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What Timeline Are You?

What Do You Believe In?

  • I believe in the split timeline theory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I believe in another timeline theory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea what you mean!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
I know that there will be more split timeline people than linearist and I'm sure that this has been posted before sometime, but I'm mostly doing this to see if I'm the only linearist on Zelda Dungeon. It would just suck to be the only one.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Attention to all linearlists. The split has been confirmed by Aonuma twice. In a WW interview, he said that OoT had two endings: and adult and child ending. In a TP interview, he said TP and WW "run parallel" to each other. Just thought I'd let you know that the split is very real.
Well, I don't theorize, like, very often... and my theories are usually really strange and irrelevant... :sweat: But from what I have in my messed-up timeline, it does have the split... and I also have another split elsewhere on the timeline (well, kind of... it's not really a split in the "timeline", but in location: New Hyrule vs. Hyrule.)

But don't worry. You aren't the only linearist on ZD... I recall seeing a few users' timeline theories in their signatures be completely on a single timeline.

Attention to all linearlists. The split has been confirmed by Aonuma twice. In a WW interview, he said that OoT had two endings: and adult and child ending. In a TP interview, he said TP and WW "run parallel" to each other. Just thought I'd let you know that the split is very real.
Da'aww... How considerate of you, JJ~ =p I'm sure someone out there has matched the "Nintendo Official Timeline", but their explanations for it might be different. I say any timeline theory is a good one as long as you can support all of the placements you chose. Nintendo didn't consider a Zelda timeline when they first started making games, so their placements for the first few games were more forced into place.

So, linear or not, a theory is a theory. The definition of a theory is something along the lines of "a statement that explains something, but cannot be proven 100%".
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Soldier, Royal Family
Aug 20, 2009
Yes, I did feel it necessary to vote that I have no timeline. I want to see how many others on ZD are like me - totally lost as to where to even begin when it comes to timeline theories. I'm constantly reading new theories and speculations on the various races, etc., and I've been playing since it first came out! I'm good at these types of things too! I am! ;) But in Zelda, there's just so much information and quotes thrown around from gnats like me to "gods" like Miyamato and the creators that my head spins BEFORE I even consider where to begin.


Jan 19, 2011
I thought the split timeline was confirmed by Aonuma, just as JJ said :suspicious:

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