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  • One of them decided to stay with me, I can't imagine why... And not all birds migrate, the juncos migrate down to us in the winter.
    Yeah, even tap my window and beg me for birdseed... Go away robin, I'll fill up the feeder in a few minutes! :D
    Probably Christmas don't be Late, because it is awesome. Bad Day was pretty good, but it seemed weird that the chipmunks knew that song BEFORE they were living with humans... It's kinda sad because that is happening in the real world. Birds are mimicing cell phone ring tones, my little friend the robin tells me to re-fill the bird feeder, we are destroying their habitats, and soon there will be nowhere left for them to go... :(
    I havn't seen the cartoon version, but I like listening to the music. From the first movie, Christmas on't be late, an Witch Docter are songs from the origional cartoon. There weren't ant songs from the cartoon in the second one, just songs that you hear on the radio.
    Yep, I knew we wouldn't have school today. :D
    My brothers and I just watched a library copy of the second Alvin & the Chipmunks movie, and the disk was really scratched up. I think we missed about a quarter of the movie from skipping... And they didn't even sing any Chipmunk songs from the old cartoon in this one!! I was dissappointed.
    Oh. I was just wondering that, because my brothers had school on monday. That must have been weird, to see her...
    On ZD? I don't know, probably I'll be off and on a few times...
    They will most likely cancel. The Libraries have closed for tomorrow! Even OSU's afternoon classes were canceled for today.
    True... But they probably will cancel, there's going to be like an inch and a half of freezing rain/ice tonight.
    You had a snow day earlier today or you made a blog earlier today? I know Gahanna had a snow day, so id I...
    That's cool. Are you going to make a blog?

    I woner if I will have a snow day tomorrow. If I do, all of my school's calamity days will be used, but then we will just have virtual days on future snow days...
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