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  • Only if you sell them very very expensive and I take 90% of the profit.
    I've noticed many ambitious sequels and trequels have been praised for refinement but ultimately received lower critical marks than their predecessors. This has been the case with Mass Effect 3, New Super Mario Bros. 2, and Assassin's Creed III this year just to name a few. I'm worried critics will gloss over Master Chief's return and pan Halo 4 for being more of the same even if avid fans of the franchise recognize this to be far from the truth.

    Not that it matters much as it all boils down to a matter of personal enjoyment.
    Sorry for not replying earlier. Halo 4 has been my most anticipated game of the year since before the year even began. Many sequels this year are receiving lower critical marks than their predecessors, however, Halo 4 aims to buck that trend.

    Multiplayer looks to continue on Reach's momentum with more weapons, more vehicles, more abilities. As for campaign, I've chosen not to spoil myself. I know next to zero details about the story except for the fact that Chief find himself on the Forerunner planet of Requiem. I'm expecting to be blown away.

    It's like Superman represents hope and Batman is the cold hard truth.
    I agree with that. It's just that I like "the cold hard truth" theme better I suppose. But I also like Superman. Superman is appealing because he is perfect. He is the definition of power used for the greater good. A lot of comic book fans dislike Superman because he's "too perfect" and "too invincible", and I understand what they mean, but he also symbolizes what we all aspire to be in our wildest fantasies. We all wish we could be god-like and use our powers for the betterment of humanity; and Superman is exactly that. He also deserves respect for being the first majorly popular superhero, and basically giving life to the superhero genre.

    Personally though, I enjoy Batman's stories more. And I respect his character more. Not to mention that Supes got his *** kicked by Batman in the last issue of The Dark Knight Returns. ;)
    It's very close between Spider-Man and Batman. But I have to give the edge to Batman. And no...not you :P The REAL Batman. Well...he's not real, but you know what I mean. Batman stands for so much more than any other superhero. He's the true embodiment of justice and self-sacrifice. The world sucks and he knows it, but he does whatever he can to make it slightly better in whatever way he can. Unlike most superheros, Batman doesn't have the fantasy of trying to "save the world" or "rid the world of crime"...crime and evil exists, he knows he will never be able to eradicate it, but he will do all that he can to punish it. And he'll do all in his power to prevent the horrors he went through from happening to other people; and is willing to give his life in the process. To me, that's a true hero.
    Nice. All you have to do is PM what you feel the regular members purpose is on ZD, along with any experiences you want to share.
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