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A Link Between Worlds Why Are People Worried?


Jul 1, 2012
So I've been haring a lot of negative perceptions of this game since its release, that combined with positive but I can't help but focus on the hate this game is receiving thus far. I feel this could be a truly great game and I think people need to look past the top down perspective and their disappointment and, instead, focus on the positives.

So the overworld has been confirmed to be the same overworld we saw in A Link to the Past but I think people are taking this quote slightly wrong. It will be the same overworld in regards to regions, locations etc. but I'm sure it won't be "exactly" the same world, things will be mixed up and with the new depth that 3D brings it will allow us, the player, to explore the world in a whole new dimension. This also goes for dungeons, now if the dungeons are the ones we saw in the original then I'm sure they'd appear very different. Look at the gameplay from the first demo, it was familiar for sure but the capabilities of the 3DS and the new concepts introduced, really flipped the dungeon on its head.

All in all, we will see familiar locations and whatnot but the twist provided with the new puzzles, items, concepts, story etc. will bring enough of a twist to make the familiar seem unfamiliar. Now i feel that the game taking place in the same overworld is actually a "good" thing and it's not just the points I raised above - what I'm talking about is continuity. It's nice to see Nintendo bringing this more and more into the series and I feel having familiar aspects returning will just create connections rather than hinder the game. I feel a lot of people are jumping to wild conclusions already - look at Majora's Mask , this game featured the same items, characters, enemies and themes as it's predecessor just "2" years prior. Now MM is considered to be one of the most unique and invidvadal titles within the series, and that's how I feel people should treat this title.

What are your thoughts on these negative perceptions?
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May 18, 2013
So I've been haring a lot of negative perceptions of this game since its release, that combined with positive but I can't help but focus on the hate this game is receiving thus far. I feel this could be a truly great game and I think people need to look past the top down perspective and their disappointment and, instead, focus on the positives.

So the overworld has been confirmed to be the same overworld we saw in A Link to the Past but I think people are taking this quote slightly wrong. It will be the same overworld in regards to regions, locations etc. but I'm sure it won't be "exactly" the same world, things will be mixed up and with the new depth that 3D brings it will allow us, the player, to explore the wworld in a whole new dimension. This also goes for dungeons, now if the dungeons are the ones we saw in the original then I'm sure they'd appear very different. Look at the gameplay from the first demo, it was familiar for sure but the capabilities of the 3DS and the new concepts introduced, really flipped the dungeon on its head.

All in all, we will see familiar locations and whatnot but the twist provided with the new puzzles, items, concepts, story etc. will bring enough of a twist to make the familiar seem unfamiliar. Now i feel that the game taking place in the same overworld is actually a "good" thing and it's not just the points I raised above - what I'm talking about is continuity. It's nice to see Nintendo bringing this more and more into the series and I feel having familiar aspects returning will just create connections rather than hinder the game. I feel a lot of people are jumping to wild conclusions already, look at Majora's Mask , this game featured the same items, characters, enemies and themes as it's predecessor just "2" years prior. Now MM is considered to be one of the most unique and invidvadal titles within the series, and that's how I feel people should treat this title.

What are tout thoughts on these negative perceptions?
First of all, HATE? Damn, either I'm too thick to notice the hate, or you're exaggerating somewhat.:S

Miyamoto said to think of it as a new game, now I don't know what he exactly means by rearranged, it could be a translation issue but he said to think of it as a new game so, like all of what you said, the overworld might be different, because of the new mechanics and whatnot.

I think the negative perceptions will decrease as soon as the game gets released and if we find out its not the exact same overworld as alttp and with the new mechanics which probably COMPLETELY change the gameplay experience, even if the world is the same.
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Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
I'm not entirely sure myself, and this comes from someone who has become increasingly weary of Nintendo's propensity to play things safely - Super Mario 3D World, for instance - rather than doing something new. A Link Between Worlds, in my eyes, appears not to follow that trend, but seems to be something new.

What excites me most is the tremendous sense of verticality on display in the gameplay videos I've seen. The seamless jumping from floor to floor of the dungeons, and the apparent centrality of that mechanic to navigating dungeons, is really quite novel. In previous games, traveling from floor to floor wasn't an ordeal, but it was a process and a clear point of separation. In A Link Between Worlds, that separation is removed, and it appears that jumping from floor-to-floor will be a frequent and necessary task to solve puzzles. It lends a sort of third dimensionality to the puzzle solving, despite being a top-down Zelda game, and that's going to feel different. I am rather excited to see how it plays, and I believe it will feel very unique and unlike any Zelda game we've played before.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
As JC knows, this whole series of games including this Hero or "Link", is dear to my heart! Mainly ALttP, but since joining this site and getting all the incite one would need to form an informative opinion about a certain game or series of games, and aside from my troubles accepting the Hero of Time had been defeated, i grew to love this "Link" even more as not only was this the Link that pulled me into the series at the age 7 or 8, and has never let go. This Link has an almost complete story!

