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What Annoyed You Today?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I found two deals on laptops that I could actually afford, both times I was about to check out and the deal expired. The first time because the deal was on a timer and by time I got to checkout it was no longer listed at the same price. Second time was through Walmart, got to checkout, got an alert that there was only 1 of the laptops in stock left, then instead of letting me just buy as a guest it wanted me to sign in and I forgot my password. By time I reset it was out of stock. Now I have one last option but I can't even do it now because my bank put a hold on my card because of all the times I tried buying the laptop from walmart and the purchase was rejected because of the sell out.

I'm ****ing done, the universe doesn't want me to get what I need at a good price. I went from having a great deal to slightly worse deals but still decent, to now even the just settling deal I can't get. It's 2 AM now, I wasted so much time, and I'm in such a bad mood now.
I hate having so mamy passwords and theu time you while you scrabble for that piece of paper thats got all your passwords on!!!


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Not to be insensitive to anyone or something but holy **** I'm so just done with smokers and vapers.
I can't go to the school bathroom without having to worry about secondhand crap.
Now I've got an irritated throat and this horrible headache.
My fault for thinking I could go to a bathroom without feeling like I'm slowly ****ing dying. :/
why they haven’t banned cigarettes because they cause cancer mystifies me to this day

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Not to be insensitive to anyone or something but holy **** I'm so just done with smokers and vapers.
I can't go to the school bathroom without having to worry about secondhand crap.
Now I've got an irritated throat and this horrible headache.
My fault for thinking I could go to a bathroom without feeling like I'm slowly ****ing dying. :/

Tbf, I feel like that's one thing you can be insensitive about. Especially since smokers/vapers are insensitive to those they smoke around who don't want the second hand smoke. I feel you though, I grew up around so much second hand smoke, and it would make it so hard for me to breathe. Probably because I had asthma that was undiagnosed until I was like 20 something.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
My ongoing war with apartment maintenance being lazy sacks of sh*t rages on.

Backstory on their laziness: it took 5 calls to maintenance to get someone out to "fix" our washer. First time, he said, "JuSt UsE sMaLlEr LoAdS." Despite "uSiNg SmAlLeR lOaDs" the washing machine flooded, and we spent two whole days drying up the carpet, cleaning it, and fixing the mess. It then took 5 more calls to maintenance to finally get someone out to fix the washing machine, but with a catch... we'd have to buy the washing machine and dryer.

I sure would like a head's up to bring lubrication next time so that I can prepare for getting ****ed in the ass.

And that's not all! I've called maintenance 7 times about our back door not latching properly and the deadbolt being a whole half of an inch off of where it should be. The deadbolt was basically hitting the strike plate, so it couldn't lock, and the latch for the door couldn't latch, so there for a while, the door couldn't open or shut. Ya know, the thing that doors are supposed to do?

Well, first time, we got the whole, "We LiKe It SnUg!" Mother****er, the ****ing door doesn't work! AT ALL!!!

Second time, the moron suggested "JuSt LiFt ThE dOoR uP!!" Listen here dumbass, that's going to break the door handle eventually.

Third time, nothing.

Fourth time, nothing.

Fifth time, nothing.

Sixth time, nothing.

Seventh time, nothing.

Finally, my in-laws came over to trade some tables and chairs, and my father-in-law noticed the problem. The door handle finally broke, so we bought a new door handle, strike plate and everything, chiseled out the necessary requirements in the door jamb, and now our back door works properly.

So as you can imagine, I don't hold our maintenance staff in high regard at all. They're lazy, and not very knowledgeable.

But, we have to call them, because if we take matters into our own hands, we lose our security deposit.

Anyhow, this brings me to today.

Where I live, right now it's averaging 22° Fahrenheit, it's frigid. So naturally, we have the heat on set to 70-72° Fahrenheit.

But, the heater's been going out, and despite my wife and I trying various rituals like shutting it off and turning it back on, swapping out air filters resetting parameters for the heat during the week and weekend, leaving the door to the furnace room open thinking that might help, and finally breaking down and breaking out the space heater, we texted maintenance.

Their reponse?

"We'Ll GeT sOmEoNe OuT oN mOnDaY."


No, I'm not going to be calling/texting maintenance Lord knows how many times until someone finally comes out and does their job. And, I'm not going to go through that headache again because the first maintenance guy inevitably half-asses the job until we finally get the problem resolved.

I'm seriously considering just fixing the problem myself and finding out how this furnace works, because if they fix it under the condition that I have to buy it, I will tell them to shove it up their ass.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
My ongoing war with apartment maintenance being lazy sacks of sh*t rages on.

