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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
What methods of transport do you use to get around in your day to day life?
Are you a car driver? Do you like to walk, cycle, take a train?

I prefer to do as little walking as possible but am finding it hard to get a mobility scooter from the taxpayer as they are so stingy in my county.

I can drive and use my mothers car in the evenings but there is little point in me getting one of my own at the present time. Usually I take a bus and whilst I hate public transport, you hear a good amount of gossip whilst using it.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I used to take public transportation. It was for the sake of convenience. I prefer to walk, but in this heat, forget about it. And since I'm not familiar with the public transportation system here yet, I drive.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
When I lived in the city I took the L when I was traveling long distances, but otherwise I would walk. I've only been in a taxi twice, and only taken the commuter bus when I had to due to L station construction. I really liked that, because I didn't have to worry about maintaining my own car (aside from my husband's).

Now where I live the public transportation is lacking. The bus lines start near where I work and expand out in the opposite direction from my apartment. I drive now. I'd really prefer not to, though.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Unfortunately, I ride in a car. I hate it. My dream life is to live in a place small enough so I can walk to shops and such. And if I ever needed to travel farther, I could just get on a plane or ride with someone else.
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Bishop Rodan

Jan 12, 2015
Public transport when I can, car otherwise.

I live in the suburbs so unfortunately I need a car to get around most of the time. If I lived in the city I'd never drive, I'd just use the subway.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I use my bicycle as much as possible. It's much cheaper and the only fuel it burns is the fuel I want to get rid of as much as possible. My town is small enough that you can get everywhere in it by bike within 20 minutes. An hour if you walk. Which I always do in winter.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I prefer to walk or to take the bicycle but the transport is very poor in my area. So to get to my work I have to use my car. Not to get there, but to get home during nightshifts. Trains and busses are no option.


Staff member
I use my Car to drive to work and to the train station where I catch the train to Uni. It takes about ten minutes to drive to work so walking is not practical there but I could just walk to the station in about five minutes so I am a bit lazy in that case. The train takes about an hour and a half to Uni and while it is annoying travelling so far it is a good opportunity to catch up on readings and study while I'm in transit.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
It's mainly the bus for me. I have a driver's license, but I can't afford a car of my own (it's really expensive over here). I don't mind walking and if it's going to the nearby shops I definitely walk most of the time, for the shops and such that are a bit further away it depends on the weather and what I feel up for, but most my friends and social activities are located near/in/beyond the city centre, so unless I plan to dedicate a couple of hours of walking, the bus it is, lol.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I use my bicycle as much as possible. It's much cheaper and the only fuel it burns is the fuel I want to get rid of as much as possible. My town is small enough that you can get everywhere in it by bike within 20 minutes. An hour if you walk. Which I always do in winter.

I wish I could bike to class. It's fairly close, but it's just so incredibly hot.


Jan 26, 2013
I'd bike if I could, but unfortunately I live far enough from town that I have to drive (or get up really early to bike for a few hours, while carrying a days worth of supplies for college).

Of course, I don't really consider living that far out to be unfortunate, but that's a topic for another thread.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I use my car lots but I absolutely hate looking for a parking space more than anything. So when I park I tend to leave it there for the day at least and walk everywhere. I have walked miles from it in random parking lots before just because I did not at all feel like doing the drive around and looking for the next space game.
Aug 9, 2015
I walk about 4ish miles, catch a train and then catch a bus everyday, but I absolutely hate travelling! Public transport is too unreliable, but I can't drive so I don't really have any other options.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I prefer to walk/run but I'm a little self conscious running in public so it's not always possible.


Oct 21, 2015
Portland, OR
Proud TriMet rider! The public transportation here is pretty effective and I use it to get pretty much anywhere not in direct walking distance. Portland is a weird area though so boy could I tell some strange bus stories. I am pretty fond of walking though. I would ride my bike more, but it's in rather bad condition, so in the meantime walking and the bus will have to do.

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