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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
The students gathered the next day, but they quickly noticed that a few things were amiss. The most obvious problem was that one of their members appeared to be missing. Where was Doc?

They searched high and low, but… all they found was his spell deck and wand. The students murmured uneasily. What did this mean? Had… had someone taken Doc out during the night? He had showed no signs of taking damage before. It must have been a very powerful spell that had taken him out.

With no other choice, they examined his spell deck, and realized that Doc was a Grandmaster Sorcerer, a student of the Balance school of magic. Doc’s spell cards could control the number of pips of other players. He could either donate his own pips to another with Donate Power, or cause everyone to gain or lose pips with Power Play and Dampen Magic.

It appeared that he had been a normal student as well. The students mourned the loss of another ally.

Many wizards also noticed burn marks on Johnny Sooshi’s clothing. Suspicious, the others asked where they had come from. He admitted that he had been attacked in the night, and that he had taken 300 damage.

Most were unsure what to think of the damage taken in the night and had no idea what to do about Doc’s disappearance. All they could hope for was that they could find the evildoers before it was too late.

  • Johnny Sooshi - 600

The Living (15)
  • Timeless
  • Pendio
  • RegalBryant Tristan
  • Jamie
  • Mido
  • kokirion
  • Frozen Chosen
  • Sadia
  • Johnny Sooshi
  • Ver-go-a-go-go
  • LittleGumball
  • Libk
  • Eduarda
  • justac00lguy
  • Shroom
The Fled (2)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)


Day 2 will end on Sunday, August 21st at 9 PM PT. With 15 players alive, 8 is majority. 4 votes are required to lynch.

Every player has gained 1 pip for the day!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
So all I know is that I've taken 300 damage. However, it's not the same way I took damage yesterday. I'm gonna look back at the thread and see why someone would attack Doc.

I cannot account for any specific thing that may have set Doc's killer after him, but if this is the Mafia (as the kill was instant), I think it relates to Doc's strong observations in this game. He played a good game. As far as your own damage is concerned, tonight's result seems to link to a fire wizard damaging you given the burns in the flavor. It's up in the air on that, so there are no guarantees here.


The game is on!
Hi friend :)

Hi friend!

I am sorry for my little absence. I just got done catching up on the reading, and I see I have a couple of questions directed at me. Since it is 3 AM here right now and I really have to go to bed, I will respond to said questions tomorrow after I get off work. However, there is a little something I do want to do before I go to bed tonight. DN's Town flip draws my attention to Eduarda (I did explain earlier how I thought there was a good chance of her being scum if DN would flip Town), so I will go ahead and vote for her now since my suspicion on her is just as big - if not bigger - than my suspicion on DN was yesterday.

Vote: Eduarda


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Hi friend!

I am sorry for my little absence. I just got done catching up on the reading, and I see I have a couple of questions directed at me. Since it is 3 AM here right now and I really have to go to bed, I will respond to said questions tomorrow after I get off work. However, there is a little something I do want to do before I go to bed tonight. DN's Town flip draws my attention to Eduarda (I did explain earlier how I thought there was a good chance of her being scum if DN would flip Town), so I will go ahead and vote for her now since my suspicion on her is just as big - if not bigger - than my suspicion on DN was yesterday.

Vote: Eduarda

I don't necessarily think your move is a bad one, as I largely agree. There is something on my mind regarding you two, however. Keeping in mind your brief exchange with Eduarda early in Day 1, and coupling that with this vote, I'd like to make the underwhelming wager that one of you is scum given the exchanges we have seen. I openly expressed my concerns about Eduarda, but I still have a ton of unanswered questions on the situation since she has not been around in the past week.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hi friend!

I am sorry for my little absence. I just got done catching up on the reading, and I see I have a couple of questions directed at me. Since it is 3 AM here right now and I really have to go to bed, I will respond to said questions tomorrow after I get off work. However, there is a little something I do want to do before I go to bed tonight. DN's Town flip draws my attention to Eduarda (I did explain earlier how I thought there was a good chance of her being scum if DN would flip Town), so I will go ahead and vote for her now since my suspicion on her is just as big - if not bigger - than my suspicion on DN was yesterday.

Vote: Eduarda
Why did you vote for DekuNut instead yesterday then? Just because that's where the bandwagon was going? Keep in mind Deku only had 2 votes on him when you voted, there was plenty of time to switch the lynch wagon over. Also, it looked like you only voted for Deku when you were questioned about not voting for him, using "didn't realize the day ended so early" excuse (which I've seen used before from scum).

Looking back at Day 1, I actually noticed Eduarda herself had voted for Deku as well. And as previously noted, she's been a lot more aggressive and reckless with votes than she normally is as a townie (though, to be fair, I've only seen one of her town games, so it may not be a totally fair assessment).

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Pendio and Eduarda are both scum, but I'm leaning more towards Pendio. His vote on Deku when it was evident that he was more suspicious of her (?) looks like scum protecting scum. And it would make sense for both of them to be involved with an attempted townie lynch since it can be assumed that mafia also gain pips for lynching townies, given the rules. It's almost certain that there was at least one scum on Deku's lynch, for both days, and for Day 2, Pendio looks like the most likely candidate.

That said;

Vote: Pendio

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Hi friend!

I am sorry for my little absence. I just got done catching up on the reading, and I see I have a couple of questions directed at me. Since it is 3 AM here right now and I really have to go to bed, I will respond to said questions tomorrow after I get off work. However, there is a little something I do want to do before I go to bed tonight. DN's Town flip draws my attention to Eduarda (I did explain earlier how I thought there was a good chance of her being scum if DN would flip Town), so I will go ahead and vote for her now since my suspicion on her is just as big - if not bigger - than my suspicion on DN was yesterday.

