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Twilight Princess TP HD in Between Now and Zelda U?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
WWHD has just been released to good reviews from critics and a positive reception from fans from what I have gathered.
The remake took a mere 6 months to make and the updated graphics were the work of a company outside of nintendo. This means that remakes like this don't really take away from the development of new titles. WWHD brought an old game to a modern audience by updating the visuals, sound and refining some of the gameplay and animations.On top of that they fixed the hated Tingle sidequest. I'd say a job well done.

There is a game which I feel could use a remake at some stage between now and the release of Zelda U. Twilight Princess.
WHAT!? TWILIGHT PRINCESS!? THE GAME'S NOT THAT OLD! YOU CAN STILL PLAY IT ON YOUR WII OR WII U!...Yeah yeah yeah. I know that, but Twilight Princess is a game I think that could benefit in a massive way from the upgrades and refinements the HD remake treatment brings. Let's start with the graphics, this is an HD remake, the upgrade of graphics is the most major thing that needs to be done. Back in the day we had SD TV's, you know those big fat boxy looking things. TP came out and it looked pretty good. Then everyone upgraded to HD, by this stage TP started to look pretty bad. Games these days like Halo 4 and gears of war 3 and bioshock infinite really make TP look like a bland washed out mess. It is actually pretty unpleasant to look at at times. I liked the art style of TP but the Wii was never really the console to try and pull off something like that and make it look good. I think the Wii U with it's power plus an overhaul of the textures and colours for TP could make for an amazing looking game, something like the zelda tech demo we were shown at E3. I don't think anyone could say that was bland looking or not colourful enough.

Another way TP could benefit from a remake is the hero mode. TP's difficulty is ridiculously easy for most people who played the original Zelda games or even OOT or MM, certainly it is in competition with WW for easiest game in the series. The main reason for this is that enemies do a pitiful amount of damage in. You begin to question whether these enemies swords and weapons are actually real or if they are from the toy store and are made of plastic. I think difficulty is one of the biggest issues for people when they moan about TP.

TP has one of the best soundtracks yet was let down by its MIDI sounding instruments. A more modern sound would be greatly appreciated. ZREO's work really made me think about how much better TP could sound if they updated the soundtrack.

A final suggestion would be that they add more caves and things of interest to find in the over world. This was a big complaint for many, that the overworld was empty and that there was nothing to do. Just by having a few more things added to it would give people a reason to want to explore rather than just trekking through to get to the next area.

Do you think this would be a good game to remake? In terms of would you want it? Do you think it would sell more Wii U's? Would it be a worthwhile investment? I have no idea when the next new Zelda title for Wii U will be released, I expect it will be a long time though, do you think this would be a good thing to tide people over when the inevitable delay of Zelda U is announced and it take 5 years to make?


Bored to death
Jul 20, 2013
There were a lot of secrets in Hyrule Field. Just run around as a wolf with your senses on. Especially around Eldin Province.

Yeah, maybe if we wait 2 more years for TP remake.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
There were a lot of secrets in Hyrule Field. Just run around as a wolf with your senses on. Especially around Eldin Province.

Yeah, maybe if we wait 2 more years for TP remake.

I'm on about caves and stuff, places to explore with treasure chests and enemies, perhaps places that require a certain item to get through, so you visit earlier on and when you get whatever item it is you come back later.
Oct 14, 2013
I personally would rather see a MMHD on the DS. In saying that MM was fleshed out a lot more than the original versions of OOT were graphically speaking. But it's an idea. But I think MM is pretty much forgotten by Nintendo. There were a ton if different OOT releases and basically only 2 for MM. N64 and GC collectors edition. I think a DS HD remake or even WiiU virtual console store HD remake of OOT and MM would be very nice.

TP won't get a remake for a while as you can still play the Wii version of that on the WiiU. Possibly in the future you might see a remake of that, who knows.
Also on another note the Zelda 1 remakes (for that weird addon TV thing) need to be put on the virtual console as the roms of those are floating around and on the SNES they look really good.


Jun 22, 2011
I'm on about caves and stuff, places to explore with treasure chests and enemies, perhaps places that require a certain item to get through, so you visit earlier on and when you get whatever item it is you come back later.

