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Zelda Maybe Racist....(caution for Easily Offended)

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Mar 7, 2011
The Netherlands
Wouldn't it also be racist if he was White instead of black/greenish. I mean picking a White guy over another Color just to avoid so called racism is just as racist


Spirit of the Forest
Mar 9, 2011
With the Great Deku Tree
Wouldn't it also be racist if he was White instead of black/greenish. I mean picking a White guy over another Color just to avoid so called racism is just as racist
I agree. Look, it's really impossible to make EVERYBODY happy. Complete political correctness is impossible (or very close to it). I don't think there was any ill intent there.
Mar 14, 2011
Well I agree that the color of peoples skin doesn't matter as you can tell on my signature. I don't like racism no I'm so far from racist it ain't funny and I'm terribly sorry if this offended any people or stuff.
Jan 27, 2011
hm, i thought you were going to getting at in-game racism, like in Majora's Mask where some of the people at Clock Town will dwn you if you play as a Goron, Zora, or Deku, or like in Twilight Princess where the Gorons hated humans at first before you actually get to the elder. But about Ganondorf, i don't think so, remember he's a Gerudo, and they have an afriican-like skin tone if they were being racist Nintendo would have added a point in OOT where Gerudo Valley gets destroyed with no survivors
Jan 6, 2012
Snow Peak
I agree. Under the sun you will get tanned. So yeah there's no racism in that. But I also agree with 00steven. It's just a video game. Unless there's racism, Nintendo would have told us.

But isn't that a tad bit strange?... I mean the Female Gerudo skin becomes tan, and Ganondorf's skin becomes... Green?

Another thing to add. In the remake of Oot on the 3DS The girls didn't look as black anymore, they looked tan. Or was that just to add more color to the game? ^_^


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
The color of people's skin doesn't matter; it's what's in their hearts that count. Ganondorf had an evil heart, so he was vanquished. It did not have anything to do with his skin color.

Also, if Nintendo was racist and killing off characters with dark skin, the scrap shop owner Gondo in SS would be dead. But he's a character that played a small, yet helpful, role. So I dont think theres any racism involved whatsoever...


Nov 11, 2011
I don't think that's racist the slightest bit. All races of people die eventually. I don't think Nintendo was trying to make a statement that all black people are evil. Nintendo wouldn't do that.
Dec 27, 2011
Bloomington, Indiana
i really don't think this is racism because ganondorf is technically a pig and when he is in his human form he actually has green skin this is true in all the zelda games that have ganondorf


Cave Story pro
Jan 7, 2012
I think that the Zelda series are just video games and that this was not a very bright question. There is nothing racist about Zelda games and to prove you wrong, Ganondorf was obviously green! =)
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