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War in Hyrule


Nov 13, 2011
Every time that the knights are in a game, they are completely useless and do nothing. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who thinks this, but I think that it would be cool if for once the knights would get some action. I wan't a Zelda game where there is some sort of invasion from an army led by Ganondorf or religious extremists that believes that the triforce of wisdom does not belong to the royal family but should be in the possession of some high priest. This army will be met by the knights of Hyrule and there will be battles that happen at points during the game. The battles will have something that will need to be done in order for the story to progress. You would still do dungeons on your own and the battles would not take place everywhere so there would still be some down time. What are your thoughts ZD forum browsers?


Fish. Citizen of Foo
Sep 30, 2011
It's a cool idea, but zelda has always been just link fighting on his own without much help. Also I like the idea of a high priest wanting the triforce of wisdom.


The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
Well, this was sort of ALttP, but I don't know. A war setting wouldn't fit Zelda that much as it will focus more on the action instead of the overall experience of adventuring, but it's not far-fetched. :yes:


Nov 13, 2011
It's a cool idea, but zelda has always been just link fighting on his own without much help. Also I like the idea of a high priest wanting the triforce of wisdom.

Well my idea is that there wouldn't be a lot of help for Link while he is doing his thing in the dungeons and what not. It would mostly be him having to help the Knights do something to win the battle.


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
Idaknow, I'd love to see a game called The Legend of Zelda: The Imprisoning War. You know the knights are gonna be doing something there.
The Imprisoning War was what took place in OoT- it didn't involve that much army vs. army fighting to my knowledge. That was more the Hyrulean Civil War, which was where most of the Hylian knights fought and were killed. Anyway, having some kind of canon story having to do mainly with the Hyrulean Civil War or some other kind of war would be quite interesting- even if it's not necessarily in a game.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
The imprisoning war does take place in OoT. And I agree, i think a game in which link must help the knights fight off the interlopers would be very interesting. Maybe The link in this game could be inducted as a knight and then have a child with a woman (the child could be the OoT Link)


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
The imprisoning war does take place in OoT. And I agree, i think a game in which link must help the knights fight off the interlopers would be very interesting. Maybe The link in this game could be inducted as a knight and then have a child with a woman (the child could be the OoT Link)
That makes sense since Link's father fought in the Hyrulean Civil War and was killed in a battle. I don't know how well a traditional Zelda game revolving around a large-scale war like the HCW would work, but some kind of canonical book/ comic/ etc., or a non-traditional game would be really good. I'd definately like to see something like that in the future.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I'd actually like to see something like this in the next console Zelda title. I think it's a great opportunity to bring in a true official explanation to the Seal/Imprisoning War that takes place in-between TP and ALttP where, at the end, there's somewhat of a true war going on in Hyrule Field, or something, and then Link and Ganon eventually fight each other alone as usual. Of course, I don't think the whole game should be centered around this war and I don't think it should be something like Call of Duty or Halo where everyone goes in and fights together the whole time. I'd rather just have it to where you can see some Knights in the background fighting some enemies while we fight through a hoard of enemies (like the pre-final Ghirahim battle in Skyward Sword) and eventually get to Ganon, maybe fight there a little bit, and, again, get to some area where the two fight alone. Then after all's said and done, the Seven Wise Men/Sages seal Ganon away in the Dark World he had just created by touching the full Triforce, thereby getting his wish of the Dark World's creation (or, more accurately, the Sacred Realm's transformation).

I'm not saying this will happen or that it even should happen. I'm just saying I'd like it to happen.

The imprisoning war does take place in OoT.

Not anymore. It was upon release, but there are too many inconsistencies to truly connect them now. This is evidenced by Aonuma originally planning to make FSA the Seal/Imprisoning War. He helped make OoT, so he would have known what it was at the time.


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
I'd rather just have it to where you can see some Knights in the background fighting some enemies while we fight through a hoard of enemies (like the pre-final Ghirahim battle in Skyward Sword) and eventually get to Ganon, maybe fight there a little bit, and, again, get to some area where the two fight alone.
Well, gee, thanks for spoiling that info for me.:dry:
Seriously, why would you post it here of all places, and NOT put a spoiler tag with the words "Skyward Sword Spoiler" right before?
Last edited:


The Juror of Courage
Oct 25, 2009
Wherever the winds take me.
Ocarina of Time can't be the Imprisoning War. There is too many major points against it, as highlighted on the Zelda Wiki

Zelda Wiki - Imprisoning War said:
1. It is said that the King of Hyrule commanded the Seven Sages to seal the Golden Land in the legends of the Imprisoning War. Even though it is never stated in the game, he is presumed to be dead, following Ganondorf’s assault on Hyrule Castle.
2. According to the story of the Imprisoning War, the Knights of Hyrule protected the Sages from Ganon's army, giving them the needed time to cast the Seal. In the game, the Knights were already defeated seven years before the Seal was cast, when Ganon's assault of the castle took place.
3. The story of the Imprisoning War states that there was no hero found who could wield the Master Sword,[12] yet Link obviously did discover the sword and wielded it in Ocarina of Time.
4. The Seven Sages are of all different races in Ocarina of Time despite that in A Link to the Past, their descendants, the Seven Maidens all appear to be humanoid.
5. Ganondorf is sealed in the Sacred Realm with only one piece of the Triforce in Ocarina of Time. In the backstory for A Link to the Past, he is sealed having the complete Triforce in his possession.
6. For Ocarina of Time to be the Imprisoning War, Ganondorf would have to remain imprisoned in the Sacred Realm until the events of A Link to the Past. Two sequels to Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, both feature Ganon's return and death.


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
Ocarina of Time can't be the Imprisoning War. There is too many major points against it, as highlighted on the Zelda Wiki
Hmm....I might be wrong then. What happened in the HCW then?
Also, in regards to reason 4, the canon story back when ALttP came out was a lot less developed then when OoT came out several years later, so there are inevitably going to be some changes here and there- they might still be the same sages as from OoT.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
An all-out battle is something I've been considering for Zelda. The mechanics would be fairly simple if implemented in terms of the Lord of the Rings games; just have knights go up against, say, Bokoblins or Moblins and trade blows between each other until one is predesigned to fall. Link, meanwhile, would be the main defender who ensures that the majority of men survive. He'd also be sent out to perform certain missions intended to thwart the enemy. A lot of potential comes from something like this; though of course it wouldn't last the entire game. We'd still be able to explore in the off-time, but the "siege" would need to be an essential part of the gameplay since it couldn't easily be utilized as a sidequest.


The Juror of Courage
Oct 25, 2009
Wherever the winds take me.
Hmm....I might be wrong then. What happened in the HCW then?
Also, in regards to reason 4, the canon story back when ALttP came out was a lot less developed then when OoT came out several years later, so there are inevitably going to be some changes here and there- they might still be the same sages as from OoT.
It is true that all the sages in OOT were humanoid, but in all art of the Seven Wise Men/Sages, they are male. Further, all the maidens in ALTTP are Hylian/Hyrulean. If one were descended from Darunia or Ruto, I think you'd notice some obvious features from their races. And as Kokiri cannot leave the forest, it seems unlikely that Saria would have any Hylian offspring.

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