cool~ :) (Not as much as the 25th anniversary one, but still pretty neat!)
    (Watch out, it's pretty WIDE!)

    Yeah I know I'm walking a tightrope with this one. I think it's flashiness might make people crack down on it also... :silent:

    I might size it down a bit so it's less borderline, but I just really don't want to remove it...it was a lot of work to make, ya know?
    I have a feeling I'll have to be defending it a lot from now on if I want keep it~ >_>
    *gets out Hylian shield* =\
    Ahhh....I can't seem to go a day without hearing something either awesome or horrible about my signature... -.- I guess I made it too conspicuous...

    But you really think it's too big? I've checked the sig rules actually, 800x250 is fine and I've talked to Axle about my name signed in teensy letters underneath as that's almost negligible in terms of space. The file size is kinda large but I didn't see any rules on sig file size when I checked them, so I think it actually passes! :P What do you think?

    And thanks for the compliment~ : D
    :P I always love finding little details. I'd usually just spend a lot of time looking around some houses and other buildings while talking to people
    Oh that's cool. Looks like Nintendo put a lot of neat little things into it ^^
    ^^ I've been checking out videos and pictures, and it does look fantastic! The gameplay looks so smooth the visuals are great. I like the little SS easter egg in the Gerudo Fortress, too :) I don't know much about the other easter eggs
    (my apologies for all of the delayed replies)

    Unfortunately, no, I haven't been able to get a 3DS yet. But that's okay, I've got the original to keep me occupied until then ^^
    It manages to get to us all -_-'

    Some good music can usually be the cure, though :)
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