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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Still playin' FSA. Lawd have mercy, this game is uglier than a naked Goron. Would definitely be a lot better if I played it with other people. (I gotta stop being overdramatic.)


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Mama mia! :) Anywho, I put aside my MC playthrough for a bit. I started playing Twilight Princess. The game looks sick, I like it. The only thing I regret so far is having named Epona Thor. lol I don't know if I will keep that playthrough, I might just start over and give the horse a female name.
Best name I ever gave Epona was "the car"
May 21, 2023
Had replayed A Link to the Past a week or two ago. Still fun but kind of soured my opinion of it a bit. Maybe I’m just more used to the GBA version? I don’t think there are that many differences. Even so, I recall thinking more highly of it before. Better in the earlier parts of the game, later still has some intrigue going for certain parts, but the sheer amount of time you spend in very samey dungeons that give items that are barely utilized, compared to finding worthwhile secrets out in the overworld or getting to know NPCs, kinda not what I like in Zelda games. But even just comparing to the Oracle games I replayed earlier this year, I enjoyed those way more in about every possible way.

So I’d booted up Majora’s Mask again after that. Not my first time beating it or getting every mask, but was my first attempt at getting all the heart pieces. I probably wouldn’t have gone through with it if not for the Switch’s restore points, especially on the clocktown archery and Deku Scrub mini games. Overall, far better time going through it all again, reminded of all the great reasons it’s my second favorite in the series.

Minish Cap was one I remember liking ok, more for its charm than its gameplay, though. I’m not fond of the super linear style, and while the kind tones are sort of a neat way of unlocking things and making NPCs feel a tad more important, it feels much more like a tedious grind when it feels everyone only wants one particular type and it won’t show up - like one of those f2p gachas before they even existed. Doesn’t help I’ve only just got the flippers now and not really fond of the swimming or ice stuff in this game. Finding the books was quick and easy but I recall back when I first played that I got stuck for a much longer time, and it had felt like excessive filler.

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