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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
2. Through the discussion we've had for Day 2, you have at various points like to say things trying to persuade others to believe you are town. That statement of:
put more suspicion on you whether you had good intentions or potentially trying to persuade me to be on your side should anything happen. As far as I'm aware, you haven't done anything to guarantee yourself you are town in my eyes so to claim you that just so happen to know that you and I are confirmed town is not only a bad play but also a tactic to reduce suspicion and blend in back with the crowd after being exposed with flawed or at the very least, incomplete logic. The only people I can trust is myself and the dead players.
I have actually avoided this very behavior in the past and now I feel justified in doing so. I've always tried not to say "I'm town," explicitly because I'd rather just show it with my actions, and now I'm reminded why I did that.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I have actually avoided this very behavior in the past and now I feel justified in doing so. I've always tried not to say "I'm town," explicitly because I'd rather just show it with my actions, and now I'm reminded why I did that.

The problem is that you are still trying to claim and lump me with you saying that you know that we are both town when there is no proof that neither of us are. I don't like that one bit and I rather disassociate because that's a tactic that either newer players or scum utilize to fit in with the town when they have nothing better to say.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
The problem is that you are still trying to claim and lump me with you saying that you know that we are both town when there is no proof that neither of us are. I don't like that one bit and I rather disassociate because that's a tactic that either newer players or scum utilize to fit in with the town when they have nothing better to say.
Really. I've played 8 games and I'm still making new player mistakes? Because I can assure that's what it is. Just frustrated, I should be better than this
Dec 13, 2019
@ Ex:

Do I need a reason to not vote to save myself from dying? It's my vote after all is it not? I specifically stated my intent previously regarding where I was placing my vote.

That being said, how is your progression on Rubik in light of him, having been pressured, claiming? Does it not sway you? And with respect to Chevy, how do you view his flip-flop regarding his initial reaction to me followed by his support of my agenda along with how he's been reacting to people (Fig) questioning his intent behind the wording of some of his posts?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on these as you've, mostly from my recollection, have focused on questions to others as well as voiced a dislike of Rubik having voted you earlier (which I mean, that's one thing sure). Surely you've got more to bring to the table, right?
Sep 6, 2017
It's based on your wording. I took it to mean that in pushing against my argument, you weren't prone to agreeing (in any degree) to what I was saying. Thus, the comment about pushing you towards Rubik was taken to mean in support of him. From there you see Rubik's claim and go on to contemplate a scum!me.

I said that your argument was pushing me towards Rubik as in, your argument led me to believe either you or Rubik were more likely to be scum, based on what I know of Naga's role. The rest is accurate, I then saw Rubik's claim, then contemplated that there is potential for all four votes on you last phase to be town. It's not for sure thing, as now that Rubik has claimed, Naga is more suspicious. On the flip side, from my POV, you are too, because in the world all votes on you are town, it's odd that two of them died in the night. I suppose this then means that it is likely that if Naga is town, you are scum. Does that help clarify my logic a bit more?

Also, to answer that second question, I'm saying all of it. After all, in positing that maybe I am scum, you hit on that scum were probably already on the wagon and thus couldn't save me; however, you go on to assert that there is likely one scum on Deku's wagon and one not based solely on wagonomics (no details provided).

I said it was possible for you to be scum and for another scum to be between myself, Funnygirl, Ex, and Fig. I think it's likely there is one scum on the Deku wagon regardless because I highly doubt that all the mafia are between Naga and those not on a major wagon.

Nevermind that it is glaring that my vote was absent from Deku, and that I asserted I wouldn't be voting there no matter what. It's interesting that you'd sus me for surviving a rand vote as potential scum in the first place.

At best that makes you questionable to me.

For what it's worth, I missed that assertion.

That's a fair accusation.

I'm a bit curious here
How'd you know he jailed you if he blocked you? Or is this part of his role?
I was put in a Jailor chat with them.


Staff member
ZD Champion
That being said, how is your progression on Rubik in light of him, having been pressured, claiming? Does it not sway you? And with respect to Chevy, how do you view his flip-flop regarding his initial reaction to me followed by his support of my agenda along with how he's been reacting to people (Fig) questioning his intent behind the wording of some of his posts?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on these as you've, mostly from my recollection, have focused on questions to others as well as voiced a dislike of Rubik having voted you earlier (which I mean, that's one thing sure). Surely you've got more to bring to the table, right?
How sure are you that someone between Naga and Rubik is scum? With what Caps just brought up, they both have awfully similar roles. I can't see his claim as more than NAI if we assume one of them is scum.
Rubik behavior thinking the claim will just save him kinda gives town-Rubik vibes, but that's all he has going for him. I really don't like how he didn't defend Deku in any way shape or form and is now here pointing fingers as if saying that he told us so while not collaborating much.

Chevy is kinda naturally flip-floppy. He's still kinda new to mafia (despite prolly having like 10 games under his belt...?). I'm a bit lost in the convo between him and Fig honestly, I'll prolly have to reread because it was a bit rough to understand what they're even saying.
I'll elaborate a bit more below about the you-him interaction.

