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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Y'know, I said a little while ago that I doubt Pendio and Eduarda would be scumbuds seeing as he has no reason to bus her when he's almost certainly lynched, but with how intensely he's going after her right now, I'm thinking the opposite. If Pendio flips scum, I think Eduarda would be a decent target tomorrow. Obviously, if Pendio is scum and got his way, changing the bandwagon to Eduarda, and she flipped scum, that would look great for Pendio. On the other hand, when Pendio is extremely close to a lynch and is scum, so eagerly leading a lynch on someone he knew was not mafia would be practically suicide. Given this, I think it's actually very possible, and somewhat likely, that if Pendio flips scum, Eduarda is also scum. If he flips town, however, we'll Eduarda might still be. So either way, I think it will be good to go after her tomorrow. Also, I don't like the way Sadia is following Pendio and voting for Eduarda in an attempt to save him, I think she'll be worth another look tomorrow as well if pendio flips scum.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Final Vote Tally

Pendio (7) - LittleGumball, Tristan, Shroom, DekuNut, kokirion, Timeless, Mido
Eduarda (2) - Pendio, Sadia

No votes cast: Jamie, Frozen Chosen, Libk, Doc, Eduarda, Johnny Sooshi


Almost immediately, the group found a new target to focus on for the day: Pendio. Several students agreed that he had been acting suspiciously, and as the day came to a close, they all decided to attack.

The group gathered around Pendio, wands raised in preparation for their attack, but much to their astonishment, he did not shrink back and teleport away like DekuNut did. No... instead, he snarled, his face becoming a furious mockery of human expression. Before they could even attack, his features twisted and shifted, grotesque legs sprouting out of his form as his body contorted and shrank. Those closest to him stepped back in horror as the disguise finally dropped away and Pendio revealed his true form.

Pendio was an Ash Spider! A creature loyal to Malistaire Drake that was only found in Dragonspyre!

The monster wasted no time in drawing the Life symbol in the air. Though the spider had been known to heal its allies using Minor Blessing, that did not mean it would go down without a fight now that it had been discovered.

The wizards were pulled out of their shock when the Ash Spider activated the symbol. A Centaur appeared on the battlefield, readying an arrow. The brave students quickly prepared their own spells. Spell symbols of every school floated in the air as everyone joined together to defeat the creature.

Pendio didn't stand a chance. He was swiftly taken care of as the spell creatures descended upon him. The last they heard from him was a ear-piercing shriek as he faded into the ground.

After it was all over, the room was silent. There had been rumors, of course -- they'd all heard about how Malistaire's minions could disguise themselves as wizards. But to see it with their own eyes, to have it undeniably proven that these monsters could be the person right next to them...

It was a terrifying thought.

Others tried to remain positive. After all, they'd uncovered one of these creatures! How hard could it be to find the rest of them? Perhaps the night could hold some clues as to where the Ash Spider's allies were hiding...


  • Johnny Sooshi - 600

The Living (14)
The Fled (3)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)
  • Pendio - Ash Spider (Lynched Day 3)

Night 3 will end on Tuesday, August 23rd at 9 PM PT. If you would like to cast a spell during the night, send me a PM.

Everyone gains 1 pip for the night!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Doc! Regeneration buddy! Hey!

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
The students gathered for the next day and quickly made sure that everyone was okay. Most of them seemed unharmed… aside from Johnny Sooshi, who happened to have been hit very hard during the night. He was hit not only with another attack of 300 damage, but also with a powerful blow for 500 damage. Not to mention it looked like his previous wound had gotten worse and dealt another 300! That was a total of 1100 damage.

They then counted their number to ensure that everyone was present. Eleven, twelve… wait, they were two shorter than yesterday! Assuming the worst, the wizards were just about to search for a spell deck that might have been left behind… when they suddenly heard a loud roar outside.

