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What Are You Doing In Zelda?


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Started up Cadence of Hyrule yesterday. It's pretty fun, I've had the demo for like 2 years so I'm pretty used to the controls and layout already. I decided to start the game as Zelda, seeing as the demo only gives you the option to play as Link.
As for Spirit Tracks. I kind of got distracted from playing it for like a month. I tried to play it again the other day but couldn't really get into it. It's hard to start a game again once you've stopped. I might try and restart it at some point in the future, when my backlog is smaller.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
I finished the second dungeon in CoH, earning myself the oboe. The boss for that dungeon was a Wizzrobe with an oboe nose, and I actually enjoyed that fight a lot. It didn't feel like much of a boss, there wasn't much strategy, but his attacks were pretty cool. Personally I enjoyed it, and I'm excited to track down dungeon 3.
Jan 11, 2021
Finished my Oracles playthrough; Seasons first is not as good as Ages first :( Still very fun though, Oracle of Ages is one of the best games ever made.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Gotten a little farther in CoH and am now posting here to keep myself accountable. I finished the third dungeon a few days ago, taking down the Bass Guitarmos Knights on my second attempt. I've now managed to make my way to the fourth dungeon and got my butt kicked by Gohmaracas. I'm going to give it another shot but I want to see if I can't find any more bottles first. One is simply not enough for me. One last thing I managed to find is the Deku Village and gotta say, the soundtrack there is AWESOME. This game is known for its awesome music, but this one is a remix of the mm Deku Palace theme (which is already God tier zelda music) and it somehow manages to improve it. So, so impressed with this soundtrack (and the game in general ig).


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Doing another round of farming in Hyrule Warriors. Just going through all the levels I've not gotten gold on yet, trying to level up my characters, collecting pieces of heart, heart containers and gold skulltulas.
Also need to finish the Termina and Twilight maps in adventure mode.

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