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What Are You Doing In Zelda?

Hey, I'm actually playing a Zelda game so I can post in this thread for once. I just got the aquanine in Phantom Hourglass. Gonna go do the azurine next.

I think this is a little overlooked but the last three dungeons in Phantom Hourglass can be done in literally any order. It's actually the most organic nonlinearity I've encountered in the Zelda series tbh. There is no item requirements to use an item from one of those dungeons in another. They might make it easier though. I usually do the ice one first cuz that's my favorite but decided to do the ruins first this playthrough. In all of my replays of this game, I think I only ever did the Goron dungeon first... once? Me and Goron dungeons don't get along for some reason.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Was thinking, and I decided that this year, along with other gaming, I'm going to play through the timelines. I finished OoT recently, and my first will be the AT, then the CT, then the year will probably be close to over so I won't bother with DT
Jan 11, 2021
sitting in my minority report/matrix/don't worry darling vr pod headset goo waiting desperately for any news on that big massive sequel-to-the-game-that-sold-27-million-copies zelda game that comes out in 4 months (or so they SAY) and resisting the urge to violently destroy my little aonuma shrine that i've built in my brain.


Jan 29, 2023
Trying oracle of ages, which is going to be hard because i tend to get lost really easily in zelda games when there's less freedom, that's why the only zelda games i ever beat are a link between worlds and breath of the wild


Jan 29, 2023
Trying oracle of ages, which is going to be hard because i tend to get lost really easily in zelda games when there's less freedom, that's why the only zelda games i ever beat are a link between worlds and breath of the wild
Update: i finished the first dungeon and i really like it so far, found far more enjoyment in it than alttp


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I'm not doing anything in Zelda atm, but I managed to convince my dad to try the Link's Awakening Remake. The only condition is that I not give him any flack if he doesn't finish it (I still make fun of him for not making it off the Great Plateau in botw). The two things he struggles with most in video games are puzzles and directions which is just... basically Zelda. But he made it pretty far in the original way back when so he should be fine.

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