
Revision as of 16:51, June 27, 2020 by Locke (talk | contribs) (remove the Arg class)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Args/doc

local p = {}

-- place the value in the right spot in the arg tree, determined by underscores in the key
function p.expandInto( args, key, value )
  local first, rest = string.match( key, '^(.-)_(.*)$' )
  local myKey = first or key
  myKey = tonumber( myKey ) or myKey

  if first then -- this is an internal node so insert children
    args[myKey] = type( args[myKey] ) == 'table' and args[myKey] -- already a table
      or args[myKey] and { __value = args[myKey] } -- move existing value into a new table
      or {} -- create new table
    p.expandInto( args[myKey], rest, value )
  else -- this is a leaf so set value
    if type( args[myKey] ) == 'table' then args[myKey].__value = value
    else args[myKey] = value

-- expand the arg tree for the given flattened args
function p.expand( args )
  local expandedArgs = {}
  for k, v in pairs( args ) do
    p.expandInto( expandedArgs, k, v )

  return expandedArgs

-- coerce the given node into a table, in case it is a standalone value
function p.getTable( val )
  return type( val ) == 'table' and val or { __value = val }

-- get the value at the given node, in case the node contains a table
function p.getValue( val )
  return type( val ) == 'table' and val.__value or val

-- expand the arg tree from the given frame and its parent
function p.fromFrame( frame )
  local parsedArgs = {}

  for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
    p.expandInto( parsedArgs, k, v )

  local parentFrame = frame:getParent()
  if parentFrame and parentFrame.args then
    for k, v in pairs (parentFrame.args ) do
      p.expandInto( parsedArgs, k, v )

  return parsedArgs

-- parse and expand the arg tree for the given template on the given page
function p.fromPageContent( content, templateName )
  templateName = templateName or 'Properties'
  local parsedArgs = {}

  local templateContents = string.match( content, '{{%s*' .. templateName .. '%s*|%s*(.-)%s*}}' )

  if templateContents then
    for prop in mw.text.gsplit( templateContents, '%s*|%s*' ) do
      local k, v = unpack( mw.text.split( prop, '%s*=%s*' ) )
      p.expandInto( parsedArgs, k, v )

  return parsedArgs

return p