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What is the Boss You've Hated the MOST in a Zelda Game?



I always hated Morpha from Ocarina of Time cause I couldn't figure out what to do, until I consulted everyone's favorite fairy. What was the boss you all hated the most? :)


Any "Master Hand" type boss, e.g. Bongo Bongo, Gohdan.

Dear Nintendo,

Stop recycling Master Hand

Sincerely, Pheal
Nov 28, 2011
Armogohma. The stupidest, easiest, most depressingly pathetic, uninspired, and poorly designed piece of benal nonsense ever to weasel itself into a Zelda game. I mean, I've seen crippled Ethiopian infants with flesh-eating diseases put up better fights. Not to mention that the concept of Armogohma is just a lazy redux of what has been a cool boss in the past (see Gohma in Wind Waker for the best example of a Gohma boss). I mean, if they're gonna throw the same damn boss at us over and over, it should at least always be a worthy fight. That's the only thing that justifies re-using an old boss, and Armogohma came nowhere close to fitting the bill. I could rant for days about how much I hate that eight legged pile of disappointment, but I have a sandwich waiting for me.
Feb 26, 2012
I have to say.........Puppet Ganon (WW)

It was Dark, It was Difficult and it was so enraging
I hated this boss so much and even to this day it when I pick up Wind Waker I think ahead to that boss and it makes angry without even turn on the Wii.


I do not constantly hate this boss but during the actual progress in the game it was the most frustrating boss for me ever. And that is Gyorg from Majora's Mask! I wanted to leave collecting heart pieces for after defeating the dungeons and I was playing this boss with 7 or 8 hearts if I remember correctly. And... it took me around 15 to 20 encounters and losses before finally pulling the victory through. That fish was crazy, 3 gulps and that was it, you were dead!


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I don't hate bosses for long. After I beat them a few times I end up thinking they're fun, but my least favorite would have to be ghoma from OoT3D. The targeting was different in the 3D version and you can target ghoma the entire time and that made is too easy. My record is around 13 seconds. And I didn't even use deku sticks.


Is FINALLY out of school!
Mar 16, 2012
Foeba, my town in Animal Crossing
Gyorg definetly. Its bad enough going through the dreaded Termia water temple, which I think is the most fustrating out of all of the water temples. But to have a fustrating boss that gives so much damage when he attacks , not to mention the mini gyorgs that attack u later. GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! I HATE GYORG!!!
Nov 28, 2011
Gyorg definetly. Its bad enough going through the dreaded Termia water temple, which I think is the most fustrating out of all of the water temples. But to have a fustrating boss that gives so much damage when he attacks , not to mention the mini gyorgs that attack u later. GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! I HATE GYORG!!!
I love Gyorg. I whooped him good the first time I fought him. Tee-hee.
Mar 10, 2012
In the Sky
For me it is the hardest Bossfight in OoT. I had so many problems hitting it with the Hammer...>.< and it killed me several times either with its fiery breath or the falling boulders. After I've finally defeated Volvagia I found out that you can climb on the sides of the platform...:facepalm: I got soooo pwnd by Volvagia!
Dec 27, 2011
I'm not sure if he counts, but Demise from SS. Once you figure out the correct move pattern, you don't even have to move. It was a lacking boss battle and to make him the Final boss was just a major disappointment. My record with him is 57 seconds now.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Fyrus from Twilight Princess. Sole reason being that he really let me down. I remember thinking he was going to be an epic boss after seeing him in the beta screenshots -- seriously, he looked pretty tough and the battle looked like it was going to be a lot different than it was -- but he wound up being one of the lamest bosses I've ever faced. It didn't help that he was the end to one of the best dungeons in the entire series. There are plenty of other bosses that frustrate the crap out of me (I'm looking at you, Mothula), but that letdown was just too major.

I'm not sure if he counts, but Demise from SS. Once you figure out the correct move pattern, you don't even have to move. It was a lacking boss battle and to make him the Final boss was just a major disappointment. My record with him is 57 seconds now.

The final boss was more than just Demise. The final boss is the Horde Battle, Ghirahim, and Demise all together. Just like the four phase boss battle with Ganondorf in TP.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Gyorg, absolutely disgusting boss, far too hard. I just hate it.
The other boss I hate is Tentalus, it looks stupid and is just irritating to fight, especially during the snake head phase.


Red Hair Wonder
Feb 27, 2012
New Jersey, USA
Hmm...*thinky face* I never really had too much trouble with any of the bosses I faced in general. Morpheel in TP was a challenge as I kept getting sucked into its mouth... Bariade is very hard for me. not only does its electrical attacks make it a pain, but the jellyfish barrier makes it that much harder.
Then there was a the crab one from Phantom Hourglass. it was awkward having to use the upper screen to figure out which direction to shoot.

The easiest boss I've faced so far is a tie between King Dodongo and Gohma from OoT. Both I can defeat no problem. I"m a bit dissapointed that they didn;t make the boss battles harder in the Master Quest. The temples and dungeons themselves are a lot more involved.

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