Also, how keen are you on voting to lynch Chevy? I'd like to know your response to this as well.
I know my logic D1 was a bit faulty, but his commentary back then did strike as odd to me. He says he didn't bother answering because he figured I was 'joking' but when people kinda defended him he made sure to like their posts as if to approve his defense.
Stuff like him pressuring you and then backing up because he "underestimated" you feels like he was praying on someone less experienced than him to make a push, which also comes off as kinda scummy.

I'd feel a bit bad because he's active and trying to do something; but overall I wouldn't mind his lynch, honestly. I always have a bit of a hard time reading him and that's probably an easy way to solve him early on.

that's what, two so far? Jailor and neighbor-jumper?
Considering Deku also seemed to have a role like rubik's, then at least 3 so far.
What did you and Naga talk in the chat?
Apr 30, 2019
chevy's new? sure dawg

not voting to save yourself is weird but it's more likely for a town to do that than scum/3p... well... i don't think 3p does that. i'm liking caps so far i think. at least i feel more confident bc someone didn't think he was alarming enough to be deaddo
Dec 13, 2019

No, it does not. The clarification on the wording is one thing, but your logic wasn't confusing me at all. Rather, your approach to me in lieu of the tie vote (of which I could have avoided had I bothered to vote Deku in the first place) is suspect since you're talking likelihoods. The likelihood that all votes on me were town (by virtue of two having been killed on me and one, potentially, being a vig type hit as opposed to both kills being mafia controlled). Further, I see no due diligence on your part in factoring that, the tie vote, into your assessment of me even after your admittance that "it was a hole in my logic" and nothing further. I'll grant that I haven't read beyond your first question so I'll see if you actually give serious contemplation to the entire situation as opposed to just one part (which had to be brought up by me no less wrt to you talking about me).


I said it was possible for you to be scum and for another scum to be between myself, Funnygirl, Ex, and Fig. I think it's likely there is one scum on the Deku wagon regardless because I highly doubt that all the mafia are between Naga and those not on a major wagon.

For what it's worth, I missed that assertion.

That's a fair accusation.

And there we have it.

Thinking back to this and knowing at least something about each player on the KoD wagon I'm now more unsure about KoD being town. I think it's possible if KoD is scum that there was no effort to save him because perhaps there were already scum on the Deku wagon to the point where they didn't expect the wagon to build fast enough for lynch to be a possibility? Regardless I think there is likely one scum on the Deku wagon based solely on wagonomics.

With all that you've said, your logic is definitely baffling, and you're certainly avoiding giving fair consideration to the more plausible scenario that no one bothered breaking the tie (wrt to scum) because they didn't care who died. The fact that I lived and now have you, at several points, pointing and saying, "KoD may be scum," is a great indication to how insincere you are to doing the due diligence necessary to assess the context of the tie vote and my continued existence [as likely town as opposed to scum].

The third quote here is your initial wording regarding your thought process. Straight up, you are UNSURE of me being town, and go on to flesh out why it is possible for me to be scum. The idea you craft is strictly scum couldn't have saved me due to their votes were already on the Deku wagon (and they didn't react to my wagon because they didn't expect such a flash wagon while having already been on Deku's and thus being unwilling to unvote from there).

But it gets better.

Despite what you craft, you then say you believe that at least one scum is on Deku (not both scum, at least one) which leaves up in the air where the other scum is. You've already spoken at length of Naga. If he was scum, then he was trying to bus me were I scum (and you're certainly not pushing towards Naga like you are with me in your ideas). Who else does that leave? Anyone else not on a major wagon that could have saved me because they were not on the Deku wagon. This puts a major hole into your first idea that scum didn't save me, were I scum, since the floating scum player could have saved me.

The alternative to this complicated and unnecessary scenario? I'm town that didn't bother to save myself with my own vote.

Despite all that though, when addressing the tie vote situation you simply say, "Oh I missed that. My bad," or, "True. Fair. Sorry."

Do you see how disingenuous that is? Because I do. You certainly do the mental gymnastics with painting a scenario where, as scum, I'm not saved for X and Y reasons, but when it comes to addressing the *****glaring***** reality that I could have used my vote to save myself you're rather mute on the topic at length.

Bravo. You've just skyrocketed to the top of my scum list over Ex since, with Ex, all I really had against him was just a post that seemingly looked like him coaching Chevy in reacting in thread. But you? You're going through great lengths to hedge between me, mostly, and Rubik (initially) until you settle into your idea that knowing all the roles on my wagon makes it look like I'm not town.

@ Everyone else:

At this point I'm game for either a Chevy or Caps lynch.

Strictly speaking, given this most recent post, I'm much more interested in Caps flipping. The glaring mistake/intentional lack of some logic in assessing me has me firmly in the game that Caps is scum. Chevy, for his part, still sits at a number 2 for me simply because of his flip from my initial post going after Rubik to then supporting me and how he's handled himself since then.

I, in no way, will complain if Chevy gets lynched over Caps. I will fully support either and vote to avoid any ties as needed between these two and others.

Unvote, Vote: TheCapsFan


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
please help
Regarding why mafia/3rd party didn't kill the other accused person is either they thought it would be obvious enough that if there is a 3rd party, said 3rd party could either kill the accused on their behalf. The other reason would be to inflict more chaos/fear onto the group because it is quite possible that Minish and/or Killjoy could have provided some insight of what happened should they have lived.

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