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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Damn Johnny, someone really hates you

So we were right about Eduarda-scum. Awesome. She was my plan for today, so I'll look back through and try to find someone else

Well great. The one person really pushing discussion is now dead. Thanks fam. At least we have two mafia dead? I'd suspect 1-2 more and possibly third party? Again, Johnny, wtf is hitting you?

1100 damage to Johnny XD wow. And most remarkable, no one else has suffered damage so far if I remember it correctly...

I have no clue myself. Wish I knew. My guess is either town trying to pressure me or scum trying to make me look bad or finish what they may have started. Someone clearly doesn't trust me. If I was investigated, it would make sense why I'm being attacked.

Regardless, Sadia is definitely a good option for today. After the pressure from Koki yesterday, I feel pretty certain he's town.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
damn, knew i'd be dead.

gluck town :uwu:

(sozzles 4 interrupting conversation pls continue)

We will miss you friend.

Anyhoo, I think I'm going to steal a bit of Storm's thunder and bring in....A LIST! Only difference is this list will be more in line with how the user who made scummy lists famous made her list. This user, as some of us may know, was Raindrop14. The 'Old Family' of BM7 was the bomb.

  • Timeless: He hasn't been the most active, but we can at least say that Timless has contributed insight in his posts, his latest one being the most prominent. I cannot say that my read on him has ever truly gained much ground, but I am inclined to take Gummy's word for it regarding her own read of his last post. Therefore, I'd like to consider him a townie at the moment, if ever so slightly.
  • Tristan: I had to reread Tristan, especially since his post count is in that mid-to-low area, however, as a disclaimer, I am sort of thankful for that! (Easier to get through, but I digress.) I like how Tristan was dubious of the DekuNut lynch and he even outright stated that the evidence was not sound. I sort of have a dual read of this, as I can see scum doing this as well, but Tristan's outright pursuit of Pendio, (and towards the end of the previous day, Eduarda), looked very promising. His approach towards the two was very inquisitive, and I doubt that scum, in bussing their teammates, would put so much spotlight on them, especially more than one. Town lean at the moment, but I have very slight reservations. If he's scum, he's playing a good game.
  • Jamie: Too inactive to get a proper read on, and seems to be on the replacement block. Null read.
  • Mido: Hehe, that's me! :cool:
  • kokirion: kokirion is at the top of my current town list. He's applied constant pressure towards the now-dead scum we've uncovered and was nearly a potentially successful lynch target for them. The only thing that stood out to me was his writing out the whole case on himself, but I suppose he was only trying to prove a point. Not much else to say here. Town read.
  • Frozen Chosen: Inactive, but I noticed that he has said a few things that were interesting. Overall, aside from asking general catching-questions, he expressed a vocal apprehensiveness towards the potential lynch targets on Day 1. I especially liked his apprehension over the initial votes of kokirion. Seems like a good brand of caution. However, this ultimately does not prove or project very much, therefore, I have a null/weak town read on him.
  • Sadia: I initially voted her in the beginning since she had not posted yet, and I also enjoyed her views on DekuNut's lynch as far as the votes were concerned. The Pendio fiasco puts her in a bad spot, as the circumstances lend to a possible scum lean. The only question is whether a blatant attempt as a scum defense would occur in this case. I will mention that she did pose an interesting pressure question towards Pendio yesterday, which kokirion picked up on. I'm a bit at ends on this, but I do have a slight scum read with the circumstances in mind.
  • Johnny Sooshi: The continual attacks that Johnny's been receiving look to make Johnny appear town. The other thing that lends to this read is that Johnny was among the first few players who expressed concern over Eduarda. I believe he was the one who coined the Eduarda's approach as one of convenience. A bold call out in this respect leads me to a town read on him.
  • De-ku-a-De-ku: I haven't gotten a good read on the new DekuNut, but at least in respect to Vergo's one post, I liked it. He was another one who applied early pressure towards Eduarda, but I cannot say I'm totally convinced. His (Vergo's) post was good, but I have an inkling that Vergo could have potentially caught Eduarda's slip and decided to bus her early on, but I have no evidence to support this, as it is very circumstantial. No dice over here. Null read.
  • Libk: Libk hasn't been too active, but he did voice that he was busy, so it's fair. I never noticed much from him. Goes along with setup discussion, but hasn't been present during the voting sessions as far as my recollection goes. I get a sort of discreet vibe from his posts, but it remains to be seen where these elements go. Potential scum read, but I could very well go back on this.
  • Doc'sac00lguy: Another one on the replacement block, but I have a small note to mention on JC/Doc. Like Frozen Chosen, he voiced apprehension regarding the first Deku's vote wagon. Aside from that, he has primarily voiced setup concerns, which seems to fit the JC mentality. He did not, however, express any sort of voting direction. Then again, JC wasn't around in the game long enough to perhaps establish a stance, so the situation works both ways. Null/scum read. (Mainly because I generally have distrusted him in the past, only to be wrong most of the time.)
  • Shroom: I admittedly was not a fan of his voting without much meat to his reasons, but I've been getting a better vibe from his more recent posts as I have mentioned before. His desire for consistent lynches has remained consistent in the game so far. Slight town read, but like Libk, could change depending on the circumstance.
Overall, most of my potential scum reads are attributed to gut feelings and WIFOM debacle. There are more questions I need to consider in all of this.

One last thing: I may have missed some of the discussion on this topic, but does anyone have an idea about Johnny's damage source? I know he's mentioned a few things, so I need to go back and read those.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I have no clue myself. Wish I knew. My guess is either town trying to pressure me or scum trying to make me look bad or finish what they may have started. Someone clearly doesn't trust me. If I was investigated, it would make sense why I'm being attacked.

