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What Do You Like Best About the Forums?


What's Life Without Adult Humor?
Jan 13, 2012
So, I was just wondering, but what does everybody like the most about posting?
Is it video game discussion? Zelda? Pokemon?, Discussing Philosophy and other stuff in the Mature Discussion section? Is it the Forum Games? Entertainment? Or everything else?

Lately, I find myself liking to discuss more Mature/complex topics/issues (like Philosophy and such) the most. When I first started, I thought talking video games were the best. I think it has to do with the classes I've been in and now the fact I'm going into Philosophy as a major. But anyway, that's just me, what about you guys?

(and it's not limited to ZD, this could be any forum site)
Aug 18, 2009
Mine is simple here for ZD and also Serebii and ZU: Writing. I love posting there. But I don't just post my stories, I also love posting all over the place wherever I can contribute. Sadly, there are areas I don't visit here in ZD, like the Mature Discussion. I dunno why, I just don't like getting myself involved there with the discussions at hand. I also like to post in the game section, and at times in the Zelda and Pokemon sections. Those are the areas where I like to post the most.
Feb 23, 2011
I. Honestly. Have. No. Idea. That's a darn good question, and I'm stumped.

I'm saying this because I tend to get bored really easily. I can never stay in one place for too long. I'm going on my fourth year on here, and this is the longest I've ever stayed on any forum. I don't write stories, play Mafia, maintain an RP, Group, or Blog. I have one real online friend on here who I talk to on Skype most of the time, and I am indifferent to the chatbox...and yet I'm still here. That's not to say I dislike the forums; it's just, I don't exactly know WHAT I like best about the forums. I'd like to say posting, but that's kind of a given on an Internet forum. Hmm.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I tend to open "World of Zelda" and the various General forums. While I enjoy discussing gaming the topics tend to exhaust themselves after a while, so I mainly look for interesting topics in either General or Mature discussions.


May 18, 2013
I like how forums are organised and stuff, I also like the Zelda discussion, that's why I'm here.:)


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I just love how zany everyone is here, a large margin of people act as if they were written by someone who's writing a cartoon. ;p
The forum is really unique in that way and so it's amusing to watch interactions unfold.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
The people are my favorite. I enjoy reading people's opinions and getting a different perspective.

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