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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I'm still rereading them but there's something a bit off about them.
His behaviour D1 was kinda opportunistic too with his vote making Deku vastly ahead. Scum would like a headstart here to prevent a CFD.

I will admit, it's been a hard minute since I played mafia in a forum and because I'm not used to a post minimum in comparison to irl mafia or even in other mafia-esque games like Among Us. By the time I chimed in, it was within the final 12 hours of the first day so I had to read everything again just to make sure I didn't miss a thing. I still believe in my intent being suspicious of Deku was justified because it's still weird that because of one line you said that practically had no weight in it (most people are going to say they like their role whether they are town or not) compared to Chevy just randomly stating that he and I are for sure town when there's no evidence to prove neither's innocence's is why I'm still pinning my suspicion on Chevy because trying to blend with people because of what they said is a bad move as that's what a potential scum player would say by trying to be friendly with others.

I'm not sure, a bit I guess?
I find a bit odd that Killjoy was the one killed, right? Since the one that flipped was Deku, shooting Killjoy doesn't really make much sense.
In any case they both being in your wagon is likely a coincidence because it's unlikely both kills were performed in coordination.
Not just Killjoy, Minish also died the past night so we should be down to 10 out of 13 players. I read their past interactions to see if either they spoke to someone who is still alive or if there was someone who targeted either player whether through a random vote or by discussion. On that regard, I couldn't find much of a lead.


Jun 19, 2010
I don't quite like that Fig has been focusing on fairly easy targets in the form of Deku and then Chevy, in both cases following suspicions made by others. In particular, he's spent today focused almost entirely on pushing Chevy in a way that's struck me as kind of try-hard, while largely ignoring the KoD-Caps dispute or the analysis of yesterday's wagons, for example.

Rubik is likely to be town given his telling the truth about his role as confirmed by LG. Furthermore, since we know scum have fake claims, it'd be pretty superfluous for Rubik to have one if he were scum, which makes me figure this is probably just a town role.

KoD is giving me kind of a headache. The main point in favor of him being town is that no one stepped in to save him, including himself, which is pretty convincing, especially since we know he was around for EoD.

I think Caps actually gave a pretty solid analysis of the wagons, with the one exception of failing to notice that KoD didn't vote to save himself. This alone personally doesn't make me that suspicious of him, since I also failed to take this into account at first, but in his few posts after, it's true that he didn't really use it to change his analysis, and I would definitely like to hear to what extent it makes him rethink his view on KoD in particular.

Ex's posts haven't been very memorable to me today: mostly a lot of question-asking and speculating. Besides that, I mostly remember his pushing of Rubik for what seemed to kind of obviously be just a pressure vote.

Looking back, I find LG's suspicion of Chevy a bit odd. She was basically suspicious that he pushed back on the sudden Rubik wagon, only for her to admit that she was kind of confused by it herself.

I understand the wagon on Chevy overall, especially since it's mostly coming from people who aren't familiar with him. All I can really say is that nothing he's shown here has been very atypical of him, even though I'd consider his flop-flop on Rubik to be suspicious in most other contexts. The one thing that makes me sour on him slightly is his comment on Fig.

@Chevywolf30: What are your thoughts on Rubik now that he's claimed?


Staff member
ZD Champion
KoD (4)- Rubik, Naga, Minish, Killjoy - Obs: Last second wagon. Counterwagon.
Deku (4)- Caps, Ex, FG, Fig - Obs: Leading wagon for most of the Day. Likely to have at least one scum
Ex (1)- Deku
(1)- LG - Obs: Doesn't affect major wagons, RVS vote. Unlikely a scum-scum interaction.
Kirino (1)- KoD - Obs: Didn't affect major wagons, Joke(?) vote. Didn't self preserve?
Fig (1)- Chevy - Obs: Didn't affect major wagons. Same as RVS vote.
LG (1)- Kirino - Obs: Kirino unvoted, he didn't vote for anyone at the end of the Day

Rubik is likely to be town given his telling the truth about his role as confirmed by LG. Furthermore, since we know scum have fake claims, it'd be pretty superfluous for Rubik to have one if he were scum, which makes me figure this is probably just a town role.
oh hmm you're right about that
I find his role itself to be NAI at best, specially considering according to him Deku has a similar (if not identical) role. But bringing up whether scum would need fake claims if they had ambiguous roles is a good point.
Dec 13, 2019
@ Kirino:

