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Zelda 35th Anniversary Game - Wishlist


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
If you had to pick three games for this hypothetical title, which ones would you pick?

I think it would make sense for them to finally have an excuse to release the HD trilogies: Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, and Skyward Sword HD.

If we follow the format from Mario and if file size is an issue, maybe we could see something like: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and The Minish Cap.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I'm not seeing them putting WW & TP HD in a collection, porting the N64 games in that way though makes sense to me, I don't know what they can do for a third game though unless its just the two N64 games in a switch cart and that's it
I have low expectations for something like that, would be great to be proven wrong though

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I agree with TWW HD, TP HD, and SS HD. Two Wii U to Switch ports are easy and there were rumors swirling around two or so years ago about SS coming to Switch, and it'll be 10 years old next year, which fits the same release pattern as the past HD remakes.
I highly doubt Nintendo would ever put TWWHD, TPHD and SSHD in the same collection, especially since we haven't had SSHD yet. It'd instantly devalue the title.

I'm not sure a 35th collection game like Mario would work for Zelda. Zelda has more remakes which makes the games more recent that Nintendo could still sell them as separate titles.

Of course TWWHD, TPHD and SSHD would be the dream but it'd never be a reality.

But if I had to think of three games together that'd be realistically likely I'd probably say OoT3D, MM3D and ALBW all up scaled, basically a 3DS collection (considering LoZ, AoL and ALttP are on NSO. Even then I wouldn't care about ALBW.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
It'll never happen, but I think the only thing they could do that would tempt me to get another Switch would be if they remade ALttP, OoA, and OoS, maybe in a style similar to the LA remake.

I know that wouldn't be very popular since the Oracles games aren't 'big' games in the franchise, and they were Capcom games so there'd probably be issues there, and I know not everyone really liked the Link's Awakening remake art style...

Why would I want this again?



I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
A Hero of Time collection isn't too bad an idea.

I'm a bit hesitant about dual screen ports though, it would require a bit more extra work on them than on WWHD, which is fully playable without the second screen.

(Something tells me that a hero of time collection might just be ROM dumps too, considering how SM64 was treated ...)

But, personally, I just want WWHD and TPHD.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'd like to have Ocarina of Time 3d, Majora's Mask, and Skyward Sword if I could pick any 3. Note that I specifically would rather have Majora's Mask than Majora's Mask 3d. I love Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD but the Wii U versions still get a lot of play from me, and I think the shorter games OoT and MM are better for portable play. My ultimate wish is for master quests to be added (a second one for OoT and first ones for the others). I'd far prefer more remixed dungeons to play than any improvement on graphics to be done.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
My wishlist for a theoretical anniversary game really does contain just one game, and that's Majora's Mask (N64 version), which would make it an instant buy for me. After that, really, I'd just pick 2 of any of the other games to go along with it. OoT and, uh, idk, SS because why not.

What I think we'd get, though, is WWHD/TPHD/SSHD, since OoT/MM both had their remakes on the 3DS, WWHD and TPHD were released on the Wii U (which, of course, has been having pretty much all its games ported over), and the SS HD remake has been rumoured for awhile. I could also see SS HD swapped out with OoT so it can be made its own standalone game.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It'd never happen, but my hope would be TWW HD, TP HD, and SS HD long others. Nintendo has only did a Zelda collection once on Gamecube and then never did anything similar again, plus that collection didn't even conincide with an anniversary year for Zelda. The nail in the coffin is the fact that I'm sure they'd want to individually port WW HD and TP HD to get more money, and SS HD would be another seperate full priced game.

Tbh at this point any Zelda collection would be a dream come true, I'd be happy if it was just OoT and MM 3D in HD alongside some other game.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
It'd never happen, but my hope would be TWW HD, TP HD, and SS HD long others. Nintendo has only did a Zelda collection once on Gamecube and then never did anything similar again, plus that collection didn't even conincide with an anniversary year for Zelda. The nail in the coffin is the fact that I'm sure they'd want to individually port WW HD and TP HD to get more money, and SS HD would be another seperate full priced game.

Tbh at this point any Zelda collection would be a dream come true, I'd be happy if it was just OoT and MM 3D in HD alongside some other game.
it really says something about modern nintendo when we don't expect them to make a collection to surpass or even be on par w/ a collection that they came out w/ almost 20 years ago


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I doubt that SSHD would be included instead of just being a separate game like Mario 3D world is.

what I’d want is a collection of OoT 3D, WWHD, and a new remake of MM (one that isn’t terrible this time). What I think is gonna happen is a collection of OoT3D, WWHD, and TPHD, with them leaving out MM for the same inexplicable reason that SMG2 is being left out.

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