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PK Love Omega
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  • Hey Kemp,
    I just made 4 new avatars for myself using the box-art image of Phi. Which one to do you like the best?
    Simple, just use MS Paint. But, silly me, I re-sized that particular sprite of me so I could use it in my signature, so that's why that one is HUGE! Each pixel of the drawing below is about 4x4 REAL pizels, because it's re-sized. :yes:
    Haha, I've been awake for about a day now and plan on passing out right now, and I'll be busy tomorrow, but yeah, one of these days! I haven't played online in forever. :P
    Want me to make you a new one? Just tell me how you want it to look... ;)

    Wait, mis-read that. Okay, I understand.
    LOL! That would be weird, but I wonder if he would be more difficult to defeat then Barthandelus? Hmmm.. I want to know what the goddess Etro is going to look like! :3
    :lol: Well, sorry. I've gotten really good in GIMP...

    No problem, it's what I do.

    So, you do know how to add it to your siggy, right? Put the URL (http://oi53.tinypic.com/15mlbtd.jpg) between the
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