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Tingle. Good, evil, or on something?

Is Tingle good, evil, or on something?

  • Good

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  • Evil

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  • On someting

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Hes beyond evil.... beyond anything you could ever imagine.......
Oct 18, 2007
Hes on drugs or something....... seriously isn't it wierd to see a grown man think he's a fairy and act like a kid? 100 rupees to the first person to agree with me!

You need to pay closer attention to all the Zelda characters...

I'm not trying to back up Tingle here, but it's pointless to only call him a thief. What about Link? He even breaks into people's houses, smashes their jars and steals whatever is in there.


Apr 19, 2009
Seriously. He is none of the above.

He is not Evil, he doesn't make people his slave. Knuckle and Ankle are his brothers who work with him to raise as many Rupees as possible. Dave JR is someone who none of the brothers seem to know but seems to want to be like the three Tingle Brothers, and presumably, is also under Uncle Rupee's curse due to the clothing.

He also did not make Uncle Rupee up. If you play Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, you will see why Tingle is who he is. Why he is a middle-aged freak in tights who thinks he is six years old. Uncle Rupee is not made up, it's not like Tingle uses it as an excuse to con people out of their money.

Also, he isn't a theif. People think his prices in WW are outrageous. However, if you really think about it. He is the only person on any of the islands (that we know about) who can translate these ancient and rare maps. I'm sorry, but that is one hell of a talent, and if that was me, I'd be charging an awful lot more the 398 Rupees.

Also, we know he is not "Good" because *SPOILERS* in the alternate ending for Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, he has the chance to wish for absolutely ANYTHING (Triforce anyone?) However, even though the 'Great Fairy' is telling him to wish for money to be gone from the to get rid of the nad rupee power 'yada yada blah blah blah.' He actually wishes for the money, girls and fine lifestyle that he was originally aiming for when he made the deal to raise Rupees to get to Rupeeland. This shows us he is selfish, and thus ruling out the possibility of him being 'Good.'

The thing about Tingle is, in MM he just doesn't make sense. In MC, he says he wants to be a fairy. That makes perfect sense after he has seen what Pinkle can do, and he also possibly wants to be with her. In MM, he wants a fairy, I guess this kind of makes sense as perhaps he has just ruled out the possibility of becoming a fairy and perhaps he just misses having a compainion like Pinkle. So I guess he does make sense in MM. Haha, talk about contradicting yourself :D.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
Tingle is a good person. He isn't evil. He isn't on something. So, all that remains is good. So he's good. :D

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
You need to pay closer attention to all the Zelda characters...

I'm not trying to back up Tingle here, but it's pointless to only call him a thief. What about Link? He even breaks into people's houses, smashes their jars and steals whatever is in there.

Dude while cluclu did say that he's a thief and i do agree with him i never said that he was a thief in my other post. i just said that he was on drugs meaning he's crazy. and yeah link does go into peoples houses to smash pots and snag what may be inside so in that case link is a thief too. anyways tingle is the most annoying character in the series beyond even navi. he's loopy in the head.


Apr 19, 2009
Dude while cluclu did say that he's a thief and i do agree with him i never said that he was a thief in my other post. i just said that he was on drugs meaning he's crazy. and yeah link does go into peoples houses to smash pots and snag what may be inside so in that case link is a thief too. anyways tingle is the most annoying character in the series beyond even navi. he's loopy in the head.

Have you played Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland? If not you cannot judge. I'm sorry but I hate when people do this, it's like me saying 'ah Error is stupid.' When I know nothing about Error so it is an unfair judgement to make. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Tingle has reasons for being so weird. He was -as far as we know- a normal person until he met Uncle Rupee.


Time for waffles
Jul 9, 2009
Los Angeles
Dude, there are plenty of reasons to believe Tingle is a theif because, as you said, he is selfish, and also, the stolen pictobox was in his cell. We have no evidence against it not being him besides the fact that he claims not to have done anything, which is not berygood evidence considering that he was in jail.

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