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Smash Bros What's the worst stage?

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.

TL The Legend

Likes OoT way more than he should.
Dec 18, 2020
Kokiri Forest
the same as ganon
Mario Bros. has no real blastzones, the enemies are really annoying, and it's clunky to fight on.
Here, i'll even give you a ranking. The worst stages are:
10. Big Battlefield (literally just a worse version of a good stage)
9. Jungle Japes (This. water. is. bad.)
8. Mushroomy Kingdom (why does it look so horrible and also scrolling stages are annoying)
7. Wrecking Crew (too much stuff)
6. New Pork City (chimera, massive)
5. Pac-Land (scrolling, bunch of random stuff, you can easily SD if you don't know the stage)
4. Hanenbow (no music, can't swim in the water, looks horrible, massive empty space in the bottom right. About the only good thing about this stage is the green screen background)
3. The Great Cave Offensive (too hazardous, very few real blastzones, massive)
2. Mario Bros. (i just explained)
1. 75m (do i really need to say why this is bad)
there, my wallpost for the day


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
No, I'm just saying that I play the game properly. But if you really believe this then I'd like to show you who's boss, I'll get you my friend code when I'm home and we can fight sometime.
"Playing the game properly".

I see that we found Masahiro Sakurai

There is no "proper" way to play Smash Bros. There is either "you have fun with the game" or "you nit-pick and gatekeep because you fail to see the full spectrum of enjoyment in the game."


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I don't know how got to that correlation as there's still vertical/aerial combat in every game.
The correlation comes from the fact that Battlefield Mode has predictable symmetrical movement by how the platforms are arranged.
Whereas other stages that are more diverse in design allow for an array of tactics to be played as well.
Cornering someone on the bottom of Temple is a good example, as only a dozen or so characters can jump from the bottom right platform for the ledge grab at top-right.

Yes there is vertical combat, but your opponent is usually within reach. If we are playing team battle or even free-for-all and I am focusing on an opponent in front of me; I might not notice an opponent coming down from a high-altitude for a surprise attack. Whereas on the Battlefield Stages everything is close to the camera and movement is obvious, whereas larger arenas that have more diverse landscapes offer more of a challenge.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
There is no "proper" way to play Smash Bros. There is either "you have fun with the game" or "you nit-pick and gatekeep because you fail to see the full spectrum of enjoyment in the game."
I thought my sarcasm would've been implied after my initial post, but I guess not :p
Yes, there is no proper way to play Smash, but there is a professional way, in other words a way to play based more heavily on skill instead of luck. And I'm fine with those who play soley for fun, but I prefer to play the more skill-based way because I use Smash as more a fighting game than a party game.
PS, since you've ignored my fight offer I'm gonna assume you're too scared to prove your previous claims of being able to "wreck" me. :smirk:


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I thought my sarcasm would've been implied after my initial post, but I guess not :p
Yes, there is no proper way to play Smash, but there is a professional way, in other words a way to play based more heavily on skill instead of luck. And I'm fine with those who play soley for fun, but I prefer to play the more skill-based way because I use Smash as more a fighting game than a party game.
PS, since you've ignored my fight offer I'm gonna assume you're too scared to prove your previous claims of being able to "wreck" me. :smirk:
c-can I prove those claims


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
There is no "proper" way to play Smash Bros. There is either "you have fun with the game" or "you nit-pick and gatekeep because you fail to see the full spectrum of enjoyment in the game."
That's a way of saying that Sakurai purposefully gave options to the playerbase to play Smash how they feel is correct. Playing a more competitive ruleset is not gatekeeping, that's how the word is used. If you prefer items and crazy interactions, that's one thing but this sounds like you are petty that people want to play the game in a more "skilled-based" manner that obviously doesn't require anyone/everyone to participate in.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Playing a more competitive ruleset is not gatekeeping, that's how the word is used. If you prefer items and crazy interactions, that's one thing but this sounds like you are petty that people want to play the game in a more "skilled-based" manner that obviously doesn't require anyone/everyone to participate in.
I wouldn't say he was being petty, the phrasing of my posts do make it sound like I'm gatekeeping (although they weren't meant to be taken completely seriously) so he's just defending his opinion and that's fine.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I wouldn't say he was being petty, the phrasing of my posts do make it sound like I'm gatekeeping (although they weren't meant to be taken completely seriously) so he's just defending his opinion and that's fine.
I mean I'm on the same boat. I only play on the competitive stages for both fun and for competitive practice. How I see it, competitive players are more broken with items because they will force the opponent to go off stage just say they are the only ones to abuse items. Them using gatekeeping as a term because people "fail to see the full spectrum of in the game" sounds like they are petty because 1 competitive player gave them a hard time and now doesn't believe competitive Smash should exist.

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