They hurried out to find an enormous spell monster attacking Eduarda. The monster was a Master rank creature, clearly summoned by a powerful wizard. It struck three times, and Eduarda was blown away by the attacks. At first the students rushed to help her, but then she roared. Just like Pendio, her body began to transform, but instead of shrinking as he had, she grew, spikes and jagged, rock-like protrusions jutting out of her body at terrifying angles. Her disguise was melting away, revealing her to be a Vengeful Fireheart, a Myth school elemental, and a minion of Malistaire.

Fortunately for the students, the attacks and subsequent transformation appeared to take all of Eduarda’s energy. She collapsed to the ground, disappearing shortly after. She left behind nothing but a single spell card: Subdue, a spell that would allow her to remove pips from her enemies.

But they were still missing someone. Where was LittleGumball...?

As they were searching the area, they came across something else: a Storm spell deck. There was only one person it could belong to.

Eduarda, or perhaps one of her allies, must have forced LittleGumball to flee during the night. They were devastated to learn that LittleGumball had been a Master Diviner. LittleGumball had two spells: Storm Trap, which could determine the alignment of a player, and Supercharge, which determined how many anti-Town players were on a lynch bandwagon.

Either way, time moved on, and they were running out of teammates. Every wizard knew that their own hope to truly defeat the dark monsters rested on defeating Malistaire. Would they be able to find him? Or would it be too late?

  • Johnny Sooshi - 1700

The Living (12)
The Fled (5)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)
  • Pendio - Ash Spider (Lynched Day 3)
  • Eduarda - Vengeful Fireheart (Killed Night 3)
  • LittleGumball - Master Diviner (Killed Night 3)


Day 4 will end on Sunday, August 28th at 9 PM PT. With 12 players alive, 7 is majority.

Every player has gained 1 pip for the day!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.

I am also currently looking for a replacement for both Doc and Jamie. Please let me know if you know anyone.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Damn Johnny, someone really hates you

So we were right about Eduarda-scum. Awesome. She was my plan for today, so I'll look back through and try to find someone else


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
Well great. The one person really pushing discussion is now dead. Thanks fam. At least we have two mafia dead? I'd suspect 1-2 more and possibly third party? Again, Johnny, wtf is hitting you?


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
1100 damage to Johnny XD wow. And most remarkable, no one else has suffered damage so far if I remember it correctly...

Both Eduarda and Pendio being scum...

I was first thinking I would go after Sadia today, but with both Eduarda and Pendio flipping town, I'm not entirely sure. She pointed a lot of fingers to people saying she was gonna look at them if Pendio flipped town (when Pendio was already as good as dead). Saying something like that when being mafia would make more sense if you knew Pendio wasn't scum, so that he is scum lowers my suspicion of Eduarda a bit


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I was first thinking I would go after Sadia today, but with both Eduarda and Pendio flipping town, I'm not entirely sure. She pointed a lot of fingers to people saying she was gonna look at them if Pendio flipped town (when Pendio was already as good as dead). Saying something like that when being mafia would make more sense if you knew Pendio wasn't scum, so that he is scum lowers my suspicion of Eduarda a bit

Can you reword this a bit. I got a little lost reading it haha. So are you saying Sadia is or isn't suspicious to you?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Mighty fine work, folks! Mighty fine, indeed.

I myself am more or less at square one once again, but methinks we have a good standpoint as far as today goes. My current top town read is Mr. K at the moment, and I would also like to assume that Johnny could be town given his consistent damage intake.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
So we go after Sadia now right? I'm fairly certain that Tristan is town and that Koki is town

I could see this direction occurring. Her outright buy of Pendio's claim could potentially have been a scenario with a double effect:

1. An effort to save Pendio by buying the claim.
2. In addition, also joining in on the effort to bus Eduarda, who had been inactive before her death.

On the other hand, I found Sadia's analysis of DekuNut's initial death and the votes causing it to be very well done, and seemingly pro-town. Unfortunately my own reads on some of the players with the sketchier votes on that wagon have changed since then. Shroom, for instance, leans a touch more town for me based on his recent posts after the DekuNut this town didn't like died.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout

Also, going back to the point about Sadia, it begs the question whether she would have wanted to make such a conspicuous move to protect her hypothetical cohorts?
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