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Smash Bros What's the worst stage?

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
75m is the worst, but for the sake of variety I’m also gonna throw pac-land in there.

The stage simply looks ugly, and you can never tell what’s part of the background and what’s actually a stage hazard, not to mention the screen scrolls way too fast. Honestly if any stage could give 75m a run for it’s money as the worst smash stage, it’d be Pac-land.

The worst part is, we got Pac-land returning in Ultimate instead of the far superior Pac-maze from Smash 3DS.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
The worst stage is obviously those custom ones where they just box you in with only a tiny hole to potentially bounce out of once you become damaged enough to get sent rocketing off into the distance like crazy.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
75 just has nothing going for it. Annoying hazards, bland aesthetics, and platforms that are too small to even battle on. I don't know if I've ever really spoken to somebody who appreciates that stage.

I'll also echo New Pork City. That stage is stupidly huge and has far too much platforming. I also dislike playing in Temple (I know I know) and The Great Cave Offensive for much the same reasons, although The Great Cave Offensive has the added bonus of having ridiculously low ceilings, especially when they have lava on them. I actually think The Great Cave Offensive is my least favourite stage in the series.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I'll also echo New Pork City. That stage is stupidly huge and has far too much platforming. I also dislike playing in Temple (I know I know) and The Great Cave Offensive for much the same reasons, although The Great Cave Offensive has the added bonus of having ridiculously low ceilings, especially when they have lava on them. I actually think The Great Cave Offensive is my least favourite stage in the series.
I’m gonna have to disagree with this, based simply on the fact that these stages are really fun when you have 4+ friends to play with. 1-on-1 they’re complete trash, but unlike 75m and Pac-Land they are least have some merit.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
..................................so you're saying we could all wreck you on all stages then since you are not used to vertical combat?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I don't know how got to that correlation as there's still vertical/aerial combat in every game. The difference would be it's not as large in comparison which is funny as you seem to dislike Tech City-style custom stages to survival as much as you can without being angled to that one exit. That said the worst stage is indeed 75m as there's just not enough room to properly duke it out or just rely on stuff like ladder attacks all while avoid flames and trampolines. The fact the only decent place to fight is already near the top blast zone with DK already taking up a good portion of the top area, effectively speaking only less than 25% of stage is agreed up to be "decent" or "fun" is why it's actually the worst stage.

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