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Twilight Princess RP

Nov 17, 2014
Aspira sighs, the last time she had seen a human was--well a long time ago. she ran after them even though she figured she wouldn't be any help.


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
(Help with the thief or is he NPC?)

"I will inform him!" She dashes back and dives into the pool, before swimming up the fall.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
(Non player character)

"..." He was not surprised.

"So why does you queen need with the hero and the Hylian royal family?" He asked trying to get him to elaborate on.


The game is on!
(The criminal is an NPC, so as Zelda13 said anyone can control him ^^)

Just as Rengo dozed off by the fire he had made up he awoke when he heard what sounded like a girl's voice in the distance. He quickly picked up all of his stuff and ran over to where the voice had come from. He soon arrived at a place where another fire had been started, and he could see a girl running off into the trees. Rengo started running after her.

"Hey! Wait up! Can you tell me what's going on here?!" he shouted.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
"We need to figure out who opened that portal. While she doesn't mind the connection personally, every time our worlds have collided something goes wrong," he sat on a rock, "She has power here. She knows what's going on. Also... we need them, in case something goes wrong again. If someone's trying to seize power on either end, we can't do it alone," he sighed. Glancing around, he admired the beauty, "Everything's so... bright here."


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Midna catches the thief by drawing beside him, then jumping off her horse and tacking him to the ground. "I got him!" She calls.
Visola arrives before the king and kneels. "King Ralis! There's.... A matter at hand... By Snowpeak." She gives him a look, saying it's urgent without words.
"I will come immediately." The King says, but his guards balk.
"But-" one starts to protest, but he raises a hand.
"I will be fine." He gestures for Visola to lead, and he follows closely. They soon arrive before Roat and the Twili.
"Who are you?" The young king asks calmly.
Nov 17, 2014
As she runs, she hears a boy calling after her. As she keeps running after the thief, she catches up to the girl and sees she already knocked him to the ground "What is your name?!" Aspira demands. "My name is Warren!" He replies.

((I know dumb name, any suggestions?))


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
((Sounds good to me))

"What should we do with him?" Midna asks. Her sword is againt the man's, Warren's throat. "It's a long way to the Castle Town prisons." She points out.


The game is on!
Rengo ran as fast as he could in order to catch up with the girl. Eventually she stopped running as she reached a horse, another girl and the criminal that Rengo had been chasing. Rengo also stopped there and was exhausted.

"H-Hey... Be careful with that guy right there, he can be pretty dangerous. Here, let me tie 'im up with this rope here." He took a rope out of one of his his jacket pockets.
Nov 17, 2014
"Dangerous? He's been taken down twice by girls jumping on top of him!" Aspira said "Finally some rope!" she thought.

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