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Which Zelda game would you want to be made into an anime?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
We already have Legend of Zelda manga, but what about anime? What Zelda game would you want to be made into an anime the most? Do you want a giant series of anime covering all the games in timeline order, or something else?

I feel like Twilight Princess would make a great anime to me. I don’t know if they expanded more on the Twilight Realm in the manga since I’ve only read one book currently, but I would love if they could talk about the Twilight Realm more in the anime, about its history, past leaders, how they live, stuff like that. Maybe in flashbacks of Midna’s past? I feel I would be more excited for a Twilight Princess anime than Majora’s Mask or Skyward Sword.

Breath of the Wild would also be a great contender. The game gives you so much freedom the anime could go many directions as it unfolds, so you truly don’t know what’s going to happen next.

What Zelda game would you want to be made into an anime most?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I think Twilight Princess would be pretty great. Kind of dark and probably a lot of room for interesting animation and storytelling.

Windwaker seems like a good candidate for a longer anime as well and I think doing a short but tight OoT and maybe MM if OoT if it does well enough could work too.
None, really because I feel like they'd be janky as hell, just like the manga.

But, I guess having an anime of a game I didn't like so I didn't have to play it would be good. So maybe, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks because I liked their worlds and characters, it was playing them that sucked like hell.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
the oracles games for similar reasons as spirit, so I can experience them w/o trudging through those blagh games, plus it already has extremely good artwork that can easily be put into anime form

actually wait, look at the opening to link's awakening on switch, that's the exact link that would be used for an oracles anime, nintendo's already a step ahead of the game right there


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Probably Minish Cap or one of the DS titles. Similar to what markasscop and Spirit wrote, I didn't really enjoy my time with TMC or ST, so having them be animated experiences rather than games to play through would be appreciated. Another one that comes to mind is A Link to the Past. I didn't really enjoy playing that one either. There's already been manga released for it, so why not an anime? Preferably in the LAHD style.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I would like to see a good anime yes!
I haven't played much games yet. So I think I'll nominate MC and SS.
I wanna see a genderbent Vaati so badly. I hope they do it lol

SS would make a great choice too.
Especially due to the fact that it has SkyLoft and I'd like to see Groose on anime. He'd make a great character!

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
I feel like the cartoonyness of the Wind Waker Trilogy would lend itself well to an anime format.

Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword also would be good as well.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I don't think any of the games are structured well enough for an anime. Temples and wandering are fun when they're part of a game, but they would be terrible for any anime plot. There's a reason the Castlevania cartoon cut out all the wandering around Dracula's castle.
Jan 11, 2021
I'm actually currently writing and pitching an LoZ TV show to Nintendo, they aren't gonna pick it up :(.

I wrote two episodes for a BotW show for a class and found that it definitely has the most to work with. There are more characters over two different time periods, and the game already plays in a sort of episodic structure. Also, many of the objectives are character-oriented which leads to a much better TV show.

I wrote an LA pilot. Link's Awakening as a limited series would be spectacular.

Wind Waker or Phantom Hourglass contains a great cast of characters but I haven't written anything for them. I also think you'd have to invent much more content than is there in order to be able to create interesting stories (because right now, an episode per island wouldn't work which means you'd need to milk Windfall and Outset (and Outset is already pretty empty)). Spirit Tracks would be decently adaptable, but I think the story is too goofy to be taken seriously (which I would like a Zelda show to do).

Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess would obviously be great shows, but I think films would suit them better.

My personal favorite and the one I'd like to see the most is ALttP+the Oracle games. These three adventures combine to create a massively expanded world, the story of three kingdoms in conflict. You could really turn any of these into individual series (this would require more original, non-game oriented content), but I think all three combined over 10 seasons or something...masterpiece.

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