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The Legend of Zelda Who Says It? The Shopkeeper or Link?



First of all, I want to say this. I did not think of this. It was brought to attention by a youtube user by the name of NintendoCapriSun. Now, on to the question. Whenever you go to buy the blue ring in this first legend of zelda text shows up saying, "Boy, this is really expensive." Now the question is is it the sopkeeper saying this or Link? Usually the shopkeeper says something like, "Buy something will ya." So, ya. I think its Link, what about you?=\


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
Quite honestly, I think it was intended to be a thought in Link's head. Nintendo wasn't worried about making him a permanent mute at the time.
Mar 14, 2011
I agree with vincent cause when you read something on Zelda most people usually read to themselves while playing.
So I would think that when you got to buy the ring Link is like " Boy this is really exspensive" So when you read it it would be more like you were actually Link Yourself and you were saying that in your head.

I know that doesnt make alot of since but I explained the best i could it makes since to me but idk if anyone else will understand it lol.


Is not Error
Aug 29, 2010
Tower of Hera
I think it can be read differently:

I still believe it is the shop keeper. However, you have to read it as if he is referring to Link as "Boy." I think most people read "Boy" as an exclamation, like God! or Crap! or Holy jumpin' Jesus!

Link walks in every shop looking to buy stuff that will help him along the way. Thus, he likely has the look of a hungry consumer. Due to the fact that the shop keepers of LoZ don't ever follow up with any other lines, we have to assume that this is the thing the shop keeper is saying to Link the moment he buys the ring. The shop keeper has a very expensive item, and he is communicating the value of the ring to the young boy buying it. If a little kid wanted to borrow your PS3, aspiring to take it from your place to his (and you were generous enough to actually lend your console), you might remind him: "Boy (or Tim or whatever his name is), this is very expensive." It's almost another way of saying, "Be careful."

Am I pulling at strings here? If Link doesn't stay a mute, my world will fall apart.


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
I get your point Moldorm. It's kind of like a little kid going into a pawn shop, and the owner says "You can't afford anything in here boy." He could have been doing that sort of thing. Either way, it's not all that important.

Azure Sage

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I think it can be read differently:

I still believe it is the shop keeper. However, you have to read it as if he is referring to Link as "Boy." I think most people read "Boy" as an exclamation, like God! or Crap! or Holy jumpin' Jesus!

Link walks in every shop looking to buy stuff that will help him along the way. Thus, he likely has the look of a hungry consumer. Due to the fact that the shop keepers of LoZ don't ever follow up with any other lines, we have to assume that this is the thing the shop keeper is saying to Link the moment he buys the ring. The shop keeper has a very expensive item, and he is communicating the value of the ring to the young boy buying it. If a little kid wanted to borrow your PS3, aspiring to take it from your place to his (and you were generous enough to actually lend your console), you might remind him: "Boy (or Tim or whatever his name is), this is very expensive." It's almost another way of saying, "Be careful."

Am I pulling at strings here? If Link doesn't stay a mute, my world will fall apart.

That's what I thought, too. I thought the "Boy" was the shopkeeper refering to Link and telling him "this is very expensive".


Is not Error
Aug 29, 2010
Tower of Hera
I'm answering my own question using the wonderful info offered to us here at ZD

- The Blue and Red Rings both increase your defense power, the Blue Ring increasing it by two times the original and the Red increasing it by four. The Blue Ring can be purchased for 250 rupees from the secret shop in both quests and the Red Ring can be found in Dungeon 9 or Death Mountain in both quests.

Isn't 250 rupees a little steep?
Last edited:
Jan 9, 2011
Link talks in Adventure of Link (I found a mirror under the table), so I see no reason why he should not talk in Legend of Zelda, it seems that links role as a silent protegonist wasn't established before Alttp


Link talks in Adventure of Link (I found a mirror under the table), so I see no reason why he should not talk in Legend of Zelda, it seems that links role as a silent protegonist wasn't established before Alttp

Wow i never noticed that interesting

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