Regardless, Sadia is definitely a good option for today. After the pressure from Koki yesterday, I feel pretty certain he's town.

Why would this make sense? Do you care to elaborate?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Why would this make sense? Do you care to elaborate?

In one sense, it could make sense, but I only see it working if these attacks were mafia-based. This possibility bring me back to something LG said:

Theory: If Pendio is mafia, then mafia probably has a role cop ability and they are afraid of whatever she is. I'm not going to theorize what exactly it is but doctor I suggest you protect her.

As we know, the circumstances differ, but the presence of a mafia role cop ability could factor into the deal. It for sure would not have been a town cop since LG flipped as its equivalent. (Unless more investigative abilities are among us, which is somewhat likely.)


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
In one sense, it could make sense, but I only see it working if these attacks were mafia-based. This possibility bring me back to something LG said:

As we know, the circumstances differ, but the presence of a mafia role cop ability could factor into the deal. It for sure would not have been a town cop since LG flipped as its equivalent. (Unless more investigative abilities are among us, which is somewhat likely.)
But I don't think he means mafia-based. He said "someone clearly doesn't trust me" before the sentence you quoted. Are you soft-claiming a miller of some sorts, Johnny?

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Why would this make sense? Do you care to elaborate?
But I don't think he means mafia-based. He said "someone clearly doesn't trust me" before the sentence you quoted. Are you soft-claiming a miller of some sorts, Johnny?

Well these roles are multi-tiered, but yes. Unfortunately my role is very self serving in this game. It really only help me, but this part of it is not helpful. That's why I don't want anyone to waste investigations on me.


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
Well these roles are multi-tiered, but yes. Unfortunately my role is very self serving in this game. It really only help me, but this part of it is not helpful. That's why I don't want anyone to waste investigations on me.
You must understand though that I find it very hard to buy it when someone says we shouldn't believe investigation results when it comes to him/her.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I find it super hard to believe Sooshi's claim, but would rather lynch someone else rather than a target that town could easily attack and kill instead. We should focus our attention on another target, and if find out there's something odd at play here, we can just group up and finish Sooshi off, day or night.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
Not super hard, but I find it difficult to necessarily buy. Miller claims always weird me out because there's very little you can really do to validate it. Sorry for the weird wording. I was trying to multi-task and bleh. Anyway, I think a different target than Johnny would be good right now because he could easily be killed with town attacks at this point.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
EBWODP: If we do decide to use attacks to kill Sooshi, night would be preferable because a day kill would result in a very abrupt end to the day (day ends immediately whenever someone dies).


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
One of the reasons I bought Pendio's fakeclaim so quickly yesterday was because I already had a strong hunch Eduarda was scum. This is because, while there were already numerous points against her brought up by several other players, I also happened to know that she was kinda avoiding the game thread (she wasn't posting). I reasoned to myself that she might just have gotten bored, but I also thought that she might be scared to face the suspicions against her. Now, as town, Eduarda's usually really confident and in previous games she's defended herself just fine. So naturally, if she was scum she'd be a lot more nervous and inactive, which she was. Suddenly there was someone saying they knew for sure Srishti was scum because of their role. Then, I also thought it would be difficult for one to give a fake name claim, given that there aren't conventional roles in this game. Put all that together, and I voted Eduarda right off the bat, only thinking of the obvious holes in Pendio's claim until later. Call me impulsive or gullible, but that's what happened guys. Town can make mistakes too.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
But I don't think he means mafia-based. He said "someone clearly doesn't trust me" before the sentence you quoted. Are you soft-claiming a miller of some sorts, Johnny?

I stand corrected if Johnny's telling the truth about who he thinks is targeting him. As for his claim, I lean towards believing it; however, there's also the factor that we may need to consider the possibility of another town investigative role. Either that, or someone in here is not opening up about his/her qualms about Johnny. Regarding the whole being investigated thing, I am still slightly at ends about it. After all is said and done up to this point, I think Johnny's play has been townish.

One of the reasons I bought Pendio's fakeclaim so quickly yesterday was because I already had a strong hunch Eduarda was scum. This is because, while there were already numerous points against her brought up by several other players, I also happened to know that she was kinda avoiding the game thread (she wasn't posting). I reasoned to myself that she might just have gotten bored, but I also thought that she might be scared to face the suspicions against her. Now, as town, Eduarda's usually really confident and in previous games she's defended herself just fine. So naturally, if she was scum she'd be a lot more nervous and inactive, which she was. Suddenly there was someone saying they knew for sure Srishti was scum because of their role. Then, I also thought it would be difficult for one to give a fake name claim, given that there aren't conventional roles in this game. Put all that together, and I voted Eduarda right off the bat, only thinking of the obvious holes in Pendio's claim until later. Call me impulsive or gullible, but that's what happened guys. Town can make mistakes too.

I don't doubt your suspicion of Eduarda, and honestly, I was going to vote her as well. Ultimately, Pendio's claim in that of itself was what changed my mind. I do have one small question though: How late did you realize the holes in the claim? Was it when you asked Pendio about not following DekuNut? If so, you may have had time to switch your vote to him if this was the case. Regardless, your explanationm makes sense.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Regarding Johnny, I had slight reservations about him (very slight) earlier on, but I'm thinking there's a good chance he's town what with all the attacks against him. Not discounting the possibility of him being scum completely, but I think there could be better targets out there.

Right now, my attention is on Sadia. Even with her defense, the way she voted Eduarda when there was very little time left in the day and tried switching the bandwagon from an active mafia member to an afk mafia member has me seriously on edge. I'm tempted to vote, but I'm slightly hesitant (slightly) to because idk what she was trying to gain by voting Eduarda with such little time left in the day. Even with her defense, I really don't like that move. Even as a townie, it's a weird move to make.
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