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  • in case any of Jamie's friends or family ever check this again, I think I can speak for the whole community in saying that we are deeply sorry for your loss and wish you well on the long path to recovery
    Jamie, we didn't talk as much over the past few years, but I want to let you know that the time I spent with you in not Skype mafia was some of the best in my life. I was struggling to get used to university during my first year and not doing as well as I would have liked, and your chat brought me a lot of happiness and laughter during that tough time.
    A Link In Time
    A Link In Time
    I also want to let you know that I appreciated your vote for me to represent ZD at the Mafia Championship. I looked up to you as a great mafia player, and it made me want to try even harder. I was starting to doubt my mafia play, so that vote of confidence from you meant a lot to me. I hope you are now at peace.
    It really bothers me that people seem to be taking my last message from April as a serious goodbye, so I figured I’d give a real one, again.
    I’ve never had a closer online friend. You were hilarious, intelligent, and fun to be around, but also incredibly empathetic and real. You were amazing, and you deserved so much better than this. I love you, man, more than you realized, and I wish I’d said it earlier. I wish you were still here to make fun of me for this. Wish I could talk to you again. I really miss you. See you later, friend.
    I keep sending you messages you’ll never get to read.

    This is where we met and fell in love. I always loved you, even after we broke up, I never stopped caring even for a second. There’s things I regret, things I said and did... but I know that you didn’t ever hold it against me. And I hope that now you can forgive yourself for your mistakes and flaws. You were only human. You deserved to be happy.
    Jamie, I hope you're doing well where you are now. I hope you are able to finally find some form of happiness. You were taken from us too soon. You deserved a long, prosperous life. I trusted you with my life, and will never forget everything you have done for me. I will always remember you, and miss you forever. Love you man. May you rest peacefully. <3


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