I really like that idea in particular. I really loved the lantern caverns, but only wished there were more of them. Revisiting places in the overworld with new items is something that makes a lot of sense, and they wouldn't really be messing with the main quest at all so there is little reason not to add side content. However, I do want them to mess with the main quest because I thought of all the games I've played, TP would have the most to gain from making the main quest more open and nonlinear.


Jul 1, 2012
While I'm all for my favourite Zelda game being remade I don't think we're talking a couple of years here.

Remakes are generally made for a few reasons; two of the main ones being to make said game more accessible and to improve on the initial experience. There's a reason why timing is usually a factor when a remake is considered, over time a game may become dated and a possible remake may actually be needed to make that experience more enjoyable. Recent examples include The Wind Waker HD and Ocarina of Time 3D. Both of these games tried to fix flaws and it seems they were successful.

TP isn't perfect it does have it's flaws but I think it's just too soon to see a remake, the fixes may not seem that noticeable to a game like OoT 3D where you could see a clear contrast between both titles. I think Nintendo will wait a few more years simply so they can make sure that this remake vastly improves on the original.

However, that isn't the main problem here. TP is still very accessible, not only is the game easy to get a hold of but it's also rather cheap; average pricing is around £10, if I recall (that's a steal). This game can easily be played without little problems on the Nintendo's newest console, the Wii U. I think the biggest reason we got WWHD was due to the fact that the game was quite rare - this led to the game being hard to obtain and if you did it would it cost. It made sense to bring this game onto the Wii U and I'd still say it was premature but it was the right choice.


I think it'd invertible that we'll get this remake some day but I think we'll have to wait a bit longer. Majoras Mask is likely to be the next Zelda remake.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
How much I love TP I don't think it should be remade anytime soon. It is a bit too soon to have a remake already. Like Justa said it can be played on the wii-u as well so why make a remake out of it already? And I personally don't see it as a DS game at all. If it would be remade I would buy it in a heartbeat to play it on let's say a 3DS but I don't see that happen. The first game probably to be remade might indeed be MM so I don't think we can expect a TP remake soon


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I personally would rather see a MMHD on the DS. In saying that MM was fleshed out a lot more than the original versions of OOT were graphically speaking. But it's an idea. But I think MM is pretty much forgotten by Nintendo. There were a ton if different OOT releases and basically only 2 for MM. N64 and GC collectors edition. I think a DS HD remake or even WiiU virtual console store HD remake of OOT and MM would be very nice.

Well as someone has said, the DS or even the 3DS which you probably meant, is far from HD. I'm one of those people who think if MM is remade it should be in HD on the Wii U (I thought the same for OOT). A game like that should be on the big screen, I really like majoras mask having recently experienced the GC version. I like it probably more than WW. Unfortunately for me and others who share my views on this remake, so many people have asked for a 3ds release that we are unlikley to see MM on Wii U.
I like your idea of an HD OOT and MM port to Wii U VC store also, I just don't think it likley.:(


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
I don't think they should do this. The main reason they were releasing WWHD was to somewhat sate our appetite for a WiiU Zelda title before a new game. I would hope that Nintendo wouldn't have to make another remake in the time to still make the next new console Zelda.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I have mentioned my distaste for remakes plenty of times in the past, and this is definitely not an exception.

I honestly see no reason to remake this game. I was very shocked when I found out about TWWHD, because I would have never hoped for it. Just because a game has flaws is not a good reason to take the time remaking it when a brand new game would be wanted so much more. Honestly, I think Twilight Princess's flaws are what make the game what it is. They wouldn't be able to shrink the overworld while keeping the feel that the game presents, the graphics are fine. The only thing I would suggest changing about the game is increasing the amount of damage received when getting hit by enemies. That is the only real thing that truly bothers me about the game. The puzzles were solid, the sidequests were fun, the story was engaging, the characters were interesting. The game has many flaws, yes, but not enough to wager a remake IMO.

Plus, we just got an HD remake for the Wii U. Do we really need another? Besides, Twilight Princess is still a relatively new game, and one that can already be played on a Wii U console. Maybe a few years down the road, but I really don't want a remake.


Jan 26, 2013
Just use Dolphin, the models themselves are fairly high quality, so when comparing TP played in Dolphin(with the resolution turned up) to a remake, there shouldn't be a big difference.

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