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What's Wrong with Me?


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Not seriously. There's an entire site full of people who want her back in the next Zelda title. Trust me, people have been attracted to much weirder-looking creatures than Midna. Midna is also a very easy character for many gamers to relate to. She was always making the kind of remarks about Link that I tend to make in my head.

I personally felt a bit like Midna was hijacking my control over Link, like she was manipulating the story.


Feb 6, 2010
Bournemouth, UK
Atleast you have now come out of the closet about it.
To be fair she didn't look bad at the end when she was out of her Imp form.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
I have to admit that she was very attractive at the end. Never be ashamed of feeling attracted to a game character, because it makes the game more interesting.


I don't blame any of you, for I have been attracted to Link since I started OoT. I had daydreams, dreams... oh, it was bad. But that's besides the point! >.>"

Anyways, I don't think it's weird at all, if you want a girl's opinion. She was attractive at the end, before she went back to the Twili World. So, no blames for sure. ^-^
Nov 26, 2008
Some people consider it strange or bad to be attracted to a fictional character, particularly in an anime or video game. I myself don't, and I've never really seen why people find it weird. Sure, it can get strange if someone gets really, really, way into it. But seriously. It's entirely understandable. If a person looks or acts in a way that you find attractive, regardless if they're real, fictional, portrayed by an actor or hand-drawn... well... you're going to find it attractive. That's kind of common sense, in my opinion. :P

For the record, I thought Midna was pretty attractive myself. She probably one of few characters in Zelda that was blatantly sexy. :xd:


Sage of Tales
Being attracted to and having daydreams about fictional characters has been the launching point for almost every self-insert/Mary Sue fanfic in existance. In other words, it's pretty normal.

I remember seeing one artist's comments on a picture on Deviant Art - the artist, who'd done a portrait of Midna, commented that at the end of TP, they'd jizzed themselves seeing her.

And I can't tell you how many times I've seen girls comment on Link's "hotness."

In my other fandom, many female fans are attracted to a character who's body is *covered in scars* - though I admit that my own attraction was of a spiritual variety rather than sexual fetish. (I'm, for the most part, an aesexual).

So, not unusual, really.


True and Noble
Oct 17, 2007
United States of America
Some people consider it strange or bad to be attracted to a fictional character, particularly in an anime or video game.
I had a crush on Naru from Love Hina back when I was like 13. I was crazy back then.
But yeah, it's pretty normal as far as I'm concerned. Just don't take it too far. Shadsie pretty much explained it best.


I had a crush on Naru from Love Hina back when I was like 13. I was crazy back then.
But yeah, it's pretty normal as far as I'm concerned. Just don't take it too far. Shadsie pretty much explained it best.

Haha, I had a crush on Naru as well :0

Sure gamers like Midna. Dunno why but she reminds me a lot of Konata.

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
My tribe.. wish I had been here in 2010’s. I find Minda Full/ True Form extremely attractive and consider her my Waifu. XD

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