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WW-Wii U Wind Waker Create an Island



Here is where you get to add one island to the sea chart!(not really...:cry:) and then you give me some details about it.Here is mine for example:

I would create an island that features enemies and challenges.I would call it firefight Island.You could go into secreat caves etc...


Resident Cartographer
Jul 18, 2009
Cloud 9
I would have liked to see in island like the lost woods in LoZ where if you sail away from it you come back on the other side of the sector...and then you have to follow a specific pattern to escape
Aug 18, 2009
Oh, really, I can create one? Ok...

I'd like to create an island that is surrounded by the sea. It would be located in the middle of the map, and it serves as a hideout of some sorts, you know, for pirates.
If I could be in the game, I'd be known as Miss Detra, Tetra's twin sister, and I'd own the island and a fair amount of good for nothing seadogs.

There would be barrels against the hideout's walls, and the hiding place would be a huge tower, heavily guarded. Also, there would be caves around the place and lots of trees, sorta like a forest. We would have a training facility and many things in the island, and my ship would be able to fit inside a cave.


Dec 3, 2008
Hehe.. This looks pretty fun.

My Island would be another town. Because they need another one. It would be fairly small, maybe just a bit bigger then Windfall, and it would be like a tropical island. At first, when you got to the island, it would just look like a dense jungle, and you would have to go into. It would be completely free roaming on the island. There would be no paths. The goal is to find you're way to the town.

The town itself would be built around a sort of cove. It would be a very compact town. With two story buildings, cobblestone roads, cafes, many shops and harbor. The shops would sell every item in the game. And some new items. One shop would be called "The Treasure Shop". This shop would sell items in the game. Dungeon items... This is because of the secret optional dungeon on the island.

Deep underground in the catacombs of the bustling town above, lies the Fog Temple. The ultimate test for Wind Waker Link. This temple would be very hard. It would be full of lots of undead creatures, and it would be made as scary as possible. There would be one creature, known as a... Well the name is pending. But it would be a massive undead bug, and it would be to steal items for you're inventory. Hence the Treasure Shop. These bugs would come up for multiple reasons. If you've been in one place to long, before a key and things like that.

The dungeons item would be.. The Video Camera. It's like another upgrade to you're Pictobox, but it is a completely different item. Of course you can use it to take video. Up to a certain length of course. It would be fun.. Right? Anyway, the items use in the dungeon would be that it can see Ghosts, or Spirits or whatever you want to call them. Sort of like the Lens of Truth, but much more epic.

The boss would be.. A joke. It would be a giant Mudkip. That can fly and shoot lazers out of it's eyes.. Freeze lazers.. (Someone Sig that..)

Not really. The boss would be a giant Redead/Stalfos/Gibdo/Poe crossover. And it would hate you. Once you beat the boss in some undetermined way, you would get a choice between two things. Either left or right. Left would be the ability to change to colour of you're tunic. Any colour you can imagine. There is no difference to the colours. They all do one thing. Give you a new magic arrow. The arrow would be the same colour as you're tunic, and it would cost no magic to use. And it would do one of four things. Either it would have the effects of a fire arrow, an ice arrow, or a light arrow. OR. It would have a super special effect. It would just do more damage then regular or fire arrows. Or light arrows. Also.. It would change the enemies colour to the colour of you're arrow/tunic.

Now right. Choosing right would allow you to choose on of four characters to ride around on you're boat with you. Either Tetra, Aryll, Makar, or Medli(SP?).

Yup. My island is epic.. To bad it will NEVER happen..
Aug 18, 2009
Hehe.. This looks pretty fun.

My Island would be another town. Because they need another one. It would be fairly small, maybe just a bit bigger then Windfall, and it would be like a tropical island. At first, when you got to the island, it would just look like a dense jungle, and you would have to go into. It would be completely free roaming on the island. There would be no paths. The goal is to find you're way to the town.

The town itself would be built around a sort of cove. It would be a very compact town. With two story buildings, cobblestone roads, cafes, many shops and harbor. The shops would sell every item in the game. And some new items. One shop would be called "The Treasure Shop". This shop would sell items in the game. Dungeon items... This is because of the secret optional dungeon on the island.

Deep underground in the catacombs of the bustling town above, lies the Fog Temple. The ultimate test for Wind Waker Link. This temple would be very hard. It would be full of lots of undead creatures, and it would be made as scary as possible. There would be one creature, known as a... Well the name is pending. But it would be a massive undead bug, and it would be to steal items for you're inventory. Hence the Treasure Shop. These bugs would come up for multiple reasons. If you've been in one place to long, before a key and things like that.

The dungeons item would be.. The Video Camera. It's like another upgrade to you're Pictobox, but it is a completely different item. Of course you can use it to take video. Up to a certain length of course. It would be fun.. Right? Anyway, the items use in the dungeon would be that it can see Ghosts, or Spirits or whatever you want to call them. Sort of like the Lens of Truth, but much more epic.

The boss would be.. A joke. It would be a giant Mudkip. That can fly and shoot lazers out of it's eyes.. Freeze lazers.. (Someone Sig that..)