Interesting short summary. So, have you actually come to a conclusion regarding me other than being "a headache"?

wrt to Fig, you're certainly right to hit on Fig for not commenting on Cap and myself; however, I do believe Fig's approach to this day so far is quite good concerning Chevy as Chevy has displayed two scummy actions: the flip-flop on my Rubik case, then trying to group Fig and himself by way of saying he "knows [we] are both town". You say that this is atypical of Chevy, yet Chevy, over there (as I've mentioned before), has made it a point to say that he's been trying to improve and watch for making those kinds of "mistakes" were that the case. Fact of the matter is Chevy made some scummy moves and got called on it. Explaining it away as newb-ish seems like an attempt at damage control as it were.

But hey, I don't know the fellow. All I know is what I see whether or not that is truly the matter of the situation.

@ Chevy: Your thoughts on Cap pls. As much as you can produce.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
He's got a lot of content, but I don't think he's had many original thoughts, it seems mainly like just replying and agreeing, albeit building on, what other people are saying. So just because he's not starting any wagons doesn't mean he's not contributing I suppose.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I said that your argument was pushing me towards Rubik as in, your argument led me to believe either you or Rubik were more likely to be scum, based on what I know of Naga's role. The rest is accurate, I then saw Rubik's claim, then contemplated that there is potential for all four votes on you last phase to be town. It's not for sure thing, as now that Rubik has claimed, Naga is more suspicious. On the flip side, from my POV, you are too, because in the world all votes on you are town, it's odd that two of them died in the night. I suppose this then means that it is likely that if Naga is town, you are scum. Does that help clarify my logic a bit more?
I kinda wanna zero in on this. He takes what you were saying and builds a pretty strong case against Rubik based on it. So basically I'm liking his stuff overall, just something about his methods seem a little eccentric, I'm probably overthinking. He just seems to want everyone's opinions before making judgements, and I could go either way with that, wanting to town lean him for it because his judgments look pretty good.
Sep 6, 2017
Considering Deku also seemed to have a role like rubik's, then at least 3 so far.
What did you and Naga talk in the chat?
So, they never actually said anything, and given that they haven't posted yet this phase (and didn't meet post count last phase) I'm guessing they are generally inactive at the moment.

Initially, I didn't want to lynch them because I wanted to see a little bit more from them before I made a decision on their alignment, and I'd rather have more info before we start lynching PRs. But the longer the phase goes on without them showing up, the more it gives a bad taste in my mouth. Rubik's claim looks pretty good in hindsight, and there do seem to be quite a few OC-related roles, so it wouldn't surprise me for one of them to be scum. I still want to hear from Naga before I make a decision, though.
Dec 13, 2019
Huh. What do you think about Cap's thoughts regarding me with the theory/idea that I could be scum given the roles of the people that were voting me?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
@ Kirino:

Interesting short summary. So, have you actually come to a conclusion regarding me other than being "a headache"?

wrt to Fig, you're certainly right to hit on Fig for not commenting on Cap and myself; however, I do believe Fig's approach to this day so far is quite good concerning Chevy as Chevy has displayed two scummy actions: the flip-flop on my Rubik case, then trying to group Fig and himself by way of saying he "knows [we] are both town". You say that this is atypical of Chevy, yet Chevy, over there (as I've mentioned before), has made it a point to say that he's been trying to improve and watch for making those kinds of "mistakes" were that the case. Fact of the matter is Chevy made some scummy moves and got called on it. Explaining it away as newb-ish seems like an attempt at damage control as it were.

But hey, I don't know the fellow. All I know is what I see whether or not that is truly the matter of the situation.

@ Chevy: Your thoughts on Cap pls. As much as you can produce.

Main reason why I haven't "acknowledged" the exchange between you and Cap is because I have been keeping up with the thread, and any questions/concerns I had at the time were answered in a then later post. Yes I do acknowledge that conversation as well, I just know I wouldn't have else much to offer given my concerns were already addressed before I could respond/elaborate more if I could.

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