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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread

Feb 3, 2019
In the night...

KingofDominaria has died. He was...


Day 3 will last 72 hours ending at 10:00 PM Eastern Time Saturday, September 11th.

Day 3 begins now.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Alright well looks like I'm still alive somehow. I've been doing really badly this game, especially yesterday, but it was also kinda a rough day for me personally. I notice how eager Ex was to get the wagon off of me, and seeing as how my reasons were that I felt like I'd be better off dead to town since I was getting sussed all over the place and should just be taken out of the way to be one less distraction has me thinking Ex is scum and wants me alive for those very reasons.
Sep 6, 2017
Had this post typed up at the end of the day yesterday but bc of the hammer, i didn’t get to post it:

I think we all agree here that this role would be absurd for a mafia character since it would be able to pretty much guarantee a mislynch pretty much everyday. So I'm hoping you'll not start tinfoiling me over that.
I can actually see it as mafia-aligned if it is x-shot, but damn, what a cool role tho.

After saying you'd be fine with a Fig lynch?
Damn that would look pretty bad no matter the outcome now right
I never said I'd be fine with a Fig lynch. I said that he was on my radar earlier in the day, but that he took himself off of it as the day progressed, and that I would ISO him during the night.

It doesn't matter, the game is going to look pretty **** if Fig flips green. But I suppose you did say you'd take the responsibility for that, so I guess you've got nothing much to lose.

Well, Chevy is off the table, and gun to my head, I'd rather lynch Gumball by my own convictions today rather than being forced to lynch Fig. So,

VOTE: LittleGumball


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
if you're really settled on dying you should at least consider whether your role can help clear you up

throwing the towel like this is kinda lame
just because you're lost and being suspected it doesn't mean you shouldn't fight until the bitter end
This really ain't gonna help my case but if I claim I lose it.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
1. personally i'm going to forgive anyone's activity whomst was busy on labor day (this is mostly just me and rubik but whatever)
2. i typed this in notepad instead of quoting things on zd bc my computer is prone to crashing lately and i don't want to potentially lose progress, i pinky promise i copy/pasted things and did not edit any quotes they are all legitimate quotes
3. i read "who's leslie" once and leslie is kirino, there's a story i'll tell you about postgame if you want, i just prefer to type leslie on my phone bc i don't like it when my phone learns words that aren't words and tries to correct to them lmao
4. **** it i'll just post my notes whomst cares n e more if i get nkd i'm gonna be so mad i'm staying up late as **** to write this. this is gonna be so hard to read i'm genuinely really sorry about this one folkz
5. **** i should have been writing down post number. ****. ****. i am a moron. a dingus, even. a dip**** if you will. a ****o. a stinker

so ex's role makes him look like town
rubik vs naga's communication role does look good would be neat to have actual nontown neighbor roles once in a while so people don't treat them like masons tho, anyway rubik is probably town
kod is rly hard to read, not like scumwise it's just physically hard to read his posts (wrote this before his death but it's funny so i'm keeping it)

caps vote on deku seemed genuine, not sure if that makes him town tho
" I think I should start by saying that I was jailed last night by Naga. Although I have seen jailers in both alignments, I would rather not lynch them today.
I was put in a Jailor chat with them."
oh nvm this makes caps town, with the scum naga flip
if you didn't answer this already what did u talk about


"For his part, Chevy's 180 over my aggro towards Rubik does stand out like an open wound. That behavior, in particular, has me leaning heavily towards Chevy as being scum. "
i said this exact thing verbatim why r ppl sussing me over my chevy suspicion and not kod (this was sarcasm)
i will say though unless kod is the ultimate lucky student himself he's probably town unless he's got massive huevos (also keeping these bc it's funny)

chevy: Bro we just started the phase. Are you sure you wanna go this hard so early?
^this still pings me rly hard sorry man, it's nothing personal it just pings tf out of me when someone literally tries to quell discussion. any new player can make that mistake regardless of alignment tbh
that plus following kod around simply because he is an experienced player is making me scumread chevy (quote to follow):
I'm just trying to avoid jumping on an accusation because it's there, I'd rather have good evidence and read that person for myself instead of sheeping.
"I was just applying pressure, making them back up their accusations. Is there a better way I could be doing that?"
yes. other people have probably explained it and i'm not going to rn i have better things to do (catch up and scumhunt) instead of coach someone i think is noob scum how to hide their scumminess lmao u feel me
i will say this though, chevrolet lupis if you vote yourself again i'll hit you irl, always fight to the end, you never know how it can turn out. that's my coaching for u (plus it's more fun to fight for life anyway)
"That's my intention, taking a distraction away from town."
i'm sure someone has said this as well but that's the opposite of taking away a distraction to the town tbvh my dude; but now u know and i'm not faulting you for this post in particular
yall making me feel mean smh

like this solving from leslie:
I figure Minish is the scum kill and KJ is some vig/3rd party kill, because that makes the most sense. It's probably just because she's a strong player, though it might be notable that she was town reading Ex.
however he had a weird tunnel on ex:
In all seriousness, I don't think Minish is a kill Ex usually makes here, yeah, although he's not the only scum. Maybe I'm just being stubborn in sticking to my initial suspicion, idk.
maybe a scum trying to seem consistent with suspicions????????????????? that's a bigg stretch tho
"I knew someone would bring this up lol. I probably would've voted for him but I honestly just forgot to check the game after that post"
honestly i don't blame you this weekend was packed for me i imagine it was probably busy for other people too
"I don't support a Chevy lynch at all."
ok maybe i'm just tunneling chevy but this is a bad look for leslie, looks like someone's white knighting for chevron for some town cred. do you honestly think someone who self voted and left the thread is a good asset to the town?

