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Game Thread X-Mafia: Days of Future Scum

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Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Why tf are we having day 1 role claims :mellow:

Honestly I feel like role cop is more of a mafia role but then again it's not a safe claim. Wish you didn't claim though. :/

Vote: Stormageden747

If you are a town aligned role cop I will regret this immediately

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The usual town cop is the town alignment cop, right? Took me a moment to process what's going on. Role cop is definitely more of a mafia role for fishing out PRs. I don't think Pendio would throw a curve ball like that tbh. His games tend to be standard. Storm is either just lying here or he claimed his actual role thinking that it's equally likely to be town or mafia.

Vote: Stormageden747

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I do also agree with Deku that Ryuken has been underwhelming, however. He's just posting things that add nothing to the discussion. That said, ZD used to be like this where people never did anything on Day 1 so he may be from a forum that plays like that. Want to see more effort from him on Day 2.


The game is on!
Day 1 Final Vote Tally:
Stormageden747 - 5 (YIGAhim, funnier6, Doc, Ayano Keiko, A Link In Time)

Ryuken - 1 (DekuNut)

Not voting - Minish_Link, HylianEVAN, Tristan, karu, Stormageden747, Ryuken, Ver-go-a-go-go

Towards the end of the day the mutants seemed to be in agreement on whom to blame. It seemed like Stormageden747 was up for the lynching, and nothing he said could change the minds of those suspicious of him. And so, out of sorrow, grief and built up rage from seeing the masion crumble and many friends die, the mutants attacked Stormageden747 together and were able to take him out. They were quite satisfied with the day’s work, yet they knew there was more to take care of in the coming days.

Stormageden747 was Mystique, the Mafia Role Cop.

The living (12):
A Link In Time
Ayano Keiko

The dead (1):
Stormageden747 - Mystique, the Mafia Role Cop (lynched day 1)

Night 1 Begins!

Those of you with active power roles, please PM me your night actions before Monday, February 5th 2018 at 11:59 PM CET. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdo...&p0=293&msg=End+of+Night+1&font=cursive&csz=1


The game is on!
Ver-go-a-go-go went to the kitchen in the middle of the night because he needed a nice cold beer. To his disappointment all he could find were some bottles of warm soda in a box in the corner of the room. “It's better than nothing…“ Ver-go-a-go-go though to himself as he took a sip. But then his entire body froze and became stiff. Was it something in the soda? No! The soda bottle fell to the floor and scattered. Ver-go-a-go-go soon knew what it was. Behind him stood an intimidating man with a peculiar looking helmet on his head. He held his hand out toward Ver-go-a-go-go and was able to control every limb on Ver-go-a-go-go’s body with seemingly very little effort.

“You act so tough with that mutation of yours. I only wish you would have used it to benefit the Brotherhood instead of your pathetic X-Men,” the helmed man spoke. “Now, see what good your metal skeleton did you this time!” Ver-go-a-go-go couldn't move an inch and not even say a word in response. The next moment his body was torn apart so thoroughly that no one would survive it. It might have seemed like overkill, but it was necessary in this case.

The next morning the remaining mutants found blood in the kitchen and a broken soda bottle on the floor. They were more determined than ever to stop the villains.

Ver-go-a-go-go was Wolverine, the Vigilante.

The living (11):
@A Link In Time
@Ayano Keiko

The dead (2):
Stormageden747 - Mystique, the Mafia Role Cop (lynched day 1)
Ver-go-a-go-go - Wolverine, the Vigilante (killed night 1)

Day 2 Begins!

With 11 players alive it takes 6 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Friday, February 9th 2018 at 11:59 PM CET. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdo...T2359&p0=239&msg=End+of+Day+2&font=slab&csz=1


Oct 6, 2016
Day 2 startu! I'm always usually inactive on the first day, but nobody even called me out mkay, I see you guys don't care about me.
Oo what a contrary view you took to that. He is trying something you know, he’s trying a no lynch which is a quite typical noob town move. I’ll advised perhaps but certainly not scummy. Which brings me to my question, are you voting him because you think he’s scummy or because you wanted to make a point? Cause honestly I don’t see why you had to vote him to make a point.

Give me thoughts who aren’t them then, why isn’t anyone offering a different candidate? Do you think it’s possible neither of them are scum? If so who would you think was? Somebody for lynching them or against? Has anyone seemed town to you yet? How do you feel about the quiet people? Have you no interest in the outcome of this day?
The bold part really caught my attention, and I was going to mention it before the day ended but I got caught up in some stuff. Everyone was for lynching Storma yet here you are trying to get people to look at someone else, even suggesting that there was a possibility that Storma wasn't even scum. I was going to overlook this because I myself thought that he was pro town, but they flipped scum. So to me, this post seems like scum trying to protect scum; and I because Storma is a new player, it'd give more of a reason to want to prevent his lynch.

God I've been waiting for day 2 to start so I could post this certain detail.


