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Recent content by Disasterbate5k

  1. Disasterbate5k

    your first negative zelda experience

    I'm not sure on what the general census is on the wolf link segments of Twilight Princess, but I always felt it was pretty gimmicky. It felt so separate to everything else I did in the game and just couldn't get into it. I mean, the segments weren't boring or anything, I just don't think they...
  2. Disasterbate5k

    Third CG Resident Evil film greenlit

    Chris is one of my favorite video game characters in all gaming. But I still think he's had more than enough screen time lately. The directors seem to forget there are other characters than just Chris and Leon. Regardless having anybody other than Leon in the film will be neat and am still...
  3. Disasterbate5k

    Misspellings and mispronunciations that annoy you

    Huh. I'm surprised. Perhaps it's just an un-common name. Or not one really heard where I live. At least for most guys. I don't think Dominick is a super common name either.
  4. Disasterbate5k

    Thank you! I'm very happy to be here.

    Thank you! I'm very happy to be here.
  5. Disasterbate5k


    Proud TriMet rider! The public transportation here is pretty effective and I use it to get pretty much anywhere not in direct walking distance. Portland is a weird area though so boy could I tell some strange bus stories. I am pretty fond of walking though. I would ride my bike more, but it's in...
  6. Disasterbate5k

    CUBS.....lose :( typical....

    Cubs still rocked this year. Now I'm from the Portland, OR area so all we have is the Mariners. People like to poke fun at the Cubs, but man, are the Mariners pretty lame too. This was pretty much the best team comeback I've seen in a long time. It's a shame they didn't make it to the World...
  7. Disasterbate5k

    Misspellings and mispronunciations that annoy you

    When people see my name (Dominick) and proceed to call me "Dominique". Pretty sure I'm not a woman. Plus I plan on teaching ESL, so I tend to be quite the grammar Nazi in general. I have a pretty strong dislike for internet or l33t speak in general because of it, which annoys people when I text...
  8. Disasterbate5k

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Pretty much everything. Did not have a pleasant day at all. :c Tomorrow is a new day. Not going to let things that bothered me today get to me tomorrow.
  9. Disasterbate5k

    What Did You Eat Today?

    Poor mans meals. As in a lack of real full meals. Never really eat breakfast and kind of just whenever I get hungry. All I had today was some canned spaghetti and meatballs and an apple a while after.
  10. Disasterbate5k

    favourite type of coffee

    Coffee? That's silly. It's all about oolong tea! But in all seriousness, I don't really know a lot about coffee. I considered starting drinking it, but with as many different types, I wasn't sure where to start. I tried some of that Japanese coffee in a can stuff in High School, but I didn't...
  11. Disasterbate5k

    What song is better?

    So a while back I was having a debate with my boyfriend about two particular songs in the series in which was better: Song of Storms (his vote) vs Great Fairy Fountain (my vote) Now according to him, GFF wasn't really emotional compelling, but I also felt that due to it's story significance...
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