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Tv Shows You Cant Stand


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I know a lot of people are going to shoot me for this one but, Friends. I just can't stand the show. I admit I find it funny in areas but most of the jokes are predictable, the characters I find more annoying than likable. One other thing is I swear the colours of the show are kinda saturated, then again this was a 90's show. One day I hope some one out there also doesn't like friends so we can bond and shizzle. I'm also not a fan of any reality TV.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Hmm I must admit I hardly watch any tv for a while now except for a certain show on the BBC but I really HATE all soaps. The Bold and the Beautiful, As the world turns, Eastenders etc... They can toss those in the trash for me :P


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Any "real life" comedy series, really. They all fail to provide worthwhile entertainment and decent family morals, and these shows truly should be about families overcoming obstacles together. Instead they somehow stereotype the parents into looking like idiots and some bratty kid/s typically end up on top for manipulative reasons. Even Disney Channel airs the same melodramatic garbage and rehashed teenage life alone, thus deviating from the vision that Walt Disney had set forth


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Any "real life" comedy series, really. They all fail to provide worthwhile entertainment and decent family morals, and these shows truly should be about families overcoming obstacles together. Instead they somehow stereotype the parents into looking like idiots and some bratty kid/s typically end up on top for manipulative reasons. Even Disney Channel airs the same melodramatic garbage and rehashed teenage life alone, thus deviating from the vision that Walt Disney had set forth

Duck dynasty is a good one. They are a real family who they still argue but dont stay mad. They have decnt morals and the parents are the leaders.


Apr 22, 2011
I just can't even stand watching a second of My Super Sweet 16; a show filled with evil, spoiled, stupid and ungrateful brats who make me ashamed of my species.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I just can't even stand watching a second of My Super Sweet 16; a show filled with evil, spoiled, stupid and ungrateful brats who make me ashamed of my species.
My brother used to watch it when he lived in with me for a while. I hated it so much. These folks are really making a fool out of themselves


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
What I can't stand? 'Reality' TV, like Big Brother, Paradice Hotel, and a ton of other shows like it. Shows which promotes idiocy, backstabbing, and other jerk-like behavior are just the worst things to be put on television - they make no positive contribution whatsoever to our society, completely the opposite. And the fact that good quality shows get canceled in favor of this junk-tv is more than a bit insulting.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
almost any thing on mtv
^ This.

Most of the stuff they air on Comedy Central is garbage; the only exceptions are stand-up comedy, the older South Park episodes, Tosh.0, and the Jeselnik Offensive. I like those, but I can't stand anything else that airs on Comedy Central.

I hate any and every spin-off of Law & Order. I just cannot get into it. The only crime drama I like is NCIS, not counting White Collar which I don't watch much anymore. NCIS is the only thing I watch on the USA Network, because I don't like the rest of what they air on that channel.

Comedy Central and USA are basically the only channels I watch regularly. Besides what airs on those two channels, I also hate basically every reality series in existence, most sitcoms, and most cartoons they air these days. ... I pretty much hate TV in general besides some older cartoons and the aforementioned shows.

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
pretty little liars
like oh my god
nobody is actually going to go to all these crazy measures just to annoy 4 whiny teenage girls who are dirty rich anyway jesus christo just


Is FINALLY out of school!
Mar 16, 2012
Foeba, my town in Animal Crossing
Most of the new Looney Tunes. I grew up watching the good ole fashioned ones with all the violence & stereotypes; it was still funny. But now, they completely ruined the fantastic, hilarious comedy cartoon show that is Looney Tunes. Bugs Bunny isn't as witty, Daffy isn't as vengeful, Porky rarely stutters, & there's actually a continuous story! Has the world gone mad?!


Forever I am Abandoned
Mar 2, 2010
In the middle of Kansas...
I flat-out despise most of what's on TV: The Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Honey boo boo and anything that is "reality."

One show that truly grinds my gears is The Big Bang Theory. Unfunny, only the wannabe "OMG IM SUCH A NERD" crowd likes it, and the science talk isn't even that clever. The Office is terrible, I don't know how they made that many season of terrible camera work and unwatchable rip off British comedy. The Walking Dead is just a boring soap opera and sometimes zombies show up. Everything just sucks.

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