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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
@Mido most of my recent posts I was hoping would fuel discussion and possibility of a lynch. I'm really only going with the Deku Nut lynch because we absolutely need a lynch if anything is going to get going in this game. Inactivity is going to mean a town loss even if we have some people rather active. We can't just sit around and do nothing because then there's nothing to go off of.

Am I 100% behind the Deku Nut lynch? No, but there's nothing else here to work off of, and rather than try and get the handful of people to come over and jump on some suspicions I were to formulate, I would rather push a lynch that stands somewhat of a chance of happening. Out of all our players today, 9 of them (including myself) have made at least one post today. An even smaller number than that have come back to add more to discussion. We don't know what exactly Mafia can do yet, or how the nights are going to play out. We need to get moving.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
@Mido most of my recent posts I was hoping would fuel discussion and possibility of a lynch. I'm really only going with the Deku Nut lynch because we absolutely need a lynch if anything is going to get going in this game. Inactivity is going to mean a town loss even if we have some people rather active. We can't just sit around and do nothing because then there's nothing to go off of.

Am I 100% behind the Deku Nut lynch? No, but there's nothing else here to work off of, and rather than try and get the handful of people to come over and jump on some suspicions I were to formulate, I would rather push a lynch that stands somewhat of a chance of happening. Out of all our players today, 9 of them (including myself) have made at least one post today. An even smaller number than that have come back to add more to discussion. We don't know what exactly Mafia can do yet, or how the nights are going to play out. We need to get moving.

I see your point. As for the still-unproven Mafia powers at stake, it will be quite the intriguing scene to see play out.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I'm still skeptical that Mafia's NKs use pips. It doesn't make sense to me that mafia could be unable to NK because they used their pips on a general spell.

Gonna leave this for ya.
Eduarda how come you haven't posted yet?

I wish I had more time to scumhunt. I'll make it up after 13th if you keep me that long

I want to remind people of the fact that lynching a townie does give mafia pips. If DekuNut is town, then there was probably scum on his bandwagon (I recognize I was one of the people voting for him too).


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I'm still skeptical that Mafia's NKs use pips. It doesn't make sense to me that mafia could be unable to NK because they used their pips on a general spell.

I want to remind people of the fact that lynching a townie does give mafia pips. If DekuNut is town, then there was probably scum on his bandwagon (I recognize I was one of the people voting for him too).

The other question is if mafia even did anything last night? Could have been anyone with access to a night time attack.

I really need to read the rules because I didn't realize the whole pip thing for successful lynches. At least it's a starting point to look into I suppose? Idk fam tbh imo.
Nov 20, 2011
The State of Love and Trust
@Eduarda how come you haven't posted yet?

@Timeless thoughts on anything at all?

Okay so I'm actually home now which means I can be more active, and also provide a substantive post. I think lynching someone, as many others have said, is an absolute must. But looking at it from a little bit more of a mathematical standpoint, we need to be fairly confident of their alignment. Because of the way pips are picked up in the game, even just a turn or two of wrong moves HEAVILY shifts the game in the scum's favor. Momentum will play a large part in the rest of the game. But on the other hand, we don't know if scum has a proper NK or not. Assuming they don't, it'll take time to whittle down each player, healing aside, even. So we do have space early on to make a mistake or two. Personally, I don't feel particularly convinced by any accusations people are making now, so I can't say that I want to jump out and accuse anyone juuuuust yet. However, I do think that we should watch the people in question (I believe DekuNut is collecting the most attention right now?) and we should lynch one of them for sure during this day period. At best, we get scum. At worst, we make a mistake early leaving room for recovery.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hmm. Well I think I've caught up, but all I'm seeing is that the current bandwagon is on the same person that had a failed lynch yesterday. Personally, I don't really think Deku is mafia. I don't necessarily think he's town, but I'm not sure he's mafia.

That being said, however, there is always that chance that he is mafia (or anti-town), and his lynch will give us information. I'm not personally going to jump on board, but I do support it.

Looking back, I noticed Eduarda is being more aggressive than she normally is as town. As town, she's a lot more careful and conservative. Her play reminds me of her Smash mafia play, in which she wasn't town. I'd like to take another look at her posts a little later. Also, if Deku flips town, I'm gonna look back at all the people on his lynch, since, as people have mentioned, it's likely mafia also get pips from successful town lynches, meaning they'll probably be more than happy to assist with one. There's almost certainly at least one on his wagon if he's town, but possibly more.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
If it was late in the day, and there were no good alternative options, then ya, I would. If another vote is required for a lynch to go through.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
I want to remind people of the fact that lynching a townie does give mafia pips. If DekuNut is town, then there was probably scum on his bandwagon (I recognize I was one of the people voting for him too).

How do you feel about voting him today? Clearly you haven't yet already, so did you change your opinion?

@Mido what do you think Deku's alignment is? I noticed that yesterday you didn't offer your perspective on him, despite making a post during the period where his behaviour was a hot topic.

@DekuNut did you find anything through your ISO's?

@kokirion I noticed yesterday, before you voted Deku, you expressed suspicion of both Deku and Eduarda (quotes below). You thought both were being shady, but why pick Deku over Eduarda? And how do you feel about lynching Dekunut today?

