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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Replying some old classics and preparing to start writing a fanfiction based around A Link to the Past. A novelization meant to make a coherent story out of it, the Oracles, and Link's Awakening with an overall arc. Replaying these games to get back into the feeling.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Roaming around Cadence of Hyrule some more. I haven't played in a few weeks because I lack the motivation, but being stuck at home I hate not accomplishing anything so I'm getting back into it. Today I found the treasure charm, sheikah gate charm, and the magic boomerang. I'm just trying to get another bottle before I face off against Ghomaracas again but so far no dice. My treasure chest charm should help me though, I've been going row by row to try and find things I've missed. I also need to be careful not to die because then all the chests I've opened will reappear to make my life more difficult.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Update: I beat Cadence of Hyrule.
I liked this game a lot. Even if it was very story weak, I thought it had a lot of really good elements. The music alone was outstanding. Overall it was fun and tricky but not too difficult. I enjoyed the final boss fight, I thought it was cool how all 3 of the main characters had to work together. I'm going to play the Octavo's Ode quest now because I really like the character and I'd like to learn a little more about him. The story on the base game is pretty much nonexistant so it's kinda confusing trying to figure out what he's after.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I know I didn't even post that I had started the game because I didn't want to double post but OH WELL here we are now doing it anyway! I just beat Minish Cap.
It was such an amazing experience overall, I love this game. My favorite aspect is probably the dungeons, they were all very well built. Each dungeon boss fit well enough and they weren't too difficult (I will admit though after the giant octorock fight I just wandered Hyrule for a bit mercilessly slaughtering every octorock I could find). I would've liked to see stronger story and character interaction. The fact that there's only really 2 villages (and only 1 with shops) is a big bummer for me but I understand with the map size and all. Kinstones were a decent mechanic. It makes it harder if you're trying to find something specific since you don't know who to talk to. Btw, anybody else notice that EVERYBODY in Hyrule seems to want green kinstones and they're almost impossible to find? Like bruh I've got 30 blue pieces if you want one smh. Final boss was pretty neat, the third form was the weakest for me. The first 2 parts were not too difficult, really fun, adrenaline was going. The third section, however, was incredibly tedious. It felt like they just wanted to have the shrinking and multiplying in the battle for the sake of adding it and lemme tell you trying to get a conga line of Links through an energy field is NOT easy. It was doable though, and the conclusion was nice.
I'll be deciding on where this should go amongst my favorites soon, check out my sig in a day or two if you're curious. This game earned a lot of bonus points just for how overwhelmingly adorable the sprites are. Vaati and Zelda especially I just want to hug.

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
I'm taking a couple of days off work because I've got some kind horrible bug that's making all of my muscles hurt and my head foggy. So I'm stuck in bed and I've decided to play OoS again since my mind has been on it. Just dropped down into Subrosia and realized that the design of the Season Spirits really took advantage of the GBC.

When Link first walks into the Temple of Seasons, the four spirits talk to him. Since they are off screen, it would be confusing to read unless they labeled each voice (Spirit of Summer, Spirit of Winter, etc.) but Capcom chose to distinguish the voices by giving them corresponding colors of text. This would require the writers of the text to be thinking in terms of the finished product and then to communicate their design to the programmers. It's not a novel concept but it took more work and collaboration and made for a more pleasing experience.

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