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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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The game is on!
So that's why you didn't mention her at all yesterday? Makes sense :uwu:

I was very inactive yesterday so no I did not mention her then, but I did mention her the day before that, and I think I also mentioned back then how I thought either she or DN would be scum, but I had no reason to suspect one over the other, which was why I went along with the DN lynch yesterday since it was the one most likely to happen. I fail to see what is so scummy about that. At this point it looks like I will be next to get lynched, and when I die and flip Town, I ask you all to please look into Eduarda next. Also, I know she said she would be gone for some time, but was she not supposed to be back by now?



The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I was very inactive yesterday so no I did not mention her then, but I did mention her the day before that, and I think I also mentioned back then how I thought either she or DN would be scum, but I had no reason to suspect one over the other, which was why I went along with the DN lynch yesterday since it was the one most likely to happen. I fail to see what is so scummy about that. At this point it looks like I will be next to get lynched, and when I die and flip Town, I ask you all to please look into Eduarda next. Also, I know she said she would be gone for some time, but was she not supposed to be back by now?


She was supposed to be back the 13th I believe she said, but her profile has shown her having no activity since the 10th


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Back from quite the wedding party, and I've got a bit to say outside the Pendio/Eduarda spectrum:

At first I was worried that I missed out on so much in the game because I haven't been posting and was thinking "oh man, I am never gonna catch up with this day!" and then I realized it's like, a page of posts, so thanks guys for being considerate for the people like me :uwu:

As for now, I agree with Tristan's post in regards to the Pendio suspicion. I could see Eduard being worth keeping on our radar, but as of now, I see Pendio's suspicion of her as no more than a convenience since DekuNut had posted his suspicions of her in this post (Sunday at 2:51 AM) and that way Pendio could deflect the votes to her for now. She's been gone since the 10th? And we had an actual kill last night whether that be mafia, sk or vig, so I'm sort of less focused on her right now.

Anyways, we need four votes to get a kill, so I'm open for suggestions (day ends tomorrow though, so I doubt I'll be swayed), but as it stands:

Vote: Pendio

You know, Shroom, I have to say. I was not sold on your moves the other day, and was definitely more suspicious of you yesterday as opposed to Pendio regarding those events, but I do like this post a ton. You've given another interesting look on the current situation.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout


In a few players' defense:

I need a replacement for both Ver-go-a-go-go and Justac00lguy in Wizard101 Mafia. JC asked to be replaced and Vergo has been inactive and appears to be dealing with stuff irl.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
Guys, if my count is correct, we don't even have enough for a lynch. We need 4, and there's only been 4 votes today. Day ends tomorrow, so if anyone would like to chip in and either finish this thing off so we can actually have a lynch, the thing that town needs, or bring up another suspect or something, that'd be swell.

@Ver-go-a-go-go is excused because floods suck.

Also. Real talk. Who keeps hitting Soosh at night? Like, they are die hard just smacking that guy. What's that about?

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
This game is just depressing honestly.

I guess I'm gonna have to make posting requirements. Not that I'll really be able to enforce them in any way but modkilling; I can't even get replacements for JC or Vergo.

I'm also removing the half majority rule in the next day period. Obviously we're going to get nowhere with it.

Vote Tally

Pendio (3) - LittleGumball, Tristan, Shroom
Eduarda (1) - Pendio

No votes cast: Jamie, Frozen Chosen, Ver-go-a-go-go, Libk, Justac00lguy, Eduarda, Mido, Kokirion, Johnny Sooshi, Sadia, Timeless

Day 3 will end tomorrow, Sunday, August 21st at 9 PM PT. With 15 players alive, 8 is majority. 4 votes are required to lynch.
Last edited:

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hmm... if pendio flips scum, I think that actually means Eduarda has a good chance of being town, because scum has no reason to bus a scumbud when they're almost certainly dead. But on the other hand, this is pendio, and it could be a double bluff.

Then there's the chance that Pendio flips town, after which I think Eduarda would be a decent target for tomorrow. At this point, though, I don't really see them as likey scumbuds.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
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