Vote: Eduarda

Why did you vote for DekuNut instead yesterday then? Just because that's where the bandwagon was going? Keep in mind Deku only had 2 votes on him when you voted, there was plenty of time to switch the lynch wagon over. Also, it looked like you only voted for Deku when you were questioned about not voting for him, using "didn't realize the day ended so early" excuse (which I've seen used before from scum).

This right here. I'm wondering this myself. While I'm suspicious of Eduarda too, this made me wonder about the situation as well. I really wish Eduarda would come in and post.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
I'm saying this here since I said it in overwatch, I'm basically on vacation until next Saturday so only phone posts for the most part. And even then there will be few especially since gf will be mad if I'm like "hold on let me post in the Mafia game" while we're in the middle of dinner or mini golf or beach time or arcades on the boardwalk in Ocean city.

With that said, I will still try to read and pay attention to the game, and I so far agree with an Eduarda lynch. But I'll look into that later. I was suspicious of Koki tbe previous day but I'm no longer suspicious there.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Tristan's recent post raises interesting questions regarding Pendio's mode of operation, largely questioning Pendio not going with who he found the most suspicious the day before as opposed to going with the consensus DekuNut vote. Eduarda even briefly threw preliminary concerns at Pendio in a similar manner as we have seen. I get the sense that while it's possible both can be scum, I definitely am more inclined to think that just one of them is scum given the opposition to each other. I doubt that if they were both scum, they would try to put so much attention on one another so early. I know that I've essentially reiterated what I postulated earlier, but I sort of see a greater rift between Pendio and Eduarda than I once did.


The game is on!
What was the need to wait until the very end of the day? Why couldn't you vote when you had the chance and the means to?

I said that I would assist a lynch if I saw that my vote was required to secure the lynch. Due to my misjudgment of the day's length I made a mistake. I have already owned up to that.

Why specifically Timeless and not anyone else who's barely posted?

Because at the time when I made the post mentioning him, he had made a couple of posts which seemed very nonchalant and did not contribute anything to the discussion. He has ,however, since explained himself and contributed more. I have no quarrel with him.

how tho..,,.

I said that I think DN's reason for suspecting Kirion makes sense, not that I necessarily completely agree with the idea of Kirion being scum. Kirion's desire for a speedlynch alone is good reason for suspicion in my opinion.

Like you said, it felt as if you were already preparing yourself for accusations coming at you for having obstructed lynches last minute. That is so non-townish because how do you know (at least sure enough that you feel like you must defend yourself because of it already at day 1) for sure that this situation will arise? A townie won't know. A mafiosi might... in this game it's relatively easy for mafia to obstruct a lynch.

I am always prepared for accusations when I play Mafia. I am aware of the fact that I have a play style that tends to draw attention to it in a bad way whatever my alignment might be. Just take some of the recent games for example such as Team Fortress Mafia, Avengers Mafia, Love Letter Mafia and Super Smash Mafia. In all of those games I was killed by the hands of the Town, yet I was only Mafia in one of those four games. So yes, I know I am likely to tread into lethal territories playing Mafia, and since that play style of mine has nothing to do with my alignment I figured I would attempt to explain my stand point as clearly as possible this game when Eduarda asked me about it. I hope you understand now.

Perhaps you really just forgot the time. Perhaps you weren't used to the threshold system yet, perhaps you were busy, perhaps a combination of all of these. But I did find it striking that the Deku lynch failed, and you were one of the active people that obstructed it.

You are right. More or less it was indeed a combination of all of those. I have to admit though that I have never been one of the more active players in this game. I have popped in here every once in a while, read the new posts, and made a post myself. You say I was one of the active people at that time in the game, but I am afraid that is simply not true.

Why is that? And more importantly, why didn't you express that yesterday?

You misunderstand me. What I mean is that my suspicion on Eduarda today is stronger than my suspicion on DN was yesterday. Yesterday my suspicion on Eduarda was equal to my suspicion on DN, but today it has grown because I have been thinking that it seems likely that one of them is scum while the other is not. Since DN flipped Town, that is why my suspicion on Eduarda is now stronger than my suspicion on DN was yesterday.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
I think DN's reason for suspecting Kirion makes sense
how tho......

You misunderstand me. What I mean is that my suspicion on Eduarda today is stronger than my suspicion on DN was yesterday. Yesterday my suspicion on Eduarda was equal to my suspicion on DN, but today it has grown because I have been thinking that it seems likely that one of them is scum while the other is not. Since DN flipped Town, that is why my suspicion on Eduarda is now stronger than my suspicion on DN was yesterday.
So that's why you didn't mention her at all yesterday? Makes sense :uwu:


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
At first I was worried that I missed out on so much in the game because I haven't been posting and was thinking "oh man, I am never gonna catch up with this day!" and then I realized it's like, a page of posts, so thanks guys for being considerate for the people like me :uwu:

As for now, I agree with Tristan's post in regards to the Pendio suspicion. I could see Eduard being worth keeping on our radar, but as of now, I see Pendio's suspicion of her as no more than a convenience since DekuNut had posted his suspicions of her in this post (Sunday at 2:51 AM) and that way Pendio could deflect the votes to her for now. She's been gone since the 10th? And we had an actual kill last night whether that be mafia, sk or vig, so I'm sort of less focused on her right now.

Anyways, we need four votes to get a kill, so I'm open for suggestions (day ends tomorrow though, so I doubt I'll be swayed), but as it stands:

Vote: Pendio
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