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  • Sims, Pokemon, and Warcraft are the only series I play. I do play several isolated games as well. Why? And do you?
    *blissful sigh* Now I know where to come when I feel stressed. Looks great, Zelway. I'm glad you're (finally lol) satisfied with it.
    That's good.

    That doesn't seem too bad to me. It seems very similair to what I do when I swim. Course, I have a much smaller pool, I can surface when I need to, and I bunch up more, as it propels me more.
    Ah, okay. Yeah, I'm often told that I change mine a lot. The thing with me is I like avatars a lot, I think they're cool little images, but I'm not particularly fond of signature banners, so I tend to change avatars a lot and rarely ever change sigs or even not have a sig banner at all. :sweat:
    Oh, jeez, Zelway. I love so many different kinds, my fave is hard to choose. My fave magna series is probably BlakcCat. My favorite modern day series is Artemis Fowl. My favorite medieval is probably Inheritance. Why?
    Thanks, Zelway! You want to know what I got rep on? The thread asking what drives you. I said that mostly my imagination drives me, which is the truth.
    Haha. I thought your cats didn't chill.

    Nope. I had special plans for him.

    No. I honestly don't like Agatha Christie. My mom reads her though.
    There's a fish tank at a restraunt my family likes to go to. And there is this fish who is always chillin'. He moves a little ways, then rests for several minutes. Then moves a little ways and rests. My brother was calling him Zelway, and wondering you had were him.

    Also, I put your charactor into the latest chapter of my story.
    Hey, I was thinking of VMing you.

    That's neat. My brother doesn't get it, for some reason.

    Have you been a fish recently?
    I change it... I dunno, maybe every month or so? Sometimes I change it in only a few weeks if I'm not particularly fond of the current one. As for how many I've had? Jeez, I dunno. :xd: I might upload some of my avatars on my Deviant Art account, idk. Why?
    It means I need to remember. They're codes for avatars on a shoutbox. 383 is a code for me to give to one of the players. The other is for me, just in case I want to be Persian again.
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