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***Computer Issues***

Hey there guys, I'm having some major computer issues. Well, it's basically this lag that will never go away and it worsens by the minute. Not only that, but a lot of things are crashing more than usual lately. I have no idea if I have a virus or not, so I'm kind of screwed right now. I'm trying to mark edits as patrolled, but it takes me a life time + forever to mark a single edit. My activity is somewhat dropping because of this. I'll try to do whatever I can to improve my activity, but I make no promises. I apologize that I am not here 24/7 to edit, but it's something I don't have control over right now. I hope you understand. Thanks!

The cooling fan on my computer is not working. I am trying to fix it but I don't know how well that'll work out... Typing on 3DS is hard...


Hello, I'm Atticus! There's not a lot to say about me, but if I could say one thing it would be that I despise mathematics with a burning passion... Seriously... Never bring up math around me... Ever...

Current Projects

I'm not one to choose projects, let alone finish them, but if I had to say what my current project was it would be de-stubbing articles.

Have a Question?

If you ever have a question about what to do, how you input something, or whatever it may be; I'm there. Just ask me a question on my Talk Page, I'd be happy to help guide you in the right direction. If you want to ask me in private, feel free to send me a PM on ZeldaDungeon.

Darksiders Dungeon Wiki

I do some work on Darksiders Dungeon's Wiki as well as this one. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of Darksiders, so my work is minimal. You can find me on Darksiders Dungeon's Wiki by clicking here.

Zelda Games Completed

FYI, I don't 100% games. An asterik (*) indicates my current favorite.
*Ocarina of Time - Completed
Majora's Mask - Halfway there.... More like 1/4
Twilight Princess - Completed
Phantom Hourglass - Completed
Spirit Tracks - Completed
Skyward Sword - Completed

I'm a noob, I know.