Ace Adventurer/Truth Seeker
Nov 30, 2017
Like I said, there is always a method to my madness. :sword:

Now to explain: this is the first time I've played this game on a forum, and I do apologize if my posts have not been helpful up to this point. My experience comes mainly from IRC, and I usually go for a No Lynch and meme Day 1 because of lack of information and being under a much shorter time limit. That's why my posts were what they were.

Yes, I did in fact find Storma suspicious, but I didn't want to say anything to draw attention to myself... yet. I reread through the discussions a came across funnier6's and Doc's posts, which suddenly gave me an idea:
I feel the best way to remove as a distraction would be for him to claim under pressure of death

Assuming Storma claims a role, do you have anyone else you find particularly scummy?

I was mostly memeing when I asked, "So... how about them first day role claims?" Because anyone who actually does that would be immediately considered suspicious depending on the role claimed. Surprisingly, Storma answered my question, and not only that, they claimed to be a town-sided role cop. This wasn't used a whole lot in the games I've played, but what I do know is that someone could easily counter-claim saying they're Mafia-sided, making it a very risky move to make. Plus, it makes one a target, anyway, even if they're not Mafia.

It seems Magneto decided to come out early and strike hard at our team, killing off our dearest friend the Vigilante. This will not go unpunished, so we need to pull together all the night 1 info as soon as possible.

I don't have any, unfortunately, but what about the rest of you?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Okay I can’t really think rn but I had some things I knew I wanted to say so let’s see if I can coherent.

First of all :right: pats himself on the back

The best thing about your plan that only works if your target is scum is when your target is scum! :D So I’m sure most knew or deduced that I had noticed stormy hasnt pulled off a fake claim as scum so far so I used that as a means to learn his alignment without lynching him which I was fairly positive would work since standard reading of his behavior hasn’t worked yet. But nuff bout that.

Either Yiga has seriously upped his mafia game or he is town cause those interactions are so impressive if he’s scum, seems very unlikely to me. Somebody else was looking good when I was reading back, wanna say it was Doc but I’ll have to look again.

Minish actually looks cautions and semi defensive of stormy and actually feels a little off to me for once @Minish_Link would appreciate all your thoughts on everything. Also still waiting on @Tristan to give me some things to read into so I can start town reading it while actually scum reading it.
Day 2 startu! I'm always usually inactive on the first day, but nobody even called me out mkay, I see you guys don't care about me.

The bold part really caught my attention, and I was going to mention it before the day ended but I got caught up in some stuff. Everyone was for lynching Storma yet here you are trying to get people to look at someone else, even suggesting that there was a possibility that Storma wasn't even scum. I was going to overlook this because I myself thought that he was pro town, but they flipped scum. So to me, this post seems like scum trying to protect scum; and I because Storma is a new player, it'd give more of a reason to want to prevent his lynch.

God I've been waiting for day 2 to start so I could post this certain detail.
I would have but I thought you probably wouldn’t show up. To answer your concern I was worried that no one cared about stormys lynch because he was town and mafia was just not caring somewhere letting town do whatever while simultaneously trying to make Deku say something because I really wasn’t sure what I’d do if stormy was town so I needed to branch out and not be left with nothing if things went wrong.
Like I said, there is always a method to my madness. :sword:

Now to explain: this is the first time I've played this game on a forum, and I do apologize if my posts have not been helpful up to this point. My experience comes mainly from IRC, and I usually go for a No Lynch and meme Day 1 because of lack of information and being under a much shorter time limit. That's why my posts were what they were.

Yes, I did in fact find Storma suspicious, but I didn't want to say anything to draw attention to myself... yet. I reread through the discussions a came across funnier6's and Doc's posts, which suddenly gave me an idea:


I was mostly memeing when I asked, "So... how about them first day role claims?" Because anyone who actually does that would be immediately considered suspicious depending on the role claimed. Surprisingly, Storma answered my question, and not only that, they claimed to be a town-sided role cop. This wasn't used a whole lot in the games I've played, but what I do know is that someone could easily counter-claim saying they're Mafia-sided, making it a very risky move to make. Plus, it makes one a target, anyway, even if they're not Mafia.

It seems Magneto decided to come out early and strike hard at our team, killing off our dearest friend the Vigilante. This will not go unpunished, so we need to pull together all the night 1 info as soon as possible.

I don't have any, unfortunately, but what about the rest of you?
That’s perfectly all right, you might wanna read some other mafia games if you haven’t already to get used to it.

Question, who on earth would ever claim mafia anything?

Also, asking for night action info is a no no, that’s only for when we’re desperate as that outs the power roles to be killed or blocked by scum.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I was right about Storm. Now I hope you all lay off of me as much.

Either Yiga has seriously upped his mafia game or he is town cause those interactions are so impressive if he’s scum, seems very unlikely to me. Somebody else was looking good when I was reading back, wanna say it was Doc but I’ll have to look again.
Mafia game as in Scum, or mafia in general? With this less lazy style comes the perks of being right sometimes
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