@ rubik is this a bit or [were] you genuinely suspicious of kod:
I do fear the level of dishonesty he is capable of, though. I can never believe him ever again after some of the lies he's told for no reason.

@ ex:
"I'm still extremely on the fence on what to think about Caps. Him outting Naga's role makes me extremely uncomfortable. Did the thought of him maybe being town's last protective role not cross your mind?"
1. does naga's flip change this? 2. the wording of this is pinging me, how do you know anyone's role who's died???? besides rubik confirming deku's role
"Naga doesn't even have access to the internet right now, that's just a half assed PoE."
so you're sussing me for not talking in my chat with rubik when we're busy but you're okay with naga being busy
"I think we all agree here that this role would be absurd for a mafia character since it would be able to pretty much guarantee a mislynch pretty much everyday. So I'm hoping you'll not start tinfoiling me over that."
read eod and yeah this role would be way too op in the hands of town unless it's 1shot and can't be used in -Lo
"not only cracking a game with claims is LAME"
sorry rubik i've found a new bf

ex said this but idk where to throw it in my non-organization here but here it is:
"these wagons are too shallow, can we get them a bit deepened?"
ummmm ackshually, my vote on chevy was the deepest anyone could possibly have gone tyvm i think i explained myself very well ackshually (in case it wasn't clear this was also a bit)

regarding me:
Looking back, I find LG's suspicion of Chevy a bit odd. She was basically suspicious that he pushed back on the sudden Rubik wagon, only for her to admit that she was kind of confused by it herself.
hi leslie can you explain this one a bit more? when was i confused about my chevy suspicion? i was suspicious of him for dampening discussion and something else that i thought i remembered but didn't see on my reread so i guess it doesn't matter (there are other things in the chevy box now anyway)
"The one thing chevy has done in his favor today imo is he said one interesting thing about caps that I'll look into but again I've been barely present so I haven't noticed the thing he's talking about"
that was me i said this, the thing chevy said that i liked was his analysis of caps here:
"He's got a lot of content, but I don't think he's had many original thoughts, it seems mainly like just replying and agreeing, albeit building on, what other people are saying. So just because he's not starting any wagons doesn't mean he's not contributing I suppose."
which i thought was suspicious of caps but since naga jailed him i'm locking him in as town so i'm disregarding it
" Oh. You're that Gumball. That makes more sense."
tf does that mean lmao i'm not that ugly
"Also, what's with the double talk? As in, similar to my issue with Cap, you say you noticed something interesting that Chevy pointed out (in his favor) concerning Cap, but you haven't noticed the thing he's talking about? How could it be interesting in the first place if you're not paying enough attention to even notice what he's talking about? Where's the reference point to make that assessment?"
what i meant was it was really interesting and noteable but i hadn't been paying enough attention to notice that thing about caps myself. i looked for it during the reread but again, i'm writing caps off as town bc of the naga thing
from ex:
"I don't know, I guess it's more of a gut feeling. I'd expect them to interact quite a bit in their night chat, but this avoidance makes me think that at least one of them might've been avoiding it."
bro we spent the entire extended weekend together irl we're not going to sit in a mafia chat. if he ignored me in favor of a game i would've gone ballistic
from caps:
"The bold in these two posts are oddly similar to me; on D1, LG essentially wants to put their vote somewhere it won't matter, so they will at least have one...then they sus Fig for "putting a vote somewhere so it didn't look scummy not to have one." Contradictory imo."
there's a difference between being inactive and leaving a vote, and being active and leaving a vote. in my case my vote literally did not matter, no one was looking at rubik nor were they going to, and ex is (i say this affectionately) very chaotic and always gets a ton of attention, esp when he thinks he's going to die. I didn't want to touch that while i was away no way Jose. fig (if i recall correctly, i'm not going back to d1 again rn sozzles m8s) was more roundabout and not as open about it, just slid into the end of day and talked to minish a little and dropped what i saw as an easy vote. although we know now that i was wrong, upside down smiley face
" They were only my neighbor night one, not day one."
thanx for clearing that up b
"If Gumball is not lynched today then I plan to come at her guns blazing at the start of the next day."
then shoot me ***** [steam coming out of nose emoji]
" fig (5)- LG, chevy, caps, ex, kirino"
sorry fig i wanted to lynch chevy actually, shrug

those are my (slightly edited for readability) notes i did last night, also for some reason, this:
vanilla makes me so hard dude
idk why but this was just uhhhh stuck in my quotes list lmao
Apr 30, 2019
yeah unfortunately i forgot. pffft. glad the d1 wagon was finally solved.

i haven't read yet but fig being voted out is smelly


Staff member
ZD Champion
Alright well looks like I'm still alive somehow. I've been doing really badly this game, especially yesterday, but it was also kinda a rough day for me personally. I notice how eager Ex was to get the wagon off of me, and seeing as how my reasons were that I felt like I'd be better off dead to town since I was getting sussed all over the place and should just be taken out of the way to be one less distraction has me thinking Ex is scum and wants me alive for those very reasons.
Are you out of your mind, why would I draw a ton of attention like that to me to save your ass if I were scum?
And if my role was mafia then mafia would be able to literally easily hammer everyone in pretty much every phase, it literally makes no sense to even think of me as scum.

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