The same goes for you. Besides, your little explanation, quick vote and because the argument itself alreasy is very weak, it seems like you're just jumping on this wagon for the sake of simplicity. Not a town-tell.
FOS: Dekunut

Something else about you Eduarda, in games when you are town I tend to have had the feeling that you were very considerate of who you voted, not to make mistakes. In games where you have been mafia you've quite frequently used shady arguments and were less careful. Here you use quite a weak argument to push for a lynch, I don't recall that to be town-Eduardish.

I feel pretty bad, but I also missed that we needed 5 people to get a lynch in. We definitely needed to get a lynch in yesterday, and I would have voted had I known. Perhaps Gummy is right, mafia might have played a hand in keeping Dekunut alive, by staying quiet. I think that is a possibility. Other possibilities are that townies disagreed and/or didn't know about the rule, and that is why no else voted. If Deku is scum, then his scumbuds either knew that not enough people were voting, and didn't say anything, or they were clueless or inactive. If Deku is town, why didn't more the mafia jump on the wagon? Again, they could be either clueless or inactive. It could go either way, I guess. In regards to those who did vote, those people would be Eduarda, Gummy and Doc. Could be worth looking into, but I also understand that at the end of Day 1 that people want to get a lynch in, however dumb the reasoning.

When I first saw the wagon on Deku, I was quite unsure about the lynch. So he just agreed with Eduarda and voted Koko...... trying to start a serious lynch on Day 1, what's so scummy about that? It almost seemed town-like, in fact. I was also feeling quite uncomfortable that it was Koko who had started the lynch, the one who had been under fire just one page before, and now accusing his accuser. But I don't really think Koko is scum atm, otherwise he would have just let the Gummy lynch happen, rather then stop it. Thinking back to Avengers mafia, where Deku was a mafioso, on Day 1 he also tried to start up a serious lynch on another player (Storm). And this is similar to that, in a sense. Deku also made a very long post defending himself, but he wasn't very aggressive in his defense. I suppose that can be read as town? What I am trying to say is that, I think Deku is a hard player to figure out and he could go either way for me at this point. I understand why he'd get lynched today, and I'll vote if we don't have 5 people when approaching deadline.

@Mido most of my recent posts I was hoping would fuel discussion and possibility of a lynch. I'm really only going with the Deku Nut lynch because we absolutely need a lynch if anything is going to get going in this game. Inactivity is going to mean a town loss even if we have some people rather active. We can't just sit around and do nothing because then there's nothing to go off of.

Am I 100% behind the Deku Nut lynch? No, but there's nothing else here to work off of, and rather than try and get the handful of people to come over and jump on some suspicions I were to formulate, I would rather push a lynch that stands somewhat of a chance of happening. Out of all our players today, 9 of them (including myself) have made at least one post today. An even smaller number than that have come back to add more to discussion. We don't know what exactly Mafia can do yet, or how the nights are going to play out. We need to get moving.

Really? You think there's no one else to look at, nothing else to analyse or do besides getting Dekunut lynched? Hmmm.....

Neither Shroom or Pendio provided solid reasons for their votes on Deku today. Just voted for the sake of getting a lynch in, even when there is plenty of time left in the Day to get discussion going on other things. Another thing worth noting is that Pendio was the fourth one to vote Gummy yesterday. Could've been a joke vote, or he could've had other intentions, I just thought it was worth noting.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
@Mido what do you think Deku's alignment is? I noticed that yesterday you didn't offer your perspective on him, despite making a post during the period where his behaviour was a hot topic.

I can never quite get a good read on DekuNut since he manages to keep his style consistent, but I nonetheless agree with you. His latest post is a bit suspect as it comes of very much as a bandwagon move, potentially discreet in nature as well. I will also say that he's been an active voter this game day, making him come off as potentially more bold, which throws my own view on him back at square one.

This snippet of my post contains my ultimate view of DekuNut, but to answer your initial question, I have a null read on him based on the dichotomy I noted in this post. His bandwagon motion appeared to be a move of simple convenience in order to establish a lynch without necessarily needing to add supplementary reasoning. At the same time, his early voting pattern's active nature that somewhat correlates with his 'vote under suspect' looks to be a meta thing from my perspective. Overall, his play this game reminds me of his endeavors in Revival as scum to a degree, which keeps me wary, but I can't quite place any certainty on it since his approach appears as nothing too out of the ordinary. Surely, we won't be absolutely certain, and I find myself pensive over this situation. Perhaps I'm overthinking it.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Sorry, must have missed your initial comment. Thanks for the answer; I do agree with you, I'm not certain about Deku myself


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
How do you feel about voting him today? Clearly you haven't yet already, so did you change your opinion?

In order for him to reach majority, yeah. I wasn't that certain about my vote on him yesterday either. But I was trying to push him towards majority, so that yesterday wouldn't end in a no lynch.

In regards to those who did vote, those people would be Eduarda, Gummy and Doc. Could be worth looking into, but I also understand that at the end of Day 1 that people want to get a lynch in, however dumb the reasoning.
Kokirion also voted for DekuNut.
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