Not to mention, if the story is after LA, then this is a chance to finally tell the whole story of one Link. As I learned more about him and his Complete quest and that not only is he the Hero of Hyrule, gaining the trust of the people and proved his courage, but has went on two separate quest to prove himself to be able to obtain the whole triforce, this is the first link to do so! Im lost as far as to what LA means, but i just haven't got that far yet!

I have no clue where the hate would be coming from? But something tells me most of it stems from their lack of appreciation for 2D Zelda games!
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Mar 14, 2013
A Link to the Past has always been one of my favorites, like many Zeldadungeoners. So Nintendo has to step up their game if they want to make a game that's just as good. So they aren't hating, their just being critics.

The graphics look good, the puzzles, the monsters even the drawing thing is being liked. So it seems that with the more content Nintendo releases, we are appreciating the game more and more. By the time this game comes out, we will love it :) (Hopefully)

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I think most of the "hate" (in quotes because it is quite a strong word) comes from two factors:

a) People are disappointed with the top-down perspective. I for one find the game to look wonderful, but I know that there are several people who were hoping for, and expecting, and large, grand, 3D world, similar to the one we saw in Ocarina of Time 3D. I will admit that I was a little weary about it at first, but I am now ecstatic! This game looks great, really.

b) People were expecting something completely new. I am not personally disappointed with the way this game was designed, in fact I love it, but there were/are people who were not expecting a game to take place in a previously established overworld, and were therefore disappointed with the location of choice. But A Link to the Past really was a spectacular game, so I am certainly not upset with the direction this game is going.

I find both of these arguments to be stupid. A Zelda game is a Zelda game, whether it is 3D or not. I consider the 3D fanboys to be greedy for wanting so much out of Nintendo. With a full 3D world, the game would likely have a longer development time, thus causing us fans to wait longer than we are now.
The second argument is even worse, in my opinion. People should appreciate the fact that the legendary game from the SNES era is coming back to life! ALBW looks great, and I simply cannot wait to play it.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
The only thing I'm worried about is that it's returning to aLttP. But it's not just this game. Zelda Wii U is scaring me too. Nintendo's giving us all of this talk about returning Zelda to its original roots which, to me, is about as welcome as returning America to its roots.


May 18, 2013
The only thing I'm worried about is that it's returning to aLttP. But it's not just this game. Zelda Wii U is scaring me too. Nintendo's giving us all of this talk about returning Zelda to its original roots which, to me, is about as welcome as returning America to its roots.
Give it a chance, you might love it so much, you'll find it hard to return to modern Zelda.;)


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
The only thing I'm worried about is that it's returning to aLttP. But it's not just this game. Zelda Wii U is scaring me too. Nintendo's giving us all of this talk about returning Zelda to its original roots which, to me, is about as welcome as returning America to its roots.

to tell you the truth DL, you of all people should benefit from this game, you and I have had many discussions, and now know where each other stands on most things, and with you being one of the 3D guys, but still appreciate the old just dont favor it, i feel this game is aimed and created for an audience just like you!

Peep Game! Yeah its a Top-Down Perspective! but its a game "Rendered" in 3d, notice how when your a painting you can move the camera around? it seems to me they could have made this a 3D game if they wanted, and i wouldnt give much hate to a 3D game meant to follow ALttP, i would have bought that too! but they decided on a fixed camera. this "return to the roots" sounds great to me, if you ask me i think they were trying to fit to much into a game to make it different lately. I know its stupid, but i think its funny so ill say it, but i even thought to myself that miayamato (however you spell it) is almost punishing anouma for letting the series stray to far, and said, "Thats it, you can use new pretty graphics, but your returning to the drawing board! Bring Back Zelda or else!"

with this talk of Zelda Wii U it seems like they are gonna cut out the BS and give us a HUGE game that is strongly connected to the basic roots of what made Zelda.... Zelda! All i have to say Directly TO you Darkestlink, Do yourself and me a favor, play it and let me know what you think of ALBW as soon as you play it, cuz im guessing your gonna love it as long they DO as the say they are doing, and actually doing it right! To tell you the truth DL im looking forward to what you think of the game the most, cuz you are other side of my position and ive always respected your opinion, Im excited to see how the younger ZDers think about this game!


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I will admit that Nintendo does have a tenancy of surprising me. I was pretty worried about ST and SS too, y'know.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I will admit that Nintendo does have a tenancy of surprising me. I was pretty worried about ST and SS too, y'know.

yeah dude, which is why with you not really caring for the 2D games, im really interested in how you react to this game. I dont know why, but im actually really interested in how you feel after walking away from this game!

Then again, im interested in what i think of it as well, being im a Hybrid Zelda gamer who likes all aspects of the series! i have always found myself "Pleased" with a zelda game upon completion, just some make me happier than others, Like the first time i beat MC! i walked away from that game feeling that it is the Best game as far as 2D installations in the series. Still not taking the place of ALttP as number one on my personal chart, but a terrific game non the less!


Gardener of Elysium
Jan 21, 2013
Academia de Hyrule
It's not hate it's, as the title of the thread says, worry. Even I'm worried a little bit about this game. I don't really have a reason to, but I can't shake the feeling. I guess my major worry is that the game seems to be skirting the dangerous line between a remake and a "second quest" when all I really want it to be is it's own game.

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