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Hyrule Warriors Will Hyrule Warriors Be Put on the Timeline?

Feb 23, 2011
I didn't directly say I didn't like games that aren't Zelda, I do like other franchises other than Zelda like Final Fantasy and Metroid for some examples, I was simply just talking about how in general with any franchise, this canon and non-canon thing is just getting mishandled lately for like over four/five years now like missed opportunities.
Oh, okay. Your wording kind of threw me for loop. But yeah, I have my own personal gripes with the whole canon/non-canon thing. For example, I used to get really ticked off whenever a debate over the canonicity of the Oracle titles came up. To me it was obvious that OoX was canon, but I had no definitive proof until various sources were introduced such as Hyrule Historia. In the case of Hyrule Warriors it was readily obvious to me that it was non-canonical. For one, I have a history with Dynasty Warriors and its crossovers; I know how their crossovers work. Some people who are unfamiliar with DW may not know that HW is just one of many fanservice crossovers, and therefore they may have trouble knowing or accepting its canonicity. In spite of all this, it would be cool if some those flashy moves in HW were in the main canon. ;J

I fail to compute what you mean by "missed opportunities," though. What, you mean a missed opportunity to try and shove something into the timeline that doesn't belong there?
Also, the reason why I consider Zelda Wii U a reboot is:

1) Aonuma's words about "rethinking the conventions" and that this new Zelda will be like a new fresh start kind of Zelda game

2) Link looks totally different this time around.
Ah. Well, I guess you and I just have a different definition of a reboot. Regarding 1.), this is nothing new (lol). This has been said numerous times before in some form, the most recent of which is when Skyward Sword was first announced (might have been brought up again with ALBW). I guess he's saying it again this time because he hopes to push the "rethinking the conventions" thing even further in ZeldaU.

Regarding 2.), this isn't the first incarnation of Link that looks kind of different, though I guess I get where you're coming from. While I really, really like the [tentative] new design, I understand how such a things can be off-putting. Reminds me of The Wind Waker. What I don't understand is how such a minor thing could be a deciding factor in why you may consider not purchasing the game. Not to mention that it may not even be the final design.
Reasons why such a reboot will not be a success:

1) The game looks more like what I've dubbed "Ganon's Dogma" than Zelda. Now I actually love Dragon's Dogma so I have no problem with the idea of Nintendo taking inspiration from DD, however, that's ONLY if don't make a Zelda TOO much like DD in from what I've seen and heard so far, Zelda Wii U feels like a game that's trying to be TOO much like DD.

2) Aonuma confirmed the possibility of having Link customizable and possibly able to choose to have Link be a male or female or choose between Link or Zelda as like a way of choosing between male or female according to these two articles on Zelda Informer:



Again, this tells me that this game definitely qualifies the title of "Ganon's Dogma" or maybe "The Sage Legends I: Hyrule I: Ganon's Dogma" (Whoa :O, that is a looong title!).

Anyways, that's all I have to say right now. I'm tired :tired:


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