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  • What are you talking about? Have you never seen Donatello's paintings? He's a true artist!!!!11one!

    But seriously, I think Leo's cooler too. I only have Don since the color matches my username.
    I'm just a nice guy who will wait. And I don't want to accidentally spoil the ending for him. That would be rude. Have you played the multiplayer yet? And what armour is your favorite?
    Not yet. I was just about to when my friend said he wanted me to run through the campaign with him. So I stopped and I'm waiting for him to get the game.
    My verdict is that Halo 4 is guilty of being awesome. The campaign is great, though I've heard the ending was a bit lackluster. But the multiplayer is awesome. I almost exclusively play BTB though.
    I can't say otherwise. There are so people who would say Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is better than Resident Evil 6. The merits of that statement can be debated but everyone ultimately has a different opinion.
    And as I promised your VM from 6-14-2012..... LOL! I'm not going to reply a lot for this one since RE6 is out. Sooooooo....

    I don't know who to cosplay anymore lol! I thought I would go as Jill, but I don't have the butt or the boobs. So much for surgery giving me Jill's special gifts :< . Anyway, I think I'll go with Ada's Damnation or RE6 look. The costumes itself seem easy to obtain and it doesn't look like it'll cost me THAT much. And Ada's more my size anyway, so yeah.. lol! Have you been to any conventions before?

    I don't think they're going to include more characters in the mercenaries. If they had the character selection set up like RE5's then maybe. But, since they have the names listed on the left side of the screen; adding more people would make it look messy. Hopefully, they will do another Mercenaries reunion soon!

    I'm excited for Tomb Raider now. Underworld was a bust because it was so short, but I hope the reboot comes out as a success. Only a few more months to go! Are you excited for Halo 4?

    Your reply from CapcomUnity (October 13th)

    I actually like Chris' driving segment now that I had the chance to replay the mission again. Looks like I'm not a bad driver after all lol! :D But, the J'avo can go somewhere though. Worst enemies ever. I haven't tried Jake's motorcycle segment as Jake yet because I know I'm just going to get aggravated lol! But, playing that part as Sherry was pretty cool. I played their story on my own and it was neat to look at the city while the CPU was taking over. As for Chris, lol! I didn't mind. I thought it was a touching scene. Much better than Sherry's talk with Jake in the cabin.

    If that's the case, I would email Axle the next time you come across an argument. Isn't JJ the one that keeps claiming RE6 sucks?

    I think I remember Paul London. Might have to look him up later on. But, my favorite tag-team will always be the Hardy Boyz though. They were entertaining in and out of the ring. And the relationship they had with each other was pretty awesome. I'll never forget when Jeff took on the Undertaker in the ladder match. Or was it money in the bank? Hmmm. Wrestling back then was true magic though. Anywho, yeah it's the same with me too. Back then, my family and I used to do a lot of things together. But, now it's all about getting a job, paying bills, and thinking about daily adult things. Not that there's anything wrong with it. That's life of course, but it sucks.
    LOL! The APA didn't change at all. Wait, what happened to Matt? What accident?

    Nope. I'm probably the opposite of you haha. I take out my anger on videogames or sleeping. Or tumblr which I find to be a good stress reliever by the way lol!

    Really? The hair gives it away though. I liked Ada's Damnation look in some parts. She looked really pretty in certain scenes of the movie, but there were times where I felt her face and hair were a bit off. This pose came from after she got captured by Svetlana though if that helps. I think she said something like "Amateurs. They didn't even give me a pat down"?

    Hmm, this bears investigating :> . Seriously though, hate? I thought this board doesn't tolerate this kind of behavior. I've had my fair share of arguments with people before, but after a while it gets tiring, so I just let it be. I understand that you're not like me, but maybe it's a sign. And what? No one looks up to you? I do :( .

    I replayed Ada's chapter 1 and I believe Simmons wanted to kill Jake. He said in the recording that he didn't want an vaccine to be produced, so he must've had other plans. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but one thing that I didn't like about RE6 is the Ada doppelganger story. Chris is probably under the assumption that Ada is dead, Leon doesn't know about the doppleganger, and Simmons claimed that Ada made the virus stronger when it was actually Carla. I hope they don't do this again in the future because there's a lot of parts that doesn't make any sense. You'd think Chris would be able to figure out there's two "Ada's" judging by their clothes, but noooo... I hope they port Revelations and Revelations: 2 (?) to consoles in the future. I was really looking forward to playing that game because of the cast and story until they announced it for the 3DS :< . Argh! Why?!!! And now it seems like RE7 could go to the WiiU too.
    Resident Evil 7 headed to the Wii U? Capcom likes prospects - National Video Games | Examiner.com

    :[ True (not the "lame" part, but about his mutation). And I wouldn't want him to come back as a mutated fish because that would bring all sorts of feels. I was thinking about this though because it seems like there's a theme in RE where if you don't see a dead body; chances are that character might still be alive. Apparently Jake still serves a purpose. I would've accepted this idea if they didn't kill off Piers because at least you would have a relationship already established. Also, if Alex does exist, he could be the head of "The Family" and could be tracking Jake.

    LOL yeah! I got excited when I saw their cutscene together, but after it was over I was like "wait, this is suppose to be a crossover. Where's the teamwork here?" I also thought Ada was going to be teaming up with Chris before the game came out, but clearly that didn't happen either. This chart was certainly misleading lol!

    Yeah, but look at Jake's chapter 2. If his entire campaign was going to be like that, I would never play it. It was boring having to hide from the Ustanak and a total pain the *** especially if you're playing alone. Plus, after a while it feels kind of repetitive facing this beast. But, yes haha I would've liked it if the ending would change. Lately, I've been having this string of bad luck when it comes to picking favorite characters. Fang and Vanille practically died in FFXIII, the cast of XIII-2 was wiped out, and now I have a feeling Lightning is next in the new sequel that's coming out. So, it would've been nice if one person I liked would've made it out alive.

    I think the reason people are preferring Chris over Piers (with the exception that they grew up with this character) is because of Jill. Since Ada and Leon are practically canon, fans want to see some action between these two. Now, I'm not against this pairing or anything, but it's like asking Nintendo to hook up Link and Zelda in the next game. Not going to happen. It's too bad they're not going to bring this manga overseas though. U.S fans are missing out on a ton of stuff.

    LOL! yeah. Til next game I suppose. Unless it's all about Jake then you'll have to wait a few years. Maybe a decade, or a century :3 . If RE7 stars Chris again, I'm sure he'll be paired up with a female this time.

    Oh, speaking of that picture, I think I remember you asking me if I watched two and half men? I don't. I tried too, but that show just isn't funny for me. It's the same with How I met your mother.The picture though...
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