Yes, the story gets better as it goes on. The whole "grand tour of NLA" is there to familiarize you to the central hub before cutting you loose. Due to the episodic nature of the story, you're pretty much free to go explore as much as you want until starting the next chapter. However, arguably the biggest draw-in is how much character customization is involved to bring out your avatar's full potential; the class system was masterfully crafted to suit anyone's tastes. Experiment with a few of the arts and skills before disregarding the combat completely, and pay close attention to augments later on down the road.
The Class concept was really well done, I agree. You can tell that they're all different, because not every Class is for me. I've tried them all, and I have to say there were some that I gave up after just a few fights.
I personally agree and disagree that Mira is huge but feels empty. I agree that modern openworld games suffer from the same feeling of emptiness because much of the world is just there for visual appeal instead of substance. Nonetheless, I disagree that Mira is utterly empty because there are secrets around just about every corner.
Mmm. Mira is still the most beautiful video game world ever created. I don't think that will change any time soon for me, but I think it's artificial. It doesn't feel alive, if you get what I mean? The animals just walk around and do nothing. For example, the Millosaurs just go from one drinking spot to a second one, in a pattern, forever. Grex packs don't hunt Suids or Ovids. They walk right by them. And Suids and Ovids don't flee from Grexes.
My biggest complaint about the game was and always will be that the game is too big. They could have made it a little bit smaller, and made it feel more alive, instead of having such a huge place that really doesn't ever feel real.
That aside, I decided to play this game again. It had been months since I played—I had gotten stuck in the last mission of the game, and I put the game down for about 9 months. Well, I'm back, and I've decided to take a new approach. I'm going to be really really taking my time with the game, really learning to optimize my stats and equipment, exploring everything, and really just enjoying the game.
I know the game's flaws now, so I won't be as frustrated this time around. I know the gimmicks the devs will throw at me, and I can just take them in stride.
So far I'm really enjoying my second attempt at the game. I'm at Level 11, and I have to say, the wildlife has really humbled me. I left off at a really high level (I don't remember, but I think it was 60+) and going from that to being scared of everything was a lot of fun.