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Who's More Annoying, Fi or Navi?

Who's More Annoying, Fi or Navi?

  • Fi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Navi

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
So Skyward Sword comes out in the US today so I thought I could post this thread now. Obviously, I have had the game for a couple of days now and already a common debate among my friends and I, is how 'annoying' Fi is. I've seen this mentioned on other sites and YouTube as well.

To be honest, I don't really find Fi annoying at all. She's similar to Midna in the way that she alerts you with a sound if there is something to tell you. Yes, some of the things she says are quite obvious, but she comes with a whole new range of information. She is very informative in quite a formal way. She uses quite formal words when addressing Link. Fi is quite a mysterious character and quickly finds Link and he becomes her Master. She provides you with play information, objectives, rumours, hints and play time. I find this useful; I don't see how this is annoying because if you don't need or want hints or objectives then you don't have to ask for them. She offers enough information and for younger players this is helpful (my brother has decided to play it and he loves Fi being able to help him when he gets stuck, because she doesn't tell him exactly what to do like a walk through.)

And we all know about Navi. I never found her insanely annoying, it was just the timing and sheer obviousness of what she was saying that was irritating at times. "HEY! LISTEN! This monster is about to kill you!" When it already kind of has. Or "Hey this door is locked! You can't go through it!" I know...I see that, Navi. So my vote would have to go to Navi on the grounds that her timing bad and Fi is very useful in my opinion.

But some people find Fi very annoying apparently. They seem to think that they do not need as much assistance as she offers. And that her sounds are annoying? I never really understood that, but she speaks in what kind of sounds like reversed Japanese or something similar. Some people actually said they prefer Navi to Fi. But which do you find more annoying?
Jan 9, 2011
Navi takes the cake (the lie?) by far, Fi is awesome, I don't usually talk to her, but the rumor thing is really good.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
In my opinion, Fi is more annoying. I don't like the way she talks, I'm heavily averted to her "gibberish" because of how low tone high tone it is (randomly generated, I mean). However, she is a good character at her...heart? Core? Both Fi and Navi give out some pretty obvious tips, but Fi is much more useful. I just find her more annoying in general, due to her voice and dialogue.


Smallest graphical unit
Nov 16, 2011
I think Navi is more annoying
Fi's call is ... shy, plus Fi doesn't state the obvious(sometime) and helps more than Navi sometimes ...


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I've yet to get my copy of SS, but I have heard Fi speak on the prerelease videos and such. She is much like Midna, and I had no problem with the Twilight Princess's "babble." If the volume's turned down low enough the high and low pitch of Fi's vocal tone doesn't bother me, so I have no good reason to find Fi--through Midna, for now--irritating.

Navi, on the other hand, was relentless in her annoyance. I understand she was Nintendo's first use of a verbal assistant, but during the second playthrough and up her reminders are superfluous. Plus I didn't like how she kept dropping suggestions of what we needed to do next, such as finding Saria. I'd rather Nintendo implemented some other system of how we'd know the following step. But they have done exactly that in future titles by having NPCs hint at that most often.


Sep 24, 2011
California, USA
I for one loooove Fi to death! But get this - I also love Navi, too. :D

I guess if I had to pick one, though, it would be Navi. She wasn't that annoying, more cute/funny, but so far Fi's never, ever annoyed me one bit and Navi has like, one time, so I'll go with Navi for now.


Nov 11, 2011
Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen! SHUT UP NAVI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fi is definitely better than Navi. Navi had the personality of soggy Weet Bix, and stuck to you in a manner no less similar.

I love Fi. She's full of knowledge, and she's done nothing but make me laugh with her 'projections'.


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
Nothing could be more annoying than Navi, " HEY! LISTEN! HEY! LISTEN! HEY! HEY! LISTEN! LISTEN! " , Fi wasn't that annoying, she gave good tips. Navi just said stupid things, like at the final battle, before the battle starts navi says " This gys not gonna hold me back any longer , now we fight together!" then if you Z-Target Ganon and talk to him he says " I don't know his weak point "............. THANKS FOR THE TIP NAVI!!!!
Still, this may not be part of the pole but , Midna is by far the best, she helped you out a lot, the story is actually uncompleteable, meanwhile Navi just takes a backseat and Fi ( so far ) hasn't done too much.
Apr 27, 2011
I can deal with Hey listen! but it its real annoying eveytime I get to 3 hearts FI starts beeping at me to tell me my health is low. I FIGURED THAT OUT ON MY OWN!

however she is more helpful than Navi.
Feb 23, 2011
I like both characters just about the same. They were both awesome. However, I recall having one complaint concerning Navi: I used to wish there was some means to perhaps "mark in some kind of journal" what the next objective was rather than have her incessantly remind me. I have no complaints or nitpicks in regards to Fi; I liked everything about her <3.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
Although Fi looked cool she annoyed you to death. She was kind of emotionless and at times she would stop you in the middle of doing something to say something very obvious. However when it comes to annoying, HEY HEY LISTEN HEY will never be beat.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Navi. No contest. Fi isn't even annoying. Fi was a bit intrusive at the very beginning of the game, but it doesn't take long for her to pretty much talk only when called on. And she's much more helpful than Navi. Navi would just come in and say something about where to go next. Fi gives hints and details about the current location along with telling you where to go next upon asking. She's the most helpful sidekick Link's had yet and is not annoying by any means.
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Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I can deal with Hey listen! but it its real annoying eveytime I get to 3 hearts FI starts beeping at me to tell me my health is low. I FIGURED THAT OUT ON MY OWN!

Some people don't pay too much attention to their hearts when they're focused on fighting the enemies in 1:1 combat. I've done that a couple times before, and that's not common at all. They did that so we'd be alerted if we weren't paying attention.

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