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  • ZSS is said to not confuse me or the people at Kirbywiki, SS there is Super Star, SSU is Super Star Ultra, and KSS is Kirby: Squeak Squad. Some people there sometimes read my posts so I do not want it to be confusing.

    EDIT WW is wrong, by the way.
    Hey I have a question. I am not able to make a forum thread with a poll. I click on the poll option, type in the number of options I want, then click submit. I thought that was supposed to take you to the create poll place, But it doesn't for me. What am I doing wrong?
    Hm, i am not sure on that one :P Maybe ask @lex MM, he made his own site and it's pretty cool. Check out the members list and you can find him.
    Hello PhantomTriforce, welcome to ZD! Hope you have an awesome time, stick to the rules and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me~
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