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What Annoyed You Today?


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
"Hello, I am away from the office until July 25th, 2022. Please be patient as I respond to your email in the order at which it arrived in my inbox once I return."

For context, I'm trying to get my field experience registration sorted out so that I can begin student teaching this semester. I'm not concerned about missing out since there are still 10 spots remaining, but I already had to wait a long time for a response from a different department so it's a little annoying. It's especially annoying that, through the entire secondary education department, there is only one person who is able to respond to my particular inquiry.
That's annoying. Hopefully you get a spot. :)

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I got back from my vacation in Arizona last night, I flew into Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, What I didn't realize is that even at 10:40 P.M. on a Sunday is insanely congested and it took me nearly 25 minutes to find and take a shuttle bus to the parking lot where my car was parked.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Tfw someone cuts your lock and steals your bike, in broad daylight, right in front of the place you work >:[
until I buy a new one, there goes my main method of transportation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Tfw someone cuts your lock and steals your bike, in broad daylight, right in front of the place you work >:[
until I buy a new one, there goes my main method of transportation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dang, I'm sorry. Do they have any cams out front? Dunno if you still work at Target, but I've heard they're supposed to have a super good cam system. Could be helpful if you wanna file a police report or something.

Okies chu calm down and forget about this thing okies dont tale the bait...

Btw, just wanna say my posts weren't bait and it's kinda insulting to be said that they were. They were genuine discussions about something that means something to me.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Dang, I'm sorry. Do they have any cams out front? Dunno if you still work at Target, but I've heard they're supposed to have a super good cam system. Could be helpful if you wanna file a police report or something.

Btw, just wanna say my posts weren't bait and it's kinda insulting to be said that they were. They were genuine discussions about something that means something to me.
Nah i was tryna shut the discussion cuz it been going a lil too long sorry if you took it the wrong way....


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Dang, I'm sorry. Do they have any cams out front? Dunno if you still work at Target, but I've heard they're supposed to have a super good cam system. Could be helpful if you wanna file a police report or something.
They said there was footage, but it's too low quality to see the person clearly, and they also won't let me watch it fsr. They said I could file a report, and I might depending on how much a new bike costs

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
They said there was footage, but it's too low quality to see the person clearly, and they also won't let me watch it fsr. They said I could file a report, and I might depending on how much a new bike costs

I dunno if the quality in store isn't as good, but Target has their own freaking forensics lab that has helped solve murders and stuff because their surveillance system is so good. Apparently they do actually clean up videos at the lab to get better details, but afaik that's stuff like license plates and finer details. I'd expect them to have pretty good quality cameras just in-store too, but I dunno. Wouldn't hurt to file a report incase your bike is found during the investigation of another crime.

Hope things work out for you! You work too hard just to have your means of transportation stolen right from your job.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I dunno if the quality in store isn't as good, but Target has their own freaking forensics lab that has helped solve murders and stuff because their surveillance system is so good. Apparently they do actually clean up videos at the lab to get better details, but afaik that's stuff like license plates and finer details. I'd expect them to have pretty good quality cameras just in-store too, but I dunno. Wouldn't hurt to file a report incase your bike is found during the investigation of another crime.

Hope things work out for you! You work too hard just to have your means of transportation stolen right from your job.
Maybe the outside cameras aren't as good, or could've been at a weird angle... that's interesting about their camera system though, idk if it's like that at my store or not. The fitting room camera was broken for months and it only recently got fixed (although now it displays upside down, and before it was fixed the monitor publicly displayed the store's IP address and no one cared) so I don't have a ton of faith in it haha. I will probably file a police report though, and thanks for the advice!


Jul 23, 2022
Annoyed at having to type another 3,000 words before my graduate thesis is concluded, this and an extra 1,500 words on a smaller essay due for the end of the month. Just want to get to being a professor of history and teaching crap, making money and buying Zelda merch already.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I was sitting out on the deck on my deckchair listening to some music when out of nowhere a caterpillar decided to slink across my armpit, If it weren't for me wearing a T-Shirt I probably wouldn't of noticed it. I couldn't blow it off instead I resorted to using my phone to brush it off my shirt. This is only the second time I used my phone for "Pest Control" the first time was squishing a very annoying moth that somehow got stuck into a bedroom of a house I rented for a weekend getaway in the North Carolina Mountains.

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