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Would You Like it if the Next Zelda Game Takes Place in the Future?


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
Well I wouldn't really mind. I just don't like it if it gets too much technology. This would include things like guns, modern cars, modern planes, etc. I liked the ideas of steam trains and boats. There's also the fact that there are a lot of people who would hate any sort of technilogical advances when it comes to the Zelda series; which is why ST and PH didn't sell as good as the other Zelda games. So Nintendo souldn't do any more technology advances more than ST had. They could probably have something where you need to fly across Hyrule using a special device and maybe a hang-glider/hot-air ballon to fly it with.


Hero of Internet
Mar 26, 2009
I wouldn't mind to be honest, as long as it wasnt full on Star Wars with starships, guns and aliens. I think it has potential as a one-off.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
For me, a futureistic Zelda would ruin the whole aspect of Zelda. Fantasy, swords and bows, not sci-fi lightsabers and guns! It would change the whole game into something completely different and not all that unique. I am guessing it would cause a huge uproar and the majority of people would be angry about it. I certainly would! One of the reasons I first got into Zelda was because of the whole image of it. Set in the past where it is different, but then add in some quests, monsters, gods, stories and bang! An amazing game for what it is. why should that be changed?

The difference in games in the Zelda series is huge but at the same time tiny. The graphics, gameplay, controls and stories have all changed for better, but it is still the same idea. Set in the same places, same characters, enemies, weapons etc. That's what makes it Zelda. I don't mind if the games change, but they have to keep it as Zelda. if the games are set in the future then how is it even Zelda anymore?

I am thinking about this topic and if the Zelda games where to be set in the future then the only thing that would stay the same is Link and Princess Zelda, right? The weapons would be different, location, story, monsters and everything...except for Link himself. But then again, would Link change? Would the futuristic style have an affect on Link too?

For me this is just to big, it's a huge transition and it looks like it would have disasterous results. Another thing, don't they already have loads of spacey futuristic type games? Like Eve and things. Zelda is one of the only and best of its kind so changing that would be a big mistake! No, I would not like to see a Zelda game set in the future.


Dec 13, 2009

Futuristic Zelda Fan Game, The Legend of Link - Parallel Universes Demo V0.3 is released....

Download it here...

Some Screenshots...
- http://parallelsequel.wordpress.com/category/pictures/


I think it could be possible, but...I don't want that !.
When I saw the video, my face was "O________O ?".
I mean, NO D:


My issue with futuristic Zelda is that a lot of the game play would probably have to change (it would probably have to be more of a shooter), and if they change both the game play and the world, there is very little left from the original series, so it might as well be its own new IP. Not that it's a bad idea, but I don't see a need to do it to change up the series.
Jan 24, 2011
Link in the future using a Sword? what? was the futuristic gun shop empty? ...lots of factoRs in the game would change, maybe they could switch it up a little and do a game with a Atlantis-like storyline, but there's no need to go that far...

my point is, why do they got to have our same technology? I've always tought of Hyrule and the Zelda world to be at least in a faaaaaaar away planet, they don't need to have the same futuristic features like us, hell maybe they don't even care about those kinda things...



Storming Twilight
Dec 8, 2009
Twilight World
I don't think I'd enjoy this... I don't like futuristic stuff. And plus, it should be better as an spin-off, because all of the Zelda games aren't based on the future, but on the past.


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
Uh uh, nope, and no way. I'm very insulted by the article's insult on my favorite Zelda game (Wind Waker). I very much dislike any gun games because there's no challenge. I mean, with guns its just BAM! and you're dead, whereas swords are used at up close to your enemies. besides, most of the games already have a dash of future aspect that's just presented as magic. I'm sorry, but I just don't see Link weilding a Lightsaber and seeking help from a NAVI communicating device. It's just not him.


Mar 28, 2010
Great Bay, Racing the Beaver Brothers
I'm a big fan of Star Wars and Zelda. So I think if they combined the two in a way where Link learns he's strong in the force and through the course in the game your decisions affect wether Link becomes a Jedi or Sith Lord, that would be cool. That would peobably never happen, but I can dream can't I?

Kaiser Kami

Warrior of Kaiser
Feb 2, 2011
I would like it if Link was a normal kid in modern day. the game can go two ways if Nintendo would like it. Link could find a book about the Legend of Zelda and he is sucked into the story replaceing the Link in there, or Link can find the Master Sword and the Ocarina of Time in the Temple of Time that is about to be taken down to bring in a new mall. The storybook one Link can have a voice through text of why he's in this world for he is not a Link for his land or the player. The other one can have Link travel back in time to a certain part of Hyrule's past. Two basic ideas I would like..though the first one sounds like it should be for the 3DS and the other for the Wii.

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