Backstory on their laziness: it took 5 calls to maintenance to get someone out to "fix" our washer. First time, he said, "JuSt UsE sMaLlEr LoAdS." Despite "uSiNg SmAlLeR lOaDs" the washing machine flooded, and we spent two whole days drying up the carpet, cleaning it, and fixing the mess. It then took 5 more calls to maintenance to finally get someone out to fix the washing machine, but with a catch... we'd have to buy the washing machine and dryer.

I sure would like a head's up to bring lubrication next time so that I can prepare for getting ****ed in the ass.

And that's not all! I've called maintenance 7 times about our back door not latching properly and the deadbolt being a whole half of an inch off of where it should be. The deadbolt was basically hitting the strike plate, so it couldn't lock, and the latch for the door couldn't latch, so there for a while, the door couldn't open or shut. Ya know, the thing that doors are supposed to do?

Well, first time, we got the whole, "We LiKe It SnUg!" Mother****er, the ****ing door doesn't work! AT ALL!!!

Second time, the moron suggested "JuSt LiFt ThE dOoR uP!!" Listen here dumbass, that's going to break the door handle eventually.

Third time, nothing.

Fourth time, nothing.

Fifth time, nothing.

Sixth time, nothing.

Seventh time, nothing.

Finally, my in-laws came over to trade some tables and chairs, and my father-in-law noticed the problem. The door handle finally broke, so we bought a new door handle, strike plate and everything, chiseled out the necessary requirements in the door jamb, and now our back door works properly.

So as you can imagine, I don't hold our maintenance staff in high regard at all. They're lazy, and not very knowledgeable.

But, we have to call them, because if we take matters into our own hands, we lose our security deposit.

Anyhow, this brings me to today.

Where I live, right now it's averaging 22° Fahrenheit, it's frigid. So naturally, we have the heat on set to 70-72° Fahrenheit.

But, the heater's been going out, and despite my wife and I trying various rituals like shutting it off and turning it back on, swapping out air filters resetting parameters for the heat during the week and weekend, leaving the door to the furnace room open thinking that might help, and finally breaking down and breaking out the space heater, we texted maintenance.

Their reponse?

"We'Ll GeT sOmEoNe OuT oN mOnDaY."


No, I'm not going to be calling/texting maintenance Lord knows how many times until someone finally comes out and does their job. And, I'm not going to go through that headache again because the first maintenance guy inevitably half-asses the job until we finally get the problem resolved.

I'm seriously considering just fixing the problem myself and finding out how this furnace works, because if they fix it under the condition that I have to buy it, I will tell them to shove it up their ass.
could you try getting a lawyer in??


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Lawyers are expensive, and it's honestly not worth going that far.

All I really want with the maintenance staff is someone competent. There's a reason I don't go to Jiffy Lube to get my car serviced anymore, and it's largely for the same reason.
is there not an ombudsman or something that you can refer to??


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I'm not sure.

They did get entirely new maintenance staff when the new owner bought up the complex where I live, so somebody's trying to fix the mess, but I haven't had to call upon them yet. Let's just say that based on prior experience, I expect the worst.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I'm not sure.

They did get entirely new maintenance staff when the new owner bought up the complex where I live, so somebody's trying to fix the mess, but I haven't had to call upon them yet. Let's just say that based on prior experience, I expect the worst.
i hope it gets sorted....


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019

What is wrong with North Indians? A woman was harassed and no one talks about it. They somehow managed to turn the comment section into a Hindu vs Muslim battleground cuz the accused is a muslim and the man who intervened was a hindu.

North India is one of the most unsafe places for tourists men and women alike. If anyone has planned to visit I would strongly advise against it.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Update: It's been four goddamn days without heat in the dead of winter.

it's 59° Fahrenheit in the house, and the furnace guy was available while we weren't at home, so I left work to become available, and now I'm on his schedule. I texted and called him for him to say, "I'll let you know when I'm ready."

That was at 10:45 AM.

It's now 1:30 PM and no answer. So I texted him again, and still no response.

Needless to say, this is one of the few times I've lost my temper completely, the other times were for situations far more serious than this.

But an upside, I guess the source of my anxiety is that I'm holding onto anger I feel at unresolved issues, and my poor wife, she was trying to calm me down. So I feel awful for blowing my top.

It's was really more of a combination of things that my brain still felt was unresolved, and I'm still upset and angry about, but my whole life, I was taught how to express my anger in a better way, because every time I've gotten angry people try to say, "Calm down, Colton," or, "Stop being angry."

Which, I believe has led to my current anxiety, so in addition to everything else I've been practicing, I might look at ways to help me deal with some anger.

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