Not really. The boss would be a giant Redead/Stalfos/Gibdo/Poe crossover. And it would hate you. Once you beat the boss in some undetermined way, you would get a choice between two things. Either left or right. Left would be the ability to change to colour of you're tunic. Any colour you can imagine. There is no difference to the colours. They all do one thing. Give you a new magic arrow. The arrow would be the same colour as you're tunic, and it would cost no magic to use. And it would do one of four things. Either it would have the effects of a fire arrow, an ice arrow, or a light arrow. OR. It would have a super special effect. It would just do more damage then regular or fire arrows. Or light arrows. Also.. It would change the enemies colour to the colour of you're arrow/tunic.

Now right. Choosing right would allow you to choose on of four characters to ride around on you're boat with you. Either Tetra, Aryll, Makar, or Medli(SP?).

Yup. My island is epic.. To bad it will NEVER happen..

Your island would of looked awesome in the game. As to you saying it wont ever happen, that is why there are rps. I love them, I get to invent whatever I want and believe that the rp is real.

By the way, are there any rps here? (Goes to look)


Remember the name
Jun 29, 2009
i would make an island that is an uter dungeon you enter with your boat and link gets out and then theres a cave in that separates link from the king of red lions and link has to complete the dungeon before he could get anything else
Oct 20, 2008
My island would be rather large and somewhat out-of-the-way. It would be comprised of large, dead plains and jagged mountain ranges, which would contain a number of large, explorable caves.

The island would contain a large, ancient graveyard, with thousands of graves. It would be inhabited by a variety of demonic and dead creatures, as a well as a distant relative of Tingle.


Zelda On Paper
Aug 5, 2009
In my very own world
hmm... i would make some short of castle, a big castle with lots of chalenges, lots of puzzles and lots of enemies, that would be a real chalenge!
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Nov 29, 2010
I would have a triple dungeon that would have a huge steep mountain in the north, a desert in the west , a huge bay in the east, and a forest in the south
and in the middle... would be MY house, Muah hah hah!


My island would be a mediun-sized island with a tower on it, an optional dungeon. It would also have a long cave to get a key to open it with tough puzzles and powerful enemies. It would give you a key, and the tower would be even harder than the cave with horribly hard puzzles and overpowered enemies. If you conquered the tower you would get a incredibly powerful sword upgrade for the master sword. Just an idea....
Oct 18, 2007
I would have liked Spectacle Island to have more detail than just two points sticking out. Spectacle Rock is known throughout the Zelda series as part of Death Mountain and the most dangerous place at DM as well. I would have enjoyed a hidden temple deep inside the island somewhere.
Nov 26, 2008
I would have liked Spectacle Island to have more detail than just two points sticking out. Spectacle Rock is known throughout the Zelda series as part of Death Mountain and the most dangerous place at DM as well. I would have enjoyed a hidden temple deep inside the island somewhere.
Heh, yeah. They should have done more with that classic location.

If I were to make an island, it would be massive. As big as the sea with tons of ground to run around on. It would have tons of dungeons and enemies and adventuring. And I would call it "What This Game Should Have Had More Of Island." :xd:

But seriously? Hm...

I would probably create a larger island with a lot of flat ground to run around on. It would have a lot of enemies and hidden areas, allowing you to get secrets as you progress through the game. Beneath the island would be an underground maze with even more secrets and trials, and it would function like an optional mini-dungeon. I would call it "Enigma Island."

That or a ghostly island with a graveyard and mansion, infested with the undead. That sounds more bad-***. :P


Guy What's Angry Now
May 15, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.

Undertow Island. This island is essentially a tropical island area with a tribal race living oni its heights. I was thinking maybe a Rito offshoot or something, but I don't know. Anyway, the main point of this island is the strong currents that circle the island. These will pull your boat at high speeds while holding R to cruise, but putting up your sail will push you out of the currents. After solving whatever dungeon/minidungeon/trial on the island, the white arrows will open up as supercurrents- places where the water is moving so quickly that your boat is shot away from the island at speeds of up to six map squares a minute! Needless to say, the boost provided by these currents is a speedy way to get around the sea.

You can only land at the southern beach, and can't reach the rest of the island until you have the Hookshot, which allows you to grapple your way up the palm trees that sit atop the high cliffs next to the beach. The cave that runs underneath the island sets you right on course to the circular current, but this requires bombs to open- not an obstacle so much as an expense and a bit of interactivity. The four islands split the current and house signposts showing which way you're being flung, as well as housing several huts and a few NPCs.

So yeah, I'll describe this in better detail later, but I think WW could have benefited from currents to speed Link around the sea.
Aug 26, 2009
this should be fun, I would have a flat island, normal in any way, except its not. Once you revive the master sword, you stick it in the middle and a giant tower will appear before you. With 100 levels, and it will take you above the clouds, and into space, which will give you the galaxy blade. twice as powerful as the master sword, and you can create 1 portal . kind of like a huge farores wind

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