- Joined
- Oct 22, 2010
I'm not sure if this should belong in another thread, but I'm gonna put it here since it's about TP. I want to discuss my top 10 Twilight Princess songs, and I want you guys to post yours, and maybe even an audio track or a Youtube link/video. Here goes! 
"Link is Coming." This is the song that plays when King Bulbin kidnaps Colin towards the beginnging of the game. I like it mostly because of the sadness to it, it made me feel like I was Colin being kidnaped, and Link was coming to save me (kind of, that's why it's 10...
"Sacred Grove." This song is Twilight Princess's version of "The Lost Woods"/"Saria's Song" from Ocarina of Time. I didn't love it, but when I heard it, it brought back memories of trying to find the Sacred Meadow, trying to hit the bulls-eye, and trying to get that heart piece from the song on the Virtual Console, so it made me feel kind of good inside.
"The Song That Plays When You Wait Too Long Without Pressing Any Buttons On The Title Screen." Yeah, I'm really not sure what to call it, so I'll call it the "Trailer" song.
I think this music would be perfect in a battle sequence, or pretty much anywhere in the game, it just sends off that sense of the darkness and the feeling that this isn't going to be the Zelda that you know and love, it'll be darker and more in-depth.
"Malo Mart." That high, upbeat music will never get old. I remember walking into Malo Mart in Hyrule Castle Town for the first time ,expecting it, but I still felt a sense of surprise... and Malo stilll freaks me out... cheap, creepy little bugger...
"Queen Rultela." I'm kinda cheating with this, since it is the Serenade of Water, but some people count the Wolf Songs as songs, so this one can count, too. I had never really loved the "Serenade of Water," but adding that extra music to it really gave it a better sound.
"Recover the Light." This song is when you save the light spirits after collecting the Tears of Light. I like this mostly because of it's background music, the stuff you don't hear as much, it's just... good in my opinion.
"Hidden Village." This song only plays twice, once when you're defeating the bulbins, next when you do the cat quest (after that, I liked cats a little bit less
), but this is still in my top 5 because I love it. ^^
"Credits." I love this classic remix of the calssic NES overworld theme/The Legend of Zelda theme song. Watching the cutscenes and reading some of the credits really added to the music somehow, and I really enjoyed beating Twilight Princess, I think I deserved that song.
"Gerudo Desert." This is another classic remix of a classic songfrom a classic game. Ocarina of Time introduced this song, and it stayed in my memory forever more. I have ALWAYS loved this song, but until I heard Number 1, THIS song was my Number 1.
Before I reveal the last song, let's recap:
10: Link is Coming
9: Sacred Grove
8: Trailer
7: Malo Mart
6: Queen Rutela
5: Recover the Light
4: Hidden Village
3: Credits
2: Gerudo Desert
1: .........
"Midna's Lament." I KNow for a fact that this is alot of people's favorites. No matter how many times I hear this song, get annoyed by it, or even plug my ears to it, this will probably always be my favorite song, but maybe only in Twilight Princess. Anyways, this song really made me feel the pain Midna was going through, and to tell the truth, I just sat there for a minute or two on purpose jsut to listen to the song in this scene. I hope you enjoy/ed this song as much as I did/do.
Well, I hope you liked it! Most of the songs can be found in these two videos:
So for now, adios!
~Linkanon: Ninja Zora o.o

"Link is Coming." This is the song that plays when King Bulbin kidnaps Colin towards the beginnging of the game. I like it mostly because of the sadness to it, it made me feel like I was Colin being kidnaped, and Link was coming to save me (kind of, that's why it's 10...

"Sacred Grove." This song is Twilight Princess's version of "The Lost Woods"/"Saria's Song" from Ocarina of Time. I didn't love it, but when I heard it, it brought back memories of trying to find the Sacred Meadow, trying to hit the bulls-eye, and trying to get that heart piece from the song on the Virtual Console, so it made me feel kind of good inside.

"The Song That Plays When You Wait Too Long Without Pressing Any Buttons On The Title Screen." Yeah, I'm really not sure what to call it, so I'll call it the "Trailer" song.

"Malo Mart." That high, upbeat music will never get old. I remember walking into Malo Mart in Hyrule Castle Town for the first time ,expecting it, but I still felt a sense of surprise... and Malo stilll freaks me out... cheap, creepy little bugger...
"Queen Rultela." I'm kinda cheating with this, since it is the Serenade of Water, but some people count the Wolf Songs as songs, so this one can count, too. I had never really loved the "Serenade of Water," but adding that extra music to it really gave it a better sound.
"Recover the Light." This song is when you save the light spirits after collecting the Tears of Light. I like this mostly because of it's background music, the stuff you don't hear as much, it's just... good in my opinion.
"Hidden Village." This song only plays twice, once when you're defeating the bulbins, next when you do the cat quest (after that, I liked cats a little bit less

"Credits." I love this classic remix of the calssic NES overworld theme/The Legend of Zelda theme song. Watching the cutscenes and reading some of the credits really added to the music somehow, and I really enjoyed beating Twilight Princess, I think I deserved that song.

"Gerudo Desert." This is another classic remix of a classic songfrom a classic game. Ocarina of Time introduced this song, and it stayed in my memory forever more. I have ALWAYS loved this song, but until I heard Number 1, THIS song was my Number 1.
Before I reveal the last song, let's recap:
10: Link is Coming
9: Sacred Grove
8: Trailer
7: Malo Mart
6: Queen Rutela
5: Recover the Light
4: Hidden Village
3: Credits
2: Gerudo Desert
1: .........
"Midna's Lament." I KNow for a fact that this is alot of people's favorites. No matter how many times I hear this song, get annoyed by it, or even plug my ears to it, this will probably always be my favorite song, but maybe only in Twilight Princess. Anyways, this song really made me feel the pain Midna was going through, and to tell the truth, I just sat there for a minute or two on purpose jsut to listen to the song in this scene. I hope you enjoy/ed this song as much as I did/do.
Well, I hope you liked it! Most of the songs can be found in these two videos:
So for now, adios!
~Linkanon: Ninja Zora o.o