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What Annoyed You Today?


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I feel you on blackouts, I got my mom and dad tickets to an Astros game for a birtday present for him, and the game they were at was excusive to some random streaming service, and the only TV providers listed were cable ones so I was out of luck since I use Hulu.
It sucks because my two favorite teams are the LA Angels, and the Pittsburgh Pirates. My dad also gets frustrated since he's been a San Francisco Giants fan for like, his whole life.
Jun 12, 2023
Today it was finding out how many times I have to defeat a frelling Frox in order to upgrade the Depths set. Let alone how material heavy it is to upgrade/ or have special items made, especially in comparison to BOTW. At least double the amount of rare/expensive material(s) required.
had a dentist appontment today and my dad had to take me, fortunately he did not talk about the stupid **** happening with his messiah but he did monologue about his bowel movements while i have a lot on my mind and i had to stop to LISTEN fsdsdfsfdfds
also i have a cavity and its a few days before hes gonna watch some movie about human trafficking because he cant be normal and watch normal things and he'll probably rant at me about that which might trigger my ptsd
also he apparently found my youtube channel and he's now trying to live vicariously through me and tell me to get famous and monetize and do it for the money even if you dont enjoy it!! guess i gotta change my twitter url before he finds that too since its the same

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
Annoyed yoy cannot enjoy a liesure cruise on a beautiful back road without speed demons wanting to go 80mph or more.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
My mom is constantly harassing me to make an etsy account to sell my art. We were visiting family last week and she was going on about how I'm too stubborn to do it and I could be making so much money if I would just start an account etc etc. I keep telling her that it's not as easy as that but she won't listen to me. It's driving me crazy. All my other friends have been telling me to too, but they tend to give it up once I say it's not happening. My mom tho won't stop bringing it up.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
My mom is constantly harassing me to make an etsy account to sell my art. We were visiting family last week and she was going on about how I'm too stubborn to do it and I could be making so much money if I would just start an account etc etc. I keep telling her that it's not as easy as that but she won't listen to me. It's driving me crazy. All my other friends have been telling me to too, but they tend to give it up once I say it's not happening. My mom tho won't stop bringing it up.
Just because one CAN do something, doesn’t mean one SHOULD.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
My mom is constantly harassing me to make an etsy account to sell my art. We were visiting family last week and she was going on about how I'm too stubborn to do it and I could be making so much money if I would just start an account etc etc. I keep telling her that it's not as easy as that but she won't listen to me. It's driving me crazy. All my other friends have been telling me to too, but they tend to give it up once I say it's not happening. My mom tho won't stop bringing it up.
Another way to view this: they simply are supporting you, and want you to succeed with your art. Granted, yes, the advice the way it's given is too generic and not really helpful, but at least their heart is in the right place. Some people don't even have a support system.

What I think would really help family understand is that artists do art because they LOVE it, not necessarily because they want to make money off of it. This is why many in artistic fields also have agents who not only have your best interests as an artist in mind, but can help you manage the side of artistic enterprises that we aren't too great in, the financial side.

But they should at least understand that you don't do art because you can make money, you do it because you're passionate about it, you love creating, and the massive dopamine rush when you complete a project is the reward. In other words, the art always comes first, then you can think about other things.

That's how I view it, anyways.
Jun 27, 2023
Oh boy, here it is. Im gonna steer clear of this thread.

Last time I spoke my mind in a thread similar to this, I got banned (it was a different Zelda website, not this one). I didnt get a warning through PM from the mods, nothing, just banned. People got offended, called me names, but I was the bad guy for stating some facts and speaking my mind.

I dont think Im a bad person overall. I work, I pay taxes, I love feeding stray dogs, I take care of my parents (with help from my little sister), and Im engaged to be married (That picture in my profile? That´s a pic of us with a Zelda AI filter. We had a Viking "wedding" on February, but we are still getting married "for real" next year). I just have strong opinions about very specific topics. Opinions that are either very popular or very unpopular depending on the audience.

But you guys have fun. Best of luck.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
customer comes in like at closing time like im just getting a milkshake!!! wanders around like hes got all the blooming time in the world and